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Bolivian Government Denounces Attempted Coup D’éTat
  • So, while I recognize the last one was US-backed, do we have any evidence at this point to believe this one was also?

    "Zuniga, for his part, said in televised comments that he expected the government to change and that he also intended to release "political prisoners," including the former interim president, Jeanine Anez.”

    Is that evidence enough?

  • The international diplomatic war over Taiwan’s status just escalated sharply
  • They do not touch on the real reasons for these amendments. One is to look tough and nationalistic to their domestic audience. Another is to inflict psychological fear in Taiwanese and those who support Taiwan internationally that the CCP could potentially be coming for us, not only in China, Hong Kong and Macau, but in 45 other countries as well.

    Hey guys did you know the real reason is to look tough and nationalistic and not (among other reasons) the US attempt to have an unsinkable air craft carrier to project power

    According to human rights NGO Safeguard Defender


    Taiwans ADIZ

    I wonder why this extends into the mainland. Could there be historical context?

    When the CCP is planning another dramatic change of the status quo, they go out of their way to also pick a date when it will send a message.

    For example, often when countries switch diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China, the announcement will be timed to pack a punch, such as Nauru making their announcement right after William Lai (賴清德) won the election. Similarly, there was no way the enormously complex live fire training exercises China launched to upend the status quo could have been planned in the tiny window of time from the-then US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement she was to visit Taiwan and her arrival. They had planned it long in advance, — her trip was merely an excuse. To this day, it is common to see the Chinese military gray zone menacing behavior that continues being traced to Pelosi’s visit, almost as if she were somehow to blame.

    Hey trust me they've been planing this for a long time. And these misogynists of course blame girl queen Pelosi. Not like China denounced the visit in advance. Classic reversal of cause and effect.

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • You're right it actually is "dronie".

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • Thank you for your encouragement, dronie..

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • I mean sure it is, but you're also implying "The more your media landscape criticizes it’s own government the less critically you can consume it”

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • Sure. That's a way to interpret your comment to also

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • With a little self awareness you'd know that the context is the comment chain above and that it's basically what youre saying llmao

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • It's a similar social construct as "tankie". While "tankie" describes anyone left of Bernie Sanders, "dronnie" describes anyone that's wittingly or unwittingly pro US imperialist.

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • "The more your media landscape criticizes it's own government the less critically you can consume it"


  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • There you go dronnie:

    Next time Google it yourself

    Edit: Actually that one's from 2020. Youll have to wait until western sources "verify" (read: cope) about it in a week or two

  • Why Israel and Taiwan are forging a closer relationship
  • Just reactionaries banding together

  • Why the West fears massive job losses because of China’s clean tech prowess
  • Unlike what you prefer to read, which is not propaganda, right?

  • Name one successful communist nation!
  • At least do some basic reading of theory instead of bringing nothing new to the table. China is run by communists and the economic system is market socialist (or more accurately SWCC). And yes socialism isn't without contradictions. You haven't event answered my questions how you imagine communism to come about, coward.

  • Name one successful communist nation!
  • When you don't know the difference between communism and socialism. What no theory does to a mf

  • Name one successful communist nation!
  • Libs caring .ore about the tone then the content of what is being said. A classic duo

  • Name one successful communist nation!
  • implementing communism inherently deprives counterrevolution of the capital

    How do you want to achieve this? Globally at once? Or bit by bit? Can you please Rosas work?

  • carl_marks_1312 carl_marks_1312

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