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  • Oh hell nah

  • 70º in December
  • Obviously… that’s why the first sentence I wrote was that I was staying up north….

  • 70º in December
  • This shit is exactly why despite having hated growing up in the frozen tundra... I'm now staying. Its not worth giving up at this point in society.

    Been a....something... guys. Best of luck to you in the climate wars.

    May the odds be ever in your favor.

  • NEW COMMUNITY ALERT: Boomers Being Fools

    Hi all! I have just created ! for a place to share stories

    about boomers

    being fools.

    I am not a moderator on the subreddit, nor am I affiliated with the subreddit-- however I am open to their mods coming over here and joining the team as well.

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season! <3

    Edit: Tried making MillennialsBeingFools (or variations) as well and was unable to.

    What are your planting plans?

    For those of us currently in winter-- what new varieties are you growing this coming year?

    What new things have you added to your garden for the upcoming season?

    What new techniques are you trying this year?

    We're in the dead of winter and I am itching to get back out into the garden... tell me what you're up to!

    VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough
  • Thank god.

    Touchscreens in a car never made any sense.

  • Winter Growing Zone 5A/B Cusp

    Hi friends!

    Sort of thinking out loud here, any advice would be appreciated.

    I'm considering setting up my smaller greenhouses in one of the outbuildings on our property over winter to attempt to grow some things. Said outbuilding houses my rabbit in a stall year round, and she has a heat lamp in the winter. The building itself is not heated.

    My thought process is that I could grow some cold weather crops on the shelves in the greenhouses (one is smaller, one is walk in) and with all the different lights and her heat lamp... I'd think it would at least add a bit to the ambient heat in the building? (Not a big building at all, smaller than our chicken coop.)

    Am I being obnoxiously ambitious? Is this at all a feasible thought?

    What happened to
  • Just remembered I had another Lemmy app, responding from it now and it works.

    Weird bout the rest though.

  • What happened to
  • My own. Both on desktop and ice cubes.


  • What happened to

    Maybe I missed something, so my apologies if this is a stupid question— but what happened to the instance? I’ve periodically checked the last 24 hours and haven’t been able to connect.

    Is it gone, or is something else going on? Thanks in advance, friends!

    2 stickers!
  • Lemmy ✏️ world ✏️ Wayne’s ✏️ world ✏️ hat ✏️

    I do also have an embroidery machine…… hmmmmmmmm

  • stickers!
  • I appreciate it, man!

  • Beef Medallions
  • Nope you’ve got it right— not a bad idea, thanks!

  • Beef Medallions

    I’ve been considering making beef medallions, but I have a very strong dislike of horseradish.

    Admittedly I’m probably missing something super obvious, but what could I do instead? I’m not big on bleu cheese, either.

    I keep thinking some whipped chive butter or something, but I’m not sure.


    2 stickers!
  • I am pretty close to crashing out for a few hours, but I wanted to share this:

    Any sticker orders that are in as of 9AM US Eastern today, August 2, 2023, are in the mailbox to be picked up today.

    Edit: (909am Eastern) All current orders out.

  • stickers!
  • No problem! I hope you have a good day, friend.

  • stickers!
  • Honestly, I haven't even looked at kbin, whatsoever. I'll look it up after I sleep (I'm an American... but one on an opposite sleep schedule) and see what I can do.

  • stickers!
  • I am a small business owner that tries to make things as non cost-prohibitive as possible.

    Unfortunately, international costs are asinine. If I could safely and above board still provide international service at solely international stamp prices, I would-- believe me.

    I understand your pain, but it is not priced as it is due to ignorance of other locales.

    Edit: phrasing

  • stickers!
  • I'd need some ideas on that one!

  • stickers!
  • Fully and totally understandable, no harm no foul. :)

    Edit: Appreciate the support, regardless! <3

  • stickers!
  • Just packed it!

  • stickers!
  • Glad to help, man!

    I super appreciate the opportunity.

  • Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • Said it elsewhere sometime yesterday-- bout 13 years.

  • Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    Perpetual Stew— 102 Hours

    So I already said nothing of note really happened to share with you guys… but between 72-96 hours I added stir fry beef, 6 cups of water, and a red onion.

    At 100 hours I did the second full strain, and cleaned the crockpot.

    I haven’t slept yet(thanks insomnia) but once I fall asleep and wake up I’ll be pulling appx 32oz of broth out to preserve.

    Im excited for future me to experience the back end of this experiment.

    Happy Monday! &lt;3

    Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • Thirteenish years on Reddit. Won’t go back.

    Did place to put fuck spez and join Lemmy…. Made stickers after that can hopefully get people to look into Lemmy.

    We’ll see what happens.

  • Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    “But where’s 72 hours?”

    Don’t worry, void…. The soup hasn’t killed me yet. There’s just been nothing of note to inform you of.

    Carry on!

    Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    Safety First!

    I feel I need to do my due diligence for those who may come across these posts or this community.

    I have multiple family members who are chefs, and I also have culinary training-- I follow a combination of servsafe and what the chefs (both my family members and otherwise) taught me.

    If you are considering your own perpetual stew challenge, I would implore you to already be versed in food safety or learn prior to taking this on.

    I am well aware that I am hypothetically playing with fire-- I don't think anybody should attempt this unless they are well versed in food safety.

    Foodborne illnesses can and WILL (some of them) KILL YOU.

    Be safe, and don't ever bite off more than you can (safely) chew.

    Your continued existence is and will always be more important than a damn soup pot.

    With love. <3


    Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    Perpetual Stew-- 48 Hours Later

    HELLO VOID! Did you miss me?

    This morning, I could tell the first set of vegetables were begging for mercy-- so I put them out of their misery and strained the whole damn thing.

    Today's Additions:

    • Taijin
    • Kosher Salt
    • 2 Yellow Onion
    • Mushrooms
    • 6 Cups Water
    • Garlic Powder
    • Maldon Sea Salt
    • Caldo de Pollo
    • Chive Vinegar
    • Bay Leaves
    • Parsley
    • Four Peppercorn Blend
    • Chili Beans

    Took a day off from actually eating, and spent more time developing and trying to build out flavor.

    My 4pm Notes: > "Buttery. It's got a buttery feel to it. But not in a bad way-- like the perfect kind of silky smooth. I was aiming for somewhat of a chile limon kind of feel... with sweet and heat... but I couldn't figure out how to make it happen in a way that would be sustainable. 204F"

    Fucked around, Found out.

    My 10pm Notes: > "Did a lil tasty taste. It was good. Gonna have a bowl tonight for a late dinner, over elbow noodles. I meant to make crusty bread to dip and sop up the soup, but I forgot. Maybe i'll actually remember to make a loaf before I go to sleep. 196F"

    What you see in the photo are the onions, mushrooms, and parsley I added. I have plans tomorrow to add some beef in, with intent of straining the soup and cleaning the pot beforehand.

    I wish I had a better update! I'll amend this post if I get hungry and eat more of it a little bit later tonight. :)

    I appreciate you all joining me on this journey. <3

    Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    First Perpetual Stew: 24 Hour Update

    I'm back to scream into the void!

    In the last 24 hours, I've added:

    • 4 Cups Water
    • More Jalapeno
    • Banana Peppers
    • Red Onion
    • Green Pepper
    • Garbanzo Beans
    • Yellow pear tomatoes
    • More mushrooms
    • Sauteed Kohlrabi
    • Kohlrabi Greens
    • Roasted Beef Femurs
    • Rosemary
    • Parsley

    Highlights of the last 24 Hours:

    The early taste tests were amazing. The broth was so clear, and I was really impressed with the depth and complexity of flavor I'd created. My first real entry about it was when I sat down with a bowl at 7am today.

    >"No broth tasting this time, not from the pot. But the bowl I poured... the broth though brown is so CLEAR.. I am flabbergasted. 191F"

    I added the extra jalapeño and banana peppers... I swear I thought it was a good idea. It wasn't a bad one, per se-- just a spicy one.

    After adding the femur bones and sautéed kohlrabi, it deepened the flavor a bit-- but didn't cut the pepper heat, which is fine. Hence, my 9pm Entry:

    >"THASSA SPICY MEATBALL! Added green peppers to hopefully cool it some. 205F"

    Currently eating my second bowl-- fifteen hours after the first, and 24 hours after beginning the cook. Its got a bit of an oily layer, which makes sense between the bones and the butter I sautéed the kohlrabi in.

    I inhaled instead of swallowing at one point, so the heat is making my eyes water. Once I stopped forgetting how to breathe, though-- I realized the heat is more lingering on the tongue and lips than really being WAY too hot... I think I may have conflated temperature heat with Scoville heat.

    Tastes damn good tho!

    Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    I tried one of the world's oldest soups, a broth that's been kept simmering for 50 years by 3 generations of a family. It's now one of my favorite restaurants in Bangkok.
    Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    Brooklyn Woman-- Annie Rauwerda-- And Her Perpetual Stew Home


    Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    Perpetual stew - Wikipedia
    Perpetually Stewed PopcornChickn
    First Perpetual Stew

    The concept of perpetual stew is medieval-- literally.

    What it boils down to (pun fully intended) is keeping a pot of soup or stew cooking perpetually while adding to it at a relatively constant rate. Its a good place to toss your odds and ends. That said, in the modern era, we have a better knowledge of food safety laws and concepts-- making this 'scary soup' less scary.

    This is my first ever attempt at perpetual stew. I have outlined my first set of ingredients below.

    I don't really have a goal for this experiment, aside from seeing just how long I can safely make this happen. Just because we have all the conveniences of the modern world doesn't mean we shouldn't know how to do things 'The Old Way.'

    I liken it to when a math teacher would say, "Yes, there's an easier way... and I'll teach you-- but you still need to know how to do it this way."

    If you guys choose to hang around and watch my stew progress-- Cool! Thanks! Maybe you'll even be inspired to try it out yourself.

    If not, that's fine too. I just want a place to keep all of this together.


    • 8 c. Water
    • Kosher Salt
    • Minced Garlic
    • Red Cap Adobo
    • Fresh Cracked Four Peppercorn Blend
    • Mushrooms
    • Jalapenos
    • Green Pepper
    • Red Pepper
    • Yellow Pepper
    • 1 Red Onion
    • 2 Yellow Onion
    • 3 Carrots
    Sweet Millions... Sorry for potato quality

    This sweet millions plant has been a chonker since I got it.

    Was the first one with any maters on it. Today, when I was fixing the ties to the trellis, I knocked a small green tomato off.

    Of course, I had to taste it. Even green it was delicious... though it had an interesting apple flavor and bite to it.

    A little Early Girl action for your viewing pleasure

    I had a greenhouse mishap this spring, causing me to have to buy a lot of plants from the store.

    I can't wait to see what all she gives me!

    But next year, its back to from seed only.

    SNOOcalypse - document, discuss, and promote the downfall of Reddit. PopcornChickn
    Why do I love thee? Lemmy count the ways.

    I try to be a good an honest person, even on the internet where no one will know I'm a dog. I try to take people at face value when possible-- we all need to form our own opinions.

    But I'll be good fucking goddamned if every reddit post someone tries to be nice on is either met with blatantly superficial kindness in return, or an ass ton of downvotes.... for some fucking reason only known to the hivemind.

    I much prefer to be here-- here and Mastodon. In both places I've gotten to have conversations with real fucking people about real fucking things that I really fucking care about.

    I love being able to educate people on things-- and have it be taken in stride as opposed to being viewed as speaking down or assuming someone is 'stupid.' I love the actual back and forth that comes of it.

    The Fediverse really does give us the experience we had in the early days of the internet-- where if your opinion was dogshit, real life people would tell you and give you the reason why, without being a condescending jackass right back.

    Anyway, love you Lemmy. Stay vibin.
