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How does everyone here feel about foldable phones?
  • I couldn't wrap my head around paying premium for what's basically the last gen processor. Pixel 8 will have Tensor 3. The Fold should have been priced accordingly. They used to purposely use the previous gen processors in the Nexus line to keep prices down.

  • How does everyone here feel about foldable phones?
  • I have a Surface Duo 1 and I really think they got the form factor right, as opposed to the folding glass one-big-screen types. The SD also folds backwards so you don't need (to pay for) three screens. Also, most of the functionality of the Pixel Fold is shown off as multitasking two apps side by side, which is exactly the power user use case the SD was made for.

    IMO two-screen side-by-side folders could be down to $1K at this point if they didn't all employ fragile bending glass and superfluous outer displays.

    Also, I like the idea of a Flip... again, without a big outer display. Give me e-ink on the outside or something for the clock and message previews -- I'll open the phone if I need to anyway.

  • ChromeOS breakerfall
    Partial screen flickering and artifacting on Duet 3 running Beta 115. Anyone else?

    I reported this over on /r/chromeos for my Duet5 on beta 114 about a week ago but someone there has since confirmed it's resolved.

    My Duet 3 is currently running:

    Google Chrome 115.0.5790.18 (Official Build) beta (64-bit) Revision 298576e169466f6f6f074438c71723e277422f88-refs/branch-heads/5790@{#335}. Platform 15474.14.0 (Official Build) beta-channel strongbad

    Proton Drive beta for Windows

    Anyone else get it?

    Appears to work well so far. It uploaded four 20GB veracrypt volumes for me and synced down ~100GB of files I had on Drive.

    I'm not thrilled with the fact that I couldn't select what would be synced down, but I suppose that feature may come at a later date.

    10-year old lost her last baby tooth and I'm a mess.

    My wife writes little "notes from the tooth fairy" and swaps them for the tooth while she's asleep. I get the pleasure of proofreading the notes but this one broke me last night.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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