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Researchers upend AI status quo by eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs
  • Good

    Edit: Oh shit nvm. It still requires dedicated HW (FPGA). This is no different than say, an NPU. But to be fair, they also said the researcher tested the model on traditional GPU too and reduce memory consumption.

  • Why can't I append to list inside of a list comprehension?
  • No problems. Learning a new concept is not stupid. So you are familiar with C. In C term, you are likely to do something like this:

    int a[10] = {0}; // Just imagine this is 0,1,2,etc...
    int b[10] = {0};
    for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
      b[i] = a[i]*2;

    A 1 to 1 correspondent might looks like ths:

    a = range(10) # 0,1,2,etc...
    b = []
    for x in a:

    However in python, you can then simplify to this:

    a = range(10) # Same as before, 0,1,2,etc...
    b = [x*2 for x in a]
    # This is also works
    b = [x*2 for x in [0,1,2,...]]

    Remember that list comprehension is used to make a new list, not just iteration. If you want to do something other than making a list from another list, it is better to use iteration. List comprehension is just "syntactic sugar" so to speak. The concept comes from functional programming paradigm.

  • Why can't I append to list inside of a list comprehension?
  • You can. Whatever the method returns will be the element of that list. So if for example I do this:

    def mul(x):
      return x*2
    list = [mul(value) for value in range(1,20)]

    It will have the same effect. But this:

    def mul(x):
    list = [mul(value) for value in range(1,20)]

    Will just makes the list element all None

    Edit to add more: List comprehension works not from the range function. Rather, the range function is returning a list. Hence the name, "list comprehension". You can use any old list for it.

    What it did under the hood is that it iterates each element on the list that you specify (the in ...), and applies those to the function that you specify in the very first place. If you are familiar with the concept of in other languages, this is that. There is also a technical explanation for it if it helps, but it requires more time to explain. Just let me know if you would like to know it.

  • Why can't I append to list inside of a list comprehension?
  • List comprehension is not whatever you're doing there. An example of list comprehension:

    list = [value*2 for value in range(1, 20)]

    See, list comprehension is used to make a list from an existing list. The value of the new list is defined by a function. In this case, the value of a will be 2,4,6, etc.

    Your current syntax list[...], is trying to access an element of a list.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • Huh, interesting. I thought that Fedora was following the Debian stable model. Well then my next recommendation would be Fedora based I think.

    But I disagree that bleeding edge means you are an alpha tester. That means developers are releasing alpha willy nilly. I'd even argue that at a certain pace of Hardware and Software development, the latest version of software you have the better, since it has a certain possibility that the Hardware will already be supported.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • Well, "just works" depends on how you define it too. But yeah, most of the "basic" stuff just works. But I will not rule out the possibility of unsupported HW just because I have my fair share of it too. For example, I'd say a keyboard is working if they are able to be used as an input device. Even without the customization or sleep, or wake from sleep. Granted, the issue being unrecognized or not working at all is very much borked tho. Hence why I request the details of the mouse itself.

    Now you mention degraded performance and glitches. Yes, I do know that. But as I said, my statement regarding the wrong driver usually entails a lot more dramatic bug than a stutter on only known 2 games. Further investigations are needed to correctly decide if it is the driver or not since we know that a compatibility layer is also playing a part here. It is also why I suggest searching the protondb to check the current support for the game. Linux gaming, as good as it is now, is not perfect yet.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • Yeah, I may need to rethink my recommendation for the future. Especially their willingness to read and patience. I am happy to guide anyone if they asked and hence why I usually recommend it.

    Regarding the random udev rule, I doubt it was that. Cooler Master mouse has known issue in Linux in which they don't wake up from sleep when using the dongle. So it could just be the mouse regardless of the distro.

    As for the wrong driver, the OP stated that he experiences stutter for certain games but not for others. As I said, I am not an expert for troubleshooting stutter as it could be from a lot of factors. But I doubt OP installed the wrong driver. Wrong drivers usually lead to more uniform glitches across the board.

  • 5 men convicted for Jetflicks, illegal streamer with more content than Netflix, Hulu and Amazon combined
  • Royalties are not wages. It is why we have a different word for it. Would you call a gain in investment a wage? Even if people's livelihood depends on it, it doesn't make it a wage. From Cornell Law School: "Wages are payment, usually financial, that an employee receives in exchange for their labor from an employer. Wages include salaries, bonuses, tips, etc."

  • (Help) Name of (sandbox?) game set on space? (Found: Starsector)

    So I usually browse the internet at random and sometimes stumble upon some interesting games. Today as I was going to sleep however, I remember I saw a game that I cannot for the life of me find the name again. Not even in my search history (as I regularly wipe those). Can anyone help me find it again? Here is what I know:

    • I didn't find it from steam. And if I remember it correctly, the developer doesn't publish it there either.
    • The game website is quite "old" IMHO. Their website is styled like space with galaxy and stuff.
    • The game features advertised on the very front page is freedom to become anything. Either a trader or even space mercenary
    • I remember the screenshot of the game UI is like stellaris, with a star view, ship control and such
    • I don't really remember if the game is online only or not. But most likely not

    I know that seems very generic but I am really hyper focused on finding it and failing. I think I also found the game by recommendation somewhere on lemmy.

    Edit: It is Starsector

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