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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 wk. ago
  • I can’t let go of shitty mods and their ban hammers, especially when no rules were broken and they’re just silencing anti-Trump speech.

    They said they won’t speak to me again, and I have no intention of initiating anything with them. I expect no further issue.

    I do recognize and appreciate your patience.

  • The grudge is you banning me for saying “poop” and suggesting we do something about Trump, for which you made your own assumption that I meant to “shoot” him—words I did not say. No rules got broken, you just did it for personal reasons.

    I think that deserves a personal grudge where you are not met with kind greetings when you reply to one of my comments. Yes, please be a hypocrite somewhere else. 💩

  • Well that’s just poop. Poop I say.

    The plan is to build private facilities (concentration camps) to house these people in and make them pay off their deportation costs by working in sweatshops. The goal is to eliminate the dependency on Chinese labor. And we all know how these people love slaves.

    I’d say what needs to be done, but since you are very much in favor of censoring any kind of resistance over in your community, I doubt you’d be willing to here it here.

  • Ye Power Trippin' Bastards

    So much for not being just like

    Maybe squid got a new username and infiltrated another instance. lmfao