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Corporate social media locks you in to their platforms, but projects like the Fediverse put you in control to build a more free, more private, and better moderated web. It's exciting to see more

    But is it “even better”?

    In the 2010s on social media we saw the rise of cancel culture, where people were made pariahs for somethingorother, whether or not it was fair or even true.

    In the 2020s with the growth of new social networking platforms, the new thing is cancelling functionality rather than people. By far (imho) the biggest cancellation is #Mastodon’s #search capability, rendering the very idea of finding content largely moot. Like pre-crime: it’s pre-censorship.

  • Anyone else?
  • @01010101011

    Hart Bochner because of his character Harry Ellis in DIE HARD.

    Paul Reiser because of his character Carter Burke in ALIENS.

    Obnoxious douchebag characters were definitely a thing in 80s #movies.

  • Praise for City of Ember
  • @inkican

    It got (quite unfairly imho) generally negative-to-horrible reviews and it did astoundingly bad box office in the US, but I really liked the film when I saw it during its original, brief theatrical run and in fact have been thinking of rewatching it again after all these years. Heck, it’s got Bill Murray!

    I don’t understand this blog piece. There’s nothing in the actual article which explains why time is running out to see this film. (Feels like clickbait.)

    #movie #film

  • If you care about the planet, please make sure you sit down before you start reading this post about ExxonMobil.
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars

    Just remember, “Net Zero” is properly pronounced as “not zero” and should always be accompanied by a nudge, wink, and sh*t-eating grin.

  • brianstorms Brian Dear

    Author of "The Friendly Orange Glow" computer/tech history book (Pantheon, 2017)

    In #NewMexico. Producer-arranger-musician, Confusion Boats.

    Working on new #writing project.

    Before: Founder of tech startups incl Coconut, Flatworks, Eventful, Nettle. Also stints at MP3•com, Eazel, eBay, Real.

    \#EVs #climate #books #techhistory #history #science #nonfiction #Film #Design #UX #UI #CX #product #architecture #Music #electronic #bass #keyboards #Movies

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