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Are there any cross platform peer-to-peer social networks that people actually use?
  • Peertube seems somewhat active. Dunno if that counts as social media.

  • He looks better in my sweater than I do
  • Satanic Temple sweater?

  • art/sticker by me, enjoy!!
  • Thanks!

  • art/sticker by me, enjoy!!
  • Link to a store? I'd like one.

  • She wrote all this code by hand to take humanity to the Moon
  • Jesus. I think all the code I've written in the last decade could fit in two of those binders lol

  • Naturalistic Spirituality / Atheopagan Resources
  • I don't like spiritualism in general, even the vague, science-y spiritualism that a lot of (edit: some) atheists tend to have. You can say anything that's true in a spiritual system as a flat fact about the world, without the mystical vibes.

  • This is the way.
  • I have very few heroes. Mr Rogers is one of them.

  • Indeed
  • Correct answer is "Ok"

  • I want to do what I want to do, instead of what I must

    Not too much to say, and you've probably heard all of it before, but I thought I'd drop it here. I don't mind my work, I dislike that I have to work- it spoils something that I sincerely love to do. More, it spoils the other things that I like to do when I'm not working. I have to deliberately remind myself that I'm allowed to sit and read without doing anything useful, because I feel like I should be using my free time to work on one of my side projects. My free time is limited, and it feels like a waste to use it on something as trivial as a book.

    Because sooner rather than later, 8 AM rolls around again, and then I have to get back to it.

    I'd like to read for fun without feeling guilty. I'd like to play a video game, or learn something, or doodle on a project without feeling as if I could use my time more productively.

    I remember reading all day, for weeks, consuming fantasy epics with zero remorse or guilt, until I dreamed about fictional characters. I'd like to do that again - not all the time, just sometimes. When I feel like it. That's all.

    Netflix phases out 'basic' streaming plan from its subscription options in Canada | CTV News
  • A couple of people have asked for more info about my setup, so here's what I did. I'm on mobile, so forgive any typos:

    1. I bought a refurbished Dell mini PC from some website or other - if you Google "refurbished Dell mini PC" it'll probably be the top result. It doesn't need to be fast or have too much memory, but I've got a 2TB hard disk in mine, which is surprisingly cheap. Also needs at least one HDMI port.

    2. I installed Ubuntu 20.04, and made a single user with no password, then set it to boot straight to the desktop. Plugged it directly into the t.v. with an HDMI cable.

    3. I bought a cheap wireless keyboard with a roller ball in it that (barely, need a better one) can be used from my couch.

    4. Installed Jellyfin and set it to run as a background service on boot. It has two directories it cares about: ~/Videos/Film and ~/Videos/Television

    5. Set up ssh so that I can use scp to push files from my personal laptop to the server without having to dick around with thumb drives etc. I also have a script that checks how much disk space is available on the media server so I don't run out (that 2TB drive fills up fast).

    6. Got a NordVPN subscription and use Transmission on my personal laptop to download anything I want to see, push it to the server.

    For a while, I also had an external domain name and IP so I could watch my videos on my phone while travelling, but I switched routers recently and something broke. I haven't set this back up, but there are services that will give you a static IP and route requests to your actual IP so you can have a static domain name without having to pay your ISP for a static IP.

    EDIT: also, you can set commands to run at login, so it boots directly to Firefox running in kiosk mode on the Jellyfin web app. The end result is that on boot, I get the Ubuntu symbol, a brief flash of desktop, and then I'm browsing my media library full screen.

  • Netflix phases out 'basic' streaming plan from its subscription options in Canada | CTV News
  • I should probably thank Netflix for helping me save money. Their shenanigans pissed me off enough that I've entirely withdrawn from all paid streaming - I have a media server and a VPN now. Total media cost, $70 /year or ~$5.83 /month. For that, I have:

    • Access to any movie or t.v. show any streaming service has ever provided
    • No ads
    • Shows/films don't get removed from from the platform without warning.
  • YSK: you may be able to add your children as authorized users on your credit cards.

    Why YSK: Some banks have no minimum age for authorized users, and report credit usage for them. If you have a credit card you don't use much, you can add your kids as authorized users, set up a reoccurring payment from the card and an automatic payment to the card, and then forget about it. Your kid could become an adult with an already-maxed credit score.

    blackstampede blackstampede
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