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Eat shit Spotify.
  • I don't think Spotify was created with deaf people in mind. It's unfair to imply the company did this on purpose to worsen their lives. I bet they didn't even think about this use-case. I agree that deaf people should be able to enjoy music, and Spotify can do something to help. But it's not that simple. For example, how would they charge people who can hear, but offer the service for free to those who can't? It's not as easy as this post makes it seem. That's why I wrote my first comment.

  • Anon learns that his grandfather dodged being drafted
  • Tribalism. Our tribe is good, their tribe is bad. If you are not with your tribe, you are a traitor, so people are pressurized into this, and start believing lies about our glorious pride and wise leaders.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • But the feature works exactly the same for deaf and not deaf people, we've established that already. Well, at least you agreed that you were lying and manipulating. I will take the win.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • You are not explaining how hearing works. You are manipulating. You are manipulating by equating one's ability to hear with a Spotify feature. These are not the same thing, and comparing them is not correct.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • No, they don't. This feature works exactly the same regardless of what your ears can or can't do.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Why do they think that they are entitled to free lyrics?

  • Aston Martin confirm Lance Stroll to remain as Fernando Alonso’s team mate after contract extension
  • Let's not dramatize. Red Bull has Perez, Ferrari kept Raikkonen after he had been demolished by Alonso in 2014. It's not like weak drivers is the daddy's invention.

  • What's the most likely end of mankind and our world as we know it?
  • Climate change, antibiotics resistance, that kind of stuff. A slow and boring apocalypse instead of what we see in the movies.

  • And was just gone.
  • Okay, I need recommendations. What is the best video about the recalled Shrek toy?

  • Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • And not when your client is a Netflix app on your smart tv.

  • Why use catch-all email domains over email aliases?
  • When you own a domain name, you own it forever. You don’t depend on the third party, they can’t take it away from you.

    Really? You can lose your domain for various reasons, that is not impossible.

  • Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box
  • I laughed so hard. Then I cried remembering good old days of eth0.

  • Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off
  • It can't match proper headphones. But I listen to podcasts and books, so the audio quality is not that important.

  • Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off
  • I switched to wireless during the covid pandemic. Otherwise it was really painful to put on and off the mask each time I entered public transport. And I agree, it's super convenient in many other situations as well.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • I've heard that drugs, including alcohol, trigger the chemicals in our brains that make us feel "happy". After the effects wear off, our natural "happiness" level is even lower than it was before. This is why we feel the need to use the drug again, and over time, we also have to take more of it to feel the same level of "happiness".

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • access their preferred AI service from the Firefox sidebar to summarize information, simplify language, or test their knowledge, all without leaving their current web page.

    Our initial offering will include ChatGPT, Google Gemini, HuggingChat, and Le Chat Mistral

  • Automation
  • One of my favorite examples is when a company from India (I think?) trained their model to regulate subway gates. The system was supposed to analyze footage and open more gates when there were more people, and vice versa. It worked well until one holiday when there were no people, but all gates were open. They eventually discovered that the system was looking at the clock visible on the video, rather than the number of people.

  • Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough
  • 8GB is definitely not enough for coding, gaming, or most creative work but it’s fine for basic office/school work or entertainment.

    The thing is, basic office/school/work tasks can be done on any laptop that costs twice less than an 8GB MacBook.

  • Why VPN tunnels are safer than opening a port on my router?


    I often read suggestions to use something like Tailscale to create a tunnel between a home server and a VPS because it is allegedly safer than opening a port for WireGuard (WG) or Nginx on my router and connecting to my home network that way.

    However, if my VPS is compromised, wouldn't the attacker still be able to access my local network? How does using an extra layer (the VPS) make it safer?

    cheddar cheddar
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