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Shot in 1.6 seconds: Video raises questions about how trooper avoided charges in Black man's death
  • But if they do that then they'll go up to three stars and it's even harder to get away then! When you get up to four stars they shut down the bridges and send helicopters and at five stars they start sending tanks--

    I jest, but the rapid military escalation of conflict in the GTA games is reflective of the "send enough dudes until the bad guy is dead" modus operandi of American law enforcement.

    What I am saying is: either use your guns or make them illegal if you don’t use them anyway.

    The people clutching the guns are the same ones with the "blue line flag punisher skull" tattoos and decals. Maybe if the Black Panther party made a comeback though.

  • NSFW
    What does "araffe" mean?
  • Echoing what others have said that it so far appears to be hallucinated/AI-coined from everything I've seen so far, as well as that I've seen a variant spelled "Arafed."

  • Palworld Dev Says Massive Profits Are ‘Too Big for a Studio With Our Size to Handle’
  • These are all ludicrous.

    Could accidentally knock people into a higher tax bracket and ruin their finances long term for short term gain.

    This makes zero sense. Read up on how tax brackets actually work. Hitting higher tax brackets doesn't mean your existing income is taxed at the higher rate. No "ruining."

    Could accidentally give someone collateral to take out a massive loan they cannot afford long term.

    Wtf is this paternalistic BS. They could buy drugs or guns too!! 😱

    Doing nothing and simply using it as cash reserves is better than making a foolish mistake and ruining it for themselves.

    Nah. Pay people.

  • Java is corporate personified
  • Lol I would if I could 😭 shit is dire.

    A man of your talents would be wasted here anyway; IBM is not a technology company. It's a financial engineering instrument with an old computer museum attached for historical reasons.

  • If you're making software for actual end-users, you HAVE to give it a goddamn GUI, or else you suck, your software sucks, and nobody is going to use your damn software.
  • Part of the reason I like text based better is because it gives me the power of search, literally everywhere. Too many complicated GUIs give me headaches and make me intensely frustrated as I click around seemingly at random, digging into menus or hunting around buttons with labels or icons that I don't recognize.

    On the command line, I can just start searching and jump straight to the thing I'm looking for instead of forgetting what I was doing wandering around in GUI land.

  • If you're making software for actual end-users, you HAVE to give it a goddamn GUI, or else you suck, your software sucks, and nobody is going to use your damn software.
  • This is a really good and entertaining post and thanks for making it

    As a guy who burned out super, super, super, super hard to the point that thinking about code--even though I'm good at it--just makes me feel baaaad, I still can't help but chuckle. Like, in my case, providing what I did to the code world was literally all I could do before I stopped being able to contribute because it hurts inside my brain lol.

    But at the same thing the fucking most hilarious part of it is you're right 🤣 People do just not see software as "real" if it involves any reading and typing outside a comment box. Buttons and visualizations are truly everything if one wants to code and be taken seriously by anyone but other hackers. 😭😂 I wonder how much low hanging fruit there is out there of software that people could just make a paid GUI for and make a killing

  • Java is corporate personified
  • not to touch anything IBM touches because it would be ‘unclean’ then, IBM being source of everything that is dirty in the world

    Just popping in as an ibm employee to say: yes, accurate

  • Inverting match with grep, unless another term exists
  • I like to use awk instead of grep wherever possible, especially for weird logic like this.

    awk '!/B/ || /A.*B/' is one way to skin that cat. If you don't care what order A and B are in on the lines containing both, then awk '!/B/ || (/A/ && /B/)' will work.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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