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Best current hardware solution for selfhosting?
  • I just got into selfhosting with a used thin client (Dell Wyse 3040), only $30 on eBay. I don't know what I'm doing at all and it's still working out great for me so far, so I think that's a good enough endorsement.

  • Guess who?
  • If you like this post, you gotta see the response post Straycatj made:

    "I'm going to tell you about his wrongdoing again."

    He opened the ice stocker of her refrigerator and let all ice cubes melted
    ↑it inundated the floor
    He entered that stock space after she quit to make ices
    He entered her towel box(example photo) and put black furs all the towels
    ↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
    He threw away her kitchen cloth box when he climbed and entered the shelf
    ↑she needed to wash them again
    ↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
    He opened the rice cooker before it started to cook so she couldn't have rice at the morning
    He opened the rice cooker and ate rice
    She needed to buy a new cooker with the side button
    He ate rice in her lunch box
    He ate mochi rice before she cook
    He opened the package of pasta and ate them
    He opened the package of lamen and ate them
    He raids her every time while she's eating her favorite pudding

  • What is your gaming "comfort food" and why?
  • The Tomba games are great! I was thinking of replaying them this year, actually, probably for my Halloween gaming season (it's not horror, I know, but there's a lot in the games that was just creepy to me as a kid)

  • What is your gaming "comfort food" and why?
  • Spyro the Dragon - the first game specifically, I find it more of an immersive treasure-hunting experience than the next two games, which are more obviously... I dunno, video game-y. I like all three but I always 100% the first game at least once a year.

  • Meta Just Proved People Hate Chronological Feeds
  • Worth keeping in mind that Facebook has manipulated data before:

    In September 2016, Facebook admitted that it had reported artificially inflated numbers to its advertisers about how long viewers watched ads leading to an overestimation of 60-80%[44] Facebook apologized in an official statement and in multiple staff appearances at New York Advertising Week.[45][46] Two months later, Facebook disclosed additional discrepancies in audience metrics.[47][48] In October 2018, a California federal court unsealed the text of a class action lawsuit filed by advertisers against Facebook, alleging that Facebook had known since 2015 that its viewership numbers were inflated "by some 150 to 900 percent" and waited over a year before taking action to disclose or fix the problem, citing internal Facebook communications that "somehow there was no progress on the task for the year" and decisions to "obfuscate the fact that we screwed up the math."[49][50]

  • Anyone else gradually stopped drinking alcohol?
  • It wasn't gradual, but I didn't make a deliberate choice either. It was during 2020. My fear of covid (I did get it, it was hell) outweighed my desire to go to the liquor store. By the time places were opening up again, I realized my life was a lot more livable without the blackout binges. I've felt really weird about it ever since then, that I don't really have an inspirational "I chose to do this, it was my strength and willpower to get better" quitting story since it was purely from literally not being able to, but I try to just be grateful because it really was destroying my life.

  • Brownie Brittle Smore
  • I used to refuse to even consider variants on smores for some reason I genuinely don't remember, I guess just for being committed to being a joyless pedant. I was like the grilled cheese copypasta guy. I can't believe I was missing out on stuff like this

  • Employees of Taco Bell, what do you recommend or hate making?
  • Never worked there but the Taco Bell subreddits were daily reads for me. I think the most consistently hated were basically any of the gimmick options, like the $1 Crunchwrap Sliders were my favorite food ever when they were around, but I was mortified to learn the employees HATED making them. A lot of the grilled stuff seems to be difficult. Nacho fries, though I don't remember why. I know ordering a bean burrito grilled was considered a douchebag move, but I think they removed the option to do that.

  • YSK: Use RSS feeds to curate your online experience
  • That's @RSS, for those who might want to look it up (I really wish kbin would show posters' instances more clearly). Subscribed!

  • YSK: If you find an interesting topic/rabbit hole, you can get some real engagement here if you share it. It doesn't get drowned out like elsewhere.
  • I think by "here" OP meant the fediverse in general, hence "an interesting topic and the right community". I would guess this is just encouraging people to post more in general (which I appreciate as I was mostly a lurker for my 13 years on Reddit)

  • "Boost" needs a visual rework on kbin
  • I'm not taking this literally, but Tumblr actually does add flashy stuff like this a lot (they added fucking confetti when you make a post. WHY) and it has been hell for my photosensitive friends.

    I do think we need any kind of visual feedback though, maybe some sort of accent color. I find myself second-guessing a lot if I actually clicked on a button or not

  • /kbin Issues
  • Retweets are absolutely reversible. (And so are boosts, but it was initially glitched)

  • /kbin meta brilokuloj
    I haven't been on here in a while since I've been busy. I'm glad to see they finally fixed reputation, if they just did away with that number altogether I probably wouldn't care either way, but having

    I haven't been on here in a while since I've been busy. I'm glad to see they finally fixed reputation, if they just did away with that number altogether I probably wouldn't care either way, but having plenty of upvoted posts and still having only "-1" because of a mass downvoter was more of a bummer and a deterrent to posting than I expected


    brilokuloj brilokuloj

    Multimedia artist. 29, he/it. Still feeling the Fediverse out and kbin's UI is missing a lot of info, sorry for any bad posts :(

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