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The Mac vs. PC war is back on?
  • that hasn’t been the case for years though you do need some apple software to make it work. Or you can use Files and connect to Windows over file sharing (smb).

    They could probably make it easier, but then they’d have a harder time selling you up to a Mac.

  • Wow, I know I'm late to the party, but Andor is literally what I've always wanted from Star Wars.
  • The Stellan Skarsgard speech. “What have I sacrificed?” Just an awesome delivery. Great acting.

  • AI now beats humans at basic tasks — new benchmarks are needed, says major report
  • who gave you the keys to the data center?

  • The kids are not OK. New data shows Canadians under-30 ‘very unhappy’
  • don’t feel bad. the kids over 30 aren’t very happy either.

  • Vinyl vs. CD vs. tapes vs. digital. What's your favourite storage medium for owning your music and why?
  • Digital (hard drive) > CD > Vinyl

    lossless digital because it’s searchable, accessible and manipulable.

    CD as archival storage. Slower to acess, high quality, lossless.

    Vinyl for archival and playback. Something awesome and magical about analog.

  • RE: Is Ernest still here?
  • This is a good reminder to remember people are human and may have a life outside of the computer.

    Thanks Ernest. Hope you get your issue fixed up. Your health is more important that software.

  • You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI
  • install random third party software that may be sniffing or leaking information to remove shady features from windows that sniff and leak information.

    windows sucks.

  • A New Chapter For Mozilla
  • “interim” CEO…

  • 15 Best Hard Sci-Fi Movies, Ranked
  • I could argue Interstellar being on this list but there was enough good science in it that I'll give it a pass. This is a pretty good list. The only one I haven't seen is Sunshine so I'll be watching it soon.

  • Microsoft readies 'groundbreaking' AI-focused Windows release as new leadership takes the helm
  • you are not alone.

    operating systems for the youtube generation. Like and Subscribe to open your recommended apps!

  • What game company from your childhood do you remember with fondness?
  • Frontier for Elite
    Psygnosis for Lemmings and a bunch of other fun games on the Amiga.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "North Korean hackers are targeting macOS crypto owners"

    no crypto no problem

  • /kbin Road to Release devlog series
  • Sending positive vibes! Good habits make good software.

  • States sue Meta claiming its social platforms are addictive and harm children's mental health
  • quality web design sure, but Meta/Facebook is also well known for using dark patterns to promote stickiness and engagement. They’ve built Facebook to be addictive and keep people on it.

  • yeah, good tips. I got frustrated and table flipped on it. I found out about the ASIO mods after the fact. Still annoying that they were selling this product in this state and getting away with it.

  • I bought this recently and the installation and setup experience was so broken and painful on W11 that I uninstalled it out of frustration.

    Graphics were ganked (only showed the top left 25% of the screen on 4K, stretched to fill the screen),
    Required a UPlay account signup that sent me to dead servers,
    Wouldn't use ASIO with my big boy audio gear,
    Wouldn't calibrate using "mic" mode plugged into a DI port on my interface and on and on.

    It's just a disaster and I wasn't willing to put any effort into figuring out how to de-UPlay the thing and mod it.

    Do Not Recommend!

  • Why the Internet Isn’t Fun Anymore
  • With kbin and lemmy, there’s a spark of the good ol’ days, but the players are all scattered across so many disconnected grids. I’m sure there are some great communities popping up, but they may be fleeting, or instances might crash and disappear. Mastodon is good, and growing every day and also has some of that Ye Olde Twitter Feels, but — BUT! — I don’t have a lot of fun on it.

    Has anybody found any fun communities to share?

  • Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud
  • also, room names. You can get a pretty good idea of a house's interior layout from the names and sequence of lights being activated. The ongoing attempts to map data to the physical world.

    Sonos did this a few years ago and there was a similar outcry. I have stopped using Sonos devices too.

  • Microsoft to stop forcing Windows 11 users into Edge in EU countries
  • now do the rest of the world.

  • Canadian media groups call for investigation into Meta's 'anticompetitive' decision to block news | CBC News

    The CBC has joined other news broadcasters and publishers in requesting Canada's Competition Bureau to investigate Meta's decision to block news content on its digital platforms in Canada.
