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Playing Stellaris and having fun again
  • yeee newer Stellaris stuff is cool as hell tbh (I rly love the new human portrait set, the new art style is great)

    I'm playing a megacorp with the new worker cooperative civic (mutual aid trade policy seems mildly busted) as well as one of the new origins (synthetic fertility)

    playing without checksum mods and with iron man on again as well to get some more achievements, it's fun

  • Männer sind Schweine
    I've replayed dragon age and mass effect recently, while being on both subreddits. Mass Effect's lack of materialism makes the game worse, and its community worse.
  • I should clarify that it's not that I've played Inquisition once and didn't like it, I've played it like a dozen times with ~250 hours in it, thinking each time that I'll actually like it this time, so I've kinda grown weary of the idea that I actually could at this point haha

    For the mage - templar war, like, anything would have been better. It's borderline set dressing the way Inquisition did it. There's barely any context given to what has actually transpired since DA2, and the actual warring factions are just reskinned skyrim bandits in a few places in the Hinterlands. They're just there, they're hostile and you kill them, you don't get to talk to them, or know why they're actually out here fighting. You just wordlessly wipe them out and go talk with the Reasonable Moderates™. Then the entire plotline over just as soon as the game has started, no like ultimate conclusion or victory, no promise of a better future, no rebuilding, just "the Inquisition needed bodies, so we threw a coin and picked a side"

  • I've replayed dragon age and mass effect recently, while being on both subreddits. Mass Effect's lack of materialism makes the game worse, and its community worse.
  • Main thing for me is that Cerberus (and Shepard's relationship to them) in ME2 is terribly written, and it's bad in a way that it really gets in the way of me enjoying the game. Like, a lot of the actual bad stuff Cerberus has done in ME1 as well as Ascension gets ignored for the sake of having Shepard work for the 'morally ambigious/grey' organisation. Which gets extremely frustrating when, unlike the game, you do remember what they did.

    There's this really funny moment when you take the shuttle off of Lazarus and Jacob and Miranda do a little interview, one of the things they ask about is your psych profile. Cue Jacob asking a Sole Survivor Shepard if they remember the thresher maw attack on Akuze followed by a deafening silence as you're sitting there "Hey, wasn't that you guys who did that?", Shepard says nothing of substance and it never gets brought up again. There's this clear conflict there that the game seems so uninterested in exploring, you never get to materially do anything about it. At most Shepard gets to throw a tantrum and flail around a little bit before swiftly being put down by TIM or Miranda.

    And like, ME2 has a lot to like, there's a reason it got like a 95/100. Cause like, all the recruitment and loyalty missions? Fucking incredible. It's just tainted by this main plot that really ruins my enjoyment of it

    As for Inquisition, I've heard the DLC is definitely better, I've just never managed to slog my way through the main game to get there 😬 One of my main issues is just that the Inquisitor is really dull and disconnected from the world? And it really drags down the rest of the game with it for me. (also as an avid chantry explosion enjoyer the way they did the mage - templar war dirty makes me so mad lol)

  • I've replayed dragon age and mass effect recently, while being on both subreddits. Mass Effect's lack of materialism makes the game worse, and its community worse.
  • Theres a FtM guy whos literally just the coolest fighty bro and his dudes respect him.

    (we need a Krem standing on chair emoji)

    like Sera and Vivienne knowing that tons of their players will hate them.

    I will fight anybody who hates Sera 😠
    only thing wrong with her is she's in the wrong game, like imagine the fucking chaos of having her hang out in Kirkwall lmfao

    Also on a more serious note, I do think the thing about the subreddits at least is a somewhat more recent development, at least in my experience. Like r/dragonage is quite chill now, but I have multiple times in the past left the subreddit due to toxicity (r/masseffect has always been a cesspit tho)

  • I've replayed dragon age and mass effect recently, while being on both subreddits. Mass Effect's lack of materialism makes the game worse, and its community worse.
  • I'll definitely concede that IIRC there are no trans characters in ME which is kind of odd.

    Hainly Abrams in Prodromos, Eos in ME:A, she's pretty poorly written, not necessarily in a transphobic way, the convo is just strange and clearly written by a cis person (and then dev crunch being too big to give it a second thought). They reordered her dialogue around so it's less strange now, but it's also made it more difficult to find out she's trans (which, tbf, isn't necessarily unrealistic)


    i'm afraid we must split the left

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    whenever I do one of these I always somehow manage to read the arrow the wrong way around lmfao

    guessed half of eastern europe before realising it was pointing south not north lol

  • god I fucking hate the way Batarians are written in Mass Effect

    it's so fashy

    I've played these games so much so I have no illusions that they are mostly insane liberal propaganda but this always stood out as particularly vile

    I occasionally look up the like full dialogue trees of conversations on youtube and anything remotely involving Batarians have like 75% just straight up fascist comments (like literally you see slightly modified quotes of actual fascists)

    idk just kinda disheartening to see so many ppl just go fully along with it and have basically nobody be like "hey maybe don't"

    bestie what does this even mean

    makes you wonder how they even got to this weird point until you remember the character is a black woman

    link (you have to scroll down to comments section cause fandom sucks)

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