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I just cited myself.
  • This seems to be conflating 0.333...3 with 0.333... One is infinitesimally close to 1/3, the other is a decimal representation of 1/3. Indeed, if 1-0.999... resulted in anything other than 0, that would necessarily be a number with more significant digits than 0.999... which would mean that the ... failed to be an infinite repetition.

  • nuanceposting the trolley thing
  • Hoping that it is given to us, and doing nothing to build the political powerbase to make it happen doesn't help. These changes we want to see need us to build and maintain coalitions, not just wait for other people to do the work for us or approach it like one person can fix the issue. If there are changes you want to see in the world, start working with you friends and family to get the word out about the issue and start doing things in your shared spaces to get that to happen.

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • Oh, good! Is it also owned by large corporations who have interests that cause them to favor certain stories because it impacts their bottom line and the editorial desk does not have strong independence from the business side of things because of a monoculture of publishers? Surely, this will bring us a wide variety of political candidates and not an endless parade of arch-capitalists and fascists who give kickbacks to corporations!

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • Oh, good! Is it also owned by large corporations who have interests that cause them to favor certain stories because it impacts their bottom line and the editorial desk does not have strong independence from the business side of things because of a monoculture of publishers? Surely, this will bring us a wide variety of political candidates and not an endless parade of arch-capitalists and fascists who give kickbacks to corporations!

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • Yeah, the focus on winning the presidency ignores the down ballot, small market and "off-cycle" races, and, to get to fillibuster-proof majorities, those races are the ones that need to be won. Berating progressives in urban areas to vote for moderate liberal candidates for president is not exactly harm reduction.

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • I swear I hear this regardless of how close we are to the next presidential election. Can we maybe focus on some of the other races on the ballot? I would love if we could get a Congress that was actually able to make good things happen, instead of trying very hard to do nothing so bad things don't happen.

  • Pride month rule
  • Ah, yes, the perennial take of "only those I deem socially acceptable should be allowed at pride". Happy Pride Month, everybody! Remember to leave all the parts of you that make people uncomfortable in the closet!

  • I’m 18 — and facing jail because I won’t fight for Israel
  • Ah, yes, the "laziness and entitlement" of risking becoming a political prisoner for checks notes not wanting to participate in a plausible genocide. Clearly, political prisoners and genocides have nothing to do with Israel.

  • Crunchyroll
  • It was still part of the purchase. It was often part of the advertised product. You purchased digital content from Funimation, and Crunchyroll is revoking access to that purchase.

  • ‘Stop the price-gouging’: Biden hits corporations over high consumer costs
  • The prices for fixed costs have gone up, too. People need a place to live, the health to keep living, and ways of ensuring access to both, and the costs of all of those have gone up as well. A not insignificant chuck of people don't have discretionary spending to cut (not to mention how stressful living paycheck-to-paycheck on the bare essentials can be). Yes, it is certainly worth reevaluating budgets and determining where expenses can be lowered, but those margins have been getting thinner for a long while.

  • Locked Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Vote in primaries, vote in off-year elections, vote in local races. We can't hinge our entire political strategy on who wins the biggest race every four years while ignoring the rest of the political system if we want any chance of having options besides what the two large parties present us.

  • Wake-up Call: Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year
  • First-Past-the-Post voting makes this shit suck so hard. Not only does voting third party reduce the threshold for the rest of the field and in particular the party I definitely don't want in power, that party is most incentivised to prop up my third party candidate. They get to count my vote as win, and with the stakes as high as they are even losing an election cycle means people I care about get seriously hurt.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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