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Sennheiser Exits Gaming Headphone Business
  • Low latency (edit: I should probably elaborate given the community I'm in - when looking for wireless headsets specifically for use while gaming, it's an easy way to know that what I'm getting is going to be low latency, and likely come with a specific receiver for that)

  • New communities and flooding the feed
  • That bot is one of the few users I've had to block. I'm happy to sift through 'organic' posts that don't interest me, but when it's just reposting Reddit posts and losing the benefit of the discussion under that post, it kinda sucks

  • This little machine continues to surprise me
  • It's runs really well, actually. I don't have any solid numbers because I wasn't really into that side of it, but I had a fairly large base going, about 20 hours past endgame (no where near a megabase, though) and no performance issues.

  • Blurry Pictures of Cats bread
    Blurry Picture of a Cat
    Happy little Lilly

    Bonus picture of Tilly:


    They both had their names before they came to use separately, so it was definitely a sign they were meant to be sisters 😁

    Blurry Pictures of Cats bread
    Blurry picture of a cat