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Sismo de 5,3 sentido em Portugal continental. Detectadas três réplicas
  • Minha esposa estava acordada e sentiu. Estamos entre o Porto e Vila do Conde

  • Today's Mail Call!
  • I loved it, spent so many hours playing it...

  • An old magazine page talking about how impressive the Sony Playstation is
  • I still have my video game magazines from the 90s. Sometimes I like to read them to see exactly this kind of news.

    I remember one saying how the water effect in Unreal was almost real

  • Double Dragon 3D revival announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and PC
  • I really enjoyed playing double dragon on master system with my brother

  • How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going?
  • When someone dies or when someone is playing for a long time. This game is so much fun, I'm enjoying a lot, back in the day I didn't like that we played a different character rather than Snake, but since then(and revengeance) I became more fond to Raiden

  • How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going?
  • I've been playing MGS2 with my kid after finishing MGS.

    We are enjoying a lot and I didn't remember the graphical difference between ps1 and ps2 were so big

  • Is there ever going to be a way to post images from this instance?
  • Maybe we could gave some front-end apps doing that work for the user(posting the image into a storage site and adding its url into the post automatically)

  • Let's discuss: The Sims
  • I payed just the first game and I loved it, I mean, everybody loved it at that time. But a couple of times months later the love faded away.

    I think it was indeed a ground braking game, but it was so grinded by EA that most people at some point stated to hating it

  • Metroid - Samus Aran
  • Really good

  • Where is everyone
  • I miss lemmy fmhy instance ;(

  • Happy cakeday,!
  • That's such a great achievement. Thanks for your support admin. I deeply appreciate

  • Espanha aumenta idade para abrir conta nas redes sociais: 16 anos
  • O problema é como fiscalizar

  • Meta’s new AI council is composed entirely of white men
  • Imagine how better would it be if they replaced one of those rich white dudes with another rich person who wasn´t a white man... right?

  • Meteoro atravessou Portugal na noite de sábado
  • Aqui em casa estávamos a assistir um filme e de repente veio um clarão da janela, foi bem legal, pena não ter visto o meteoro em si

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Moderators own shit.

    I'm a moderator for a community, but never in my mind this idea came to me. I'm just there to help the community and that's all.

    Ultimately the only one who owns it is the admin. And the admin should know if a mod is abusing his powers

  • Just a few attention-grabbing retro game ads that would land studios in hot water today. (more in post body)
  • The hand of the guy holding the yellow Gameboy looks like it's coming from a PS1 game lol

  • Good for him ☺️👍
  • Food waste is an issue indeed, but knowing the carbon impact of the food in general, this tend to be so high that an electric bike is more efficient carbon wise than a regular one because the food we need to eat to get back those calories are in general more carbon intensive the the energy we get from the grid.

    Not that peoples should stop exercising, but eating less and get healthy in the process is a win win in this case

  • Good for him ☺️👍
  • Lol

  • PC spec for retrogames

    Hi guys, I have been using a Raspberry Pi with Retropie for my emulation for ages. It's used for games up to PS1 and it's fine, but I wanted to upgrade my emulation to play games up to PS3/360. For that I think I need to use a PC right? What's the recommended spec for that use case?

    It's gonna be used specifically for emulation hooked up on a TV on my basement and with Retrobat or some system like that

    I appreciate your inputs.

    Super Metroid

    It's being a couple of weeks since I've finished this game and it does not get out of my head.

    I've always enjoyed Castlevania and games which can be referenced as Metroidvania, but for some reason I've never got interested in playing Metroid, maybe because I was a Sega/Sony kid

    But some weeks ago I was looking to play something "new" and was not in the mood for the vampire franchise, so I tried my luck and went to play Super Metroid with basically no expectations and suffice to say it blew my mind.

    I was really surprised that it had almost everything a Metroidvania has and one generation before SOTN, I didn't expected this from a 16 bit game and I say this having owned Video Games since Atari 2600

    I don't have much to add but if you are into retrogames and for some dumb reason, like mine, you still haven't tried Super Metroid, than please give it a chance.


    Alguém ai já viu? Assisti essa perola ontem e que coisa mais linda. A animação é tão boa que tive de buscar na internet para ver se não era rotoscopia. A história não fica pra trás também, achei tudo muito visceral também apesar de ser um filme com pouquíssima ação. Pra quem gosta daquela sensação que animes dos anos 90 trazem é um prato cheio, recomendo demais.

    Frieren - Opiniões

    Estou gostando, achei um anime bem leve, pelo menos até agora.


    Quem assistiu? Estava com grandes espectativas e posso dizer que por mim elas foram cumpridas.

    Sequência - Medir produção painel solar

    Só pra dar uma sequência do primeiro post.

    Como falei numa resposta lá, eu comprei esse aparelhinho aqui e depois descobri que a minha casa é trifásica, por isso no começo pensei em usar apenas para ler a produção dos painéis, mas depois li que nesses casos eu poderia usar uma das garras no neutro e então não precisaria de uma em cada fase para ler o consumo global da casa e deu certo :)

    Honestamente achei o app dele Tuya bem fraquinho por que não tem uma granularidade grande de dados históricos. Agora é correr atrás de como fazer pra baixar isso e eu mesmo fazer uns gráficos mais legais

    Aqui umas imagens do app. Vista corrente, histórico

    Foi um processo bem legal, eu não entendia quase nada sobre como funciona o sistema elétrico da casa, agora já consigo ver o quadro e entender melhor o que está ali, de disjuntores, DRs, barramentos, fases/neutro e etc... :)

    Medir produção painel solar


    Alguém ai entende sobre monitoramento de produção solar? Comprei e instalei um par de painéis na minha casa, mas agora não sei o que preciso para os monitorar. Vi um vídeo a falar de um Shelly, mas não entendo muito disso e se alguém tiver alguma dica eu agradeço.

    Bot para menções do Brasil

    Não sei se ainda existe, mas antigamente existia um bot not reddit que varria o site a procura de menções das palavras Brasil, Brazil....

    Acho que seria legal ter algo igual aqui e ter uma comunidade especifica em que ele postaria isso

    Será que alguém aqui manja desses paranaues?

    Use added the old reddit style into its instance. I think it would be great to have that here also.

    We all know that current lemmy browser UI is not so great

    calavera Calavera
    Posts 10
    Comments 321