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  • I think this is true, but I also grew up without Internet or social media so maybe things were more regional as opposed to this larger shared culture those things have enabled. So that may be part of it?

  • Some fashion assistance
  • Maybe the better thing to concentrate on is why you felt like that comment was necessary. You didn't seem to have a goal behind it, other than drawing more attention. It's really not relevant to the discussion or the post. So why post it? It felt like your intention was just to talk shit about a random person, and maybe you should think about that.

  • Apple announced RCS with a whimper when it should have been a bang
  • Google is the only one that allows “End to end” encryption.

    Allowing and implementing are not the same things. They implemented encryption in their RCS services. They don't allow everyone to use their service, but they built and own it so that's their right, I guess.

    And practically speaking google controls the standard, they have over 800 million users out of the total possible 1.2 billion.

    Can you elaborate here? How do they control the standard? Specifically, I'm not asking about their implementation of RCS, because of course they control that, but their implementation is not the same thing as the standard itself.

    It might not be a monopolistic standard in theory but it is in practice

    It's widely understood that it's difficult to implement a competent web browser. That's why there are only a handful of browser choices. This doesn't make HTTP a monopolistic protocol.

    Saying the RCS standard is a monopolistic standard makes zero sense to me, even in practice. We are quite literally discussing another vendor entering the market. If you run a telecom and want to implement RCS, you are able to do so. If you are a phone manufacturer you are free to implement RCS in your software stack. None of this is easy, but it's possible and so this isn't a monopoly situation as far as I understand it. Google wanted to compete with iMessage so they built a competitor on a proprietary but open global standard, the standard which is meant to replace SMS and MMS messaging.

  • Lauren Boebert loses it on debate moderator as he grills her on Beetlejuice lies
  • Again, you're still arguing from the standpoint that I'm making fun of her natural eyebrows.

    Which I'm not.

    You're attacking appearances. How one dresses or applies makeup doesn't matter in the context of the conversation. These are are matters of personal taste. Why do we need to know your thoughts on this?

    I'm making fun of her shallow decision making and poor choices.

    Not really, though. You're just talking about how someone's personal taste doesn't align with your personal taste. This is like arguing about favorite colors. It's a weak position to argue as it's entirely subjective. It actively undermines any other argument you might be trying to make.

    Of all the things to mention, and you're focused on eyebrows? You sound extremely biased because of this weak argument. It gives the impression that you share this same quality of being shallow. It serves as a potential indicator that you might be unable to pick out relevant detail in a conversation, which also makes you seem like a waste of time to communicate with.

    If you're arguing another point this is detracting from that point. If you're not arguing another point, then this insipid opinion is irrelevant to the discussion.

  • We've all just got to do our part!
  • I appreciated your rant. I don't really know what I'm talking about, so take this all with a grain of salt.

    What you're sort of describing sounds like a boycott of our capitalist system. In theory, if we all could be self-sustainable and didn't need to participate in the current system just to survive, then I think it would collapse. How could it not? The billionaires are billionaires because we give up our time and labor for currency which we then reinvest in a system which transfers most of that currency to a select few at the top. If we all stopped participating where would the billionaires get their billions, and what would they even spend it on, if not our labor or products produced by our labor?

    I can only speak for where I live but this kind of organizational boycott of the system isn't really likely to happen anytime soon. It's too difficult to organize that number of people into non-participation especially when there are not really any alternatives. It's not even easy to get people to give up listening to a certain artist's music if they've done a terrible thing. People are living shitty or difficult lives and need their creature comforts just to mentally get by. I don't blame them. There would have to be a viable, functioning alternative already in place which could absorb the needs of a massive number of people. It would take cooperation and compassion, and I guess I just don't see that in the cards.

    Even if we did, how long would it last until the power hungry manipulated their way into building another version of the same system?

  • [ADHDinos] Ask nothing
  • This was my interpretation as well. I frequently have weird abstract dreams, where I'm often not present or not involved, and the dreams sometimes don't involve people at all. The ones without people are weird and hard to explain. I assumed that's what the lower left panel is trying to show.

  • Plex To Launch a Store For Movies and TV Shows
  • This would be awesome, but I just don't see it happening this way. They have to work with the copyright holders who set those kinds of terms and who have the majority of the leverage in negotiating those terms. Unfortunately, I don't see any reason this kind of deal would be made.

    The business model is to force consumers to purchase and repurchase the same content over and over. Changing only the format, or distribution method, or platform of consumption. This kind of deal would undercut that business model.

  • Eminem concert
  • What have you explained? That RCS is not stewarded by the IETF? That's not the crux of the issue. My original claim was that RCS was more open than iMessage and that RCS is not owned or controlled by Google. Tell me where I'm wrong, and back it up with good sources. Or not. Whatever you're feeling like.

  • At least five states are considering requiring full minimum wages for tip earners this year

    After the Constitution was amended in the wake of the Civil War, slavery was ended as an institution but those who were freed from bondage were still limited in their choices. Many who did not end up sharecropping worked in menial positions, such as servants, waiters, barbers and railroad porters. These were pretty much the only occupations available to them. For restaurant workers and railroad porters, there was a catch: many employers would not actually pay these workers, under the condition that guests would offer a small tip instead.

    “These industries demanded the right to basically continue slavery with a $0 wage and tip,” Jayaraman says.

  • Eminem concert
  • Google doesn't own the RCS protocol. This is like saying they own the SMTP protocol because they provide Gmail. They are just one company that has implemented the protocol in their default text message app. They built end-to-end encryption into their implementation, which is currently closed source. I'm guessing this is what you're referring to.

    Anyone can implement RCS. It may cost you some money and some time, but it is possible. That's the difference I was originally trying to highlight.

  • Eminem concert
  • but doesn’t play nice with apple.

    This isn't technically wrong, but to be clear, iMessage is closed source. No one can play nice with Apple, in that regard.

    RCS on the other hand is a more open standard that anyone is free to implement and use. It just doesn't come with end-to-end encryption as a part of the standard.

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