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  • In the last decade, the gap between humorous shitpost and unironic conspiracy theory bs has shrunk rapidly. Like Poe's Law is a thing but now everything is simultaneously a shitpost and unironically held beliefs.

  • Elon Musk’s popularity plummets to 6% among Democrats, poll finds
  • Because they have lots of money and influence among the 18-35 demographic. Would I prefer if news corps didn't cover their every move and thought? Yeah I would, but unfortunately news featuring Musk and Swift gets clicks which drives advertising.

  • Microsoft to Revive Nuclear Plant on Three Mile Island to Handle AI Processing
  • Nuclear is so ridiculously energy dense that there's no near future where we're in danger of running out of it and nuclear hopefully soon won't even need to rely on fissile materials, since we keep getting g closer and closer to getting fusion working.

    And solar and wind and hydroelectric and other renewable are also great but they're variable. Sun only shines locally for so many hours per day, wind doesn't always come from the same directions or speeds, hydro is quite climate dependent, relying enough water to refill reservoirs.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't be also building up renewables but every powersource has its limitations and making a mix of all of these to cover each of the downsides is our best bet.

  • Microsoft to Revive Nuclear Plant on Three Mile Island to Handle AI Processing
  • I think op's yaaaaayyy was sarcastic.

    But I'm with you, we should be reviving nuclear, maybe 3 mile Island would be a good starting point since I imagine there's a lot of stuff already there. Although if it's abandoned with no maintenance, there's probably a lot that's rusted out and needs to be replaced.

  • Removed
    How does one become an actual terrorist? Does it not require a lot of money and knowledge to do anything? I don't get how poor countries come up with groups when being poor?
  • Terrorism is actually a pretty simple but specific definition. Terrorists use unlawful violence and threats of violence to influence the government or an international governmental organisation, or to intimidate the public. They do this in pursuit of a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

    It doesn't take much money or many resources to engage in violence or even make threats. Certainly having money and resources at your disposal make you more effective but it's a rather low but still specific bar to cross to be considered a terrorist.

  • You should treat the new AI as a coworker and friend!
  • Data was also wasn't a replacement for human labor to enrich the capitalist class. I think AI would be cool if the tangible benefits made everyone's lives better rather than just lining the pockets of rich people.because they fan pay less on labor.

  • Could I patent harmful technology to prevent it from being put on the market?
  • If you're not going to take the effort type "can a government use patents" into Google and look at the top link. It took me less than a minute to find that government using a patent is just baked into the patent system. There's not additional law around it. So it might be better to go the WD 40 route and never actually file a patent to the formula to avoid sharing the formula publicly.

  • I just want to make cookies :(
  • For using volume measurements (weighs are still superior tho) flour shouldn't be packed in but spooned into the measuring device and leveled with the back of a knife but brown sugar should be packed into the measuring device.

    In recipes, they'll call for a heaped teaspoon or tablespoon, everything else is implied to be leveled, especially leavening agents like baking powder/soda. There's also an understanding that certain things don't need as much precision, like adding in flavoring extracts.

    I also do really like the nice even 25° increments that recipes align to for farenheight.

  • Elon Musk is getting out of control. Here is how to to rein him in | Robert Reich
  • Bruh Musk is the elite. He's not some hardworking blue collar or even white collar worker. He started so far ahead of the rest of us financially, and just bought his way into everything, he's not some coding genius who built PayPal from scratch, he's not a rocket scientist who worked on the designs for SpaceX, he's an emotionally stunted manchild with too much money and nobody in his circle to tell him no.

    Nepotism isn't loyalty to family, its corruption.

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