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If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • Security is also something I worry about with 3rd party chromuim browsers. Chrome and Edge are probably getting patches the day they come out, but even brave seems to be lagging a bit behind.
    TBH with Firefox's falling market share I wonder if it's more secure in a way that there's less security research from either white- or blackhats.

  • If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • For me Firefox has some showstoppers that Mozilla doesn't seem too interested in fixing (tablet ui on Android, lack of share target support for pwas). I'm not some hater mind you, I want it to succeed.

  • Removed
    Here are the 70 House Republicans who voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine
  • If you ever have time, compare the things the american right is proposing with the things that get passed into the russian law. The overlap is actually surprising, just instead of "traditional western values" it's "traditional slavic values".

  • WiFi routers can see people through walls
  • Is it that big of a deal when we all carry portable tracking devices with multiple cameras and microphones that can be turned on without our knowledge?
    EDIT: Receipts for those who are curious what am I talking about.

  • Everything has LEDs now and they drive me nuts
  • I'm a bit late and maybe someone already mentioned it, but go onto amazon and order the cheapest darkest car window tinting film. I have it on all of my leds and it makes it a lot more bearable.

  • The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • Since the transition to GeckoView the tablet ui is just scaled up mobile ui, with no tab-bar and no desktop sites by default. For some reason mozilla has marked it as a feature request instead of a bug (which I argue it is, as it used to have those features, as do all of the competing browsers), and successfully have been ignoring for 3 years (here's the discussion on mozilla connect, but there used to be a github issue before that).
    As for youtube, I need a browser to use . For everything else of course there are NewPipe, ReVanced, and LibreTube

  • Is moving to IPv6 worth it?
  • The smallest recommended IPv6 subnet is /64. The biggest issue you will encounter is that SLAAC will refuse to work on anything smaller, and it just so happens that Android still doesn't support DHCPv6 and will be left without a valid address.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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