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  • This is the “pro-Palestine group are anti-semetic” strawman argument played out in real life. To be anti-genocide/Pro-Palestine does not make one anti-Semitic; it is anti-Semitic to assume all Jewish people support the Israeli State apartheid and to conflate Zionism with Judaism.

    But I’m just preaching to the choir here

  • 'I lost my appetite': Cheeseburger served with waiver at Toronto restaurant
  • Oh no, no no. It’s seared on the outside and barely warm on the inside. Super raw. Basically you cook the outside just enough to kill pathogens and then get all the inside raw bloody and delicious.

    So I am a proponent of delicious barely cooked meat, but only in steaks and other “whole meats”. Ground meat has a HUGE surface area that contacts machinery so it gets cooked all the way through, always.

  • 'I lost my appetite': Cheeseburger served with waiver at Toronto restaurant
  • Absolutely. One could argue that the restaurant went out of its way to provide a customer food request, but many restaurants refuse to cook ground beef at anything below well-done.

    Personally, as a Canadian, I would never eat anything less than that for a hamburger, but I cook my steaks near blue at home.

  • 'I lost my appetite': Cheeseburger served with waiver at Toronto restaurant
  • Title feels a bit click-baity, but truly I think the waiver is reasonable. If you want food prepared outside our food safety standards and laws, you should have to waive the right to sue if you get yourself sick and die. Whether it will actually hold in court is contestable.

  • What are some food items that cost less than what they "should"?
  • I would argue that of the three items you listed (bananas, coffee, chocolate) that the main reason those items are “cheap” is exploitation of the workers and economies of the global south.

    This is just one popular science article on the topic, and it just brushes the surface of how colonial politics have stripped the global south of resources while simultaneously building capital in the global north.

    This single pane comic is the jist of it. A map of the world with Africa excavated and gold piled atop Europe and North America.

  • I have to pass a certification exam and I am terrified.
  • Is the exam exclusively on paper or is there a verbal option? Paper exams can be stressful for anyone, so if you find that explaining things to a person much easier, perhaps you can ask for an accommodation to take the exam with a proctor verbally rather than written. Good luck!

  • Does water with minerals help attenuate the hang-over generating potential of drinking as opposed to water lacking minerals?
  • This is a ELI5 response with a high school understanding of human biology. Hangovers are from alcohol poisoning (variable levels), and this poison is detoxified by your liver. The waste is either sent to the kidneys to be processed as urine or to the bowels. Your kidneys require water and minerals to process this waste, and water is the vehicle for excreting waste through urine. When you drink all water and no vitamins/minerals, you risk depleting your supply of those essential elements. So, assuming your water has an appropriate balance of those things, I would think that water with electrolytes or minerals is better than plain water at helping your body process and detoxify alcohol.

    Tl;Dr: water with balanced electrolytes/minerals > plain water for hangovers.

  • For Leftists: What happens when a content creator has a questionable guest on?
  • I second this view. If the interviewer maintains a critical approach to their analysis of the interviewees responses, I see no reason to discontinue watching. However, having a guest who is consistently an unreliable source of information and taking their views at face value screams red flags to me.

    Kind of like assessing a new relationship, if your prospective partner becomes someone completely different around friends with opposing views, run. They aren’t an objective source, they are a mirror with a megaphone.

  • So, on pronouns.
  • Pro tip: everyone is they/them until otherwise stated. It sounds counterintuitive until you look at the example of the unknown stranger. You see a jacket left on the back of the a chair, and wonder if the stranger will return. You ask a person nearby, “Do you know who this belongs to? When are they coming back?”

    English has always used neutral pronouns for someone unknown to you. We constantly make assumptions about gender based on appearance, and cis people take for granted that our outward appearance matches their gender. My best take on being an ally and inclusive is to default to gender neutral pronouns until someone states it or corrects you.

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    TIL people travel to Canada for humane IUD insertion
  • From some research online, pain experiences are variable and there is no singular approach to IUD insertion. There are some shortcomings in the first study as it doesn’t show pain levels in the days after, but it does a better job of quantifying that most women feel less pain than they expect to receive. Sedation should be available to those who need it, and I think our definitions of what constitutes as inhumane are different and I’m okay with that.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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