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bug farming is an ecological praxis so godly it borders on alchemical magic, but woke PMC socialists are cannibals who can only devour God's creations

do a search on twitter for "eating bugs" and you'll find lots of strange soulless fascist freaks who apparently don't live in the real world where people are already eating animal feed (what % of dog food is eaten by people? you will never hear these PMC class traitors talk about that on their woke "revolutionary" arts and culture podcast!)

woke radlibs who LARP as communists on twitter: "Seize the means of production! you can't create something out of nothing...we need to keep extracting things from the earths to live...We need to support Actually Existing Socialist states who are doing clean industrial production"

Actual scientists who have visited a farm for once in their lives: "Seize the means of waste decomposition and circular economy recycling! Check out this research paper from 1989 about feeding fungus to crickets and then feeding crickets to birds and then feeding birds to a different fungus and them feeding that fungus to fatten up African cane rats. Actually Existing Ecology is more advanced than anything the technocratic redditors can sell to their profit oriented bosses"

CTH labor aristocrats compared eating bug protein food to McDonalds, the very site of neocolonial petit Karen demand that burns the Amazon to grow soy

from one of their recent episodes, please post in the comments which one it was

>grow soy

(soulless consumerist voice) "I will never eat bugs!!! We need eco-modernism, not Malthusianism" :Peter-Coffin:

imagine being so petit bourgeois you literally believe McDonalds is bad, this is what happens when the most worthless people alive pretend to be in touch with the people. Will these LARPing Marxists ever visit a farm or factory to actually get in touch with the material conditions?

Nathan Robinson just posted his reply to the Current Affairs staff open letter on FB
  • haha this fucking pseudo-intellectual discovered that actually Stalinism is based, this is hilarious

    also ctrl+f "alienation" not found, this discussion isn't very Marxian lol, capitalism is bad because it alienates workers, not abstract notions of "power" or "profit"

  • twitter socialists say "(((they))) want us to eat insects" because they're failsons who read science news as consumerists, not as Marxian ecologists

    \>1st world socialists use the same hysterical talking points as other 1st world fascist failchildren

    imagine being such a soulless waste of humanity that the only value you see in one of gods creations (literally the biggest group of animals on earth) is if they "taste good". Makes me think of what Nietscheze said:

    >The last man is the archetypal passive nihilist. He is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security. Therefore, The Last Man is unable to build and act upon a self-actualized ethos.


    the petit bourgeois socialist is a domesticated creature that lacks the human potential of controlling its environment. These worthless failchildren will never be able to conceive of the idea of "its better to feed our chickens bugs than soy". I bet these woke petit Karens who make condescending tweets with communism rhetoric have never visited a farm in their life.

    They're just complacent losers who think they're virtuous and strong for soyfacing about "Fully Automated Luxury Space Communism". The opposite is true, Walmart socialism is the ideology for weak people who fear hard work and getting sun tanned like their apartheid child slaves

    Degrowth: (materialist science). Luxury Space Communists: (soy radlibs circlejerk with other worthless labor aristocrats on twitter)

    >people from all corners of twitter

    based PMC class solidarity! :epstein:

    The noxious class character of these woke twitter socialists is why they got so mad at Shaun, the nicest boy online. Being a sweet and earnest person talking about collective struggle is "idiotic" to these insignificant and low statured creatures. It makes sense that these cannibalistic podcasters are forced to believe that growth is infinite and entropy doesn't exist. Their entire ideology relies on them justifying imperialism because these whiny bloodless Karens have desires that matter more than their child slaves ("To shift the responsibility of Nestle using slave labor to the consumer is fucking monstrous"..."Jeff Bezos should consume less. no one else" this Breadtuber has the same petit bourgeois consumption based ideology as that Ian MIles Cheong freak)

    When your entire existence is predicated on exploitation, you have no other concept of "love and faith in humanity" than being able to continue genocide of indigenous people for your imperialist desires. Will these irrelevant soy podcasters ever get their "faith restored" by working in the fields like their apartheid child slaves? Noooo, that's Stalinism :amber:

    Degrowth is an ideology that requires them to go outside (uh oh, sorry vampires!) and "touch grass" as these domesticated losers claim is so important and meaningful to their lives. But if they are actually forced to do that wendigo meme praxis, that's apparently "violent authoritarianism"? Ironic

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