bradorsomething @ bradorsomething Posts 21Comments 2,715Joined 2 yr. ago
You could just call yourself a Sparent.
Frustrated he’s adding mid-content ads, but still solid material.
Ejection is really bad on your spine.
Maybe set an income limit of $25 million per year to be on the jury?
Well that just, like, your opinion, man.
That was a very impressive blast for that size of a package.
Look for wassailing music. It’s old caroling music that tends german, and can be a nice change of pace.
at this point I’m just proud we did something that doesn’t appear to worsen global warming.
Oh yeah, I need to buy those solar panels before Jan 20, thank you for reminding me.
No, completely beyond the environment. There’s nothing out there.
…please watch this twice as there are two ships. Thank you.
Well the front fell off.
I’ve noticed my passions aren’t as sudden, but they burn deeper and longer.
They need to immediately tow this out of the environment.
Security guards don’t hang out with the CEO, although I am now enjoying the idea of a C-Suite executive retreat for sniper training.
“Julie, you’re INTJ… why don’t you snap off a few rounds and see if that makes you feel more outgoing.”
I wrote it. So…. It’s from here.
I’d like to start this post with a list of caveats. I’m not a femboy, or a furry. I’m not fighting in the Ukraine war. And the picture with the blue striped socks, kinda slaps. That being said, let’s get into the post.
I can see how furry and femboy culture would be detrimental to the russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian society tends to be against this culture… failing to recognize that with a furry, it’s full go all the time… these blokes haven’t seen an aderal prescription since putting on a fur suit. Failing to take advantage of the quick, hyper movements of furries, and their practice running on all four’s, is an asset the russian military would be wise to deploy in war. Whether they will… remains to be seen.
Assuming we’re thinking of the same place, you have to deal with a large group of people who have been fooled, and are about to get very angry and need a target they can reach for their anger. Highlighting mid to high level members of their party leadership as the people to blame allows them to hold their great leader blameless, protecting their egos, while at the same time ripping down the pillars that prop up that same leader. Calling for new blood to support… whatever leader you’re talking about, and voting out “those idiots that aren’t giving him what he needs and so we all are suffering” allows the malleable followers to self destruct the party apparatus like ants eating away the bones of an elephant.
My fit body
Man, even the flooring is getting laid in that place.
Encouraging, russia has spent their inheritance almost completely.
Assuming europe can step up for the us diminishing in the world, soon they’ll be counting golf cart storage yards and motorcycle dealerships.