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8,000 seat TX church attendance after lead pastor (Trump's spiritual advisor) busted for pedophilia
  • Don't worry, some other grifter will come in and continue to fleece the congregation for all of their money.

  • My beautiful child...
  • Lmfao. 55 upvotes, 4 downvotes, and removed by mods. I'll just restate it for those that didn't see it. Jesus isn't real, the Church hates you. Don't elevate them by sharing poetry to make them seem less the monsters they are. If it makes their life easier, they will walk over your fallen body and they won't give it a second thought. When they go to sleep at night, they'll say their prayers and sleep well while repeating the mantra, "Homosexuality is a sin."

  • Having to go to a meeting really messes with your flow for the whole day, doesn't it?
  • Or the anxiety of what the meeting will be about that spans the entire morning beforehand.

  • NSFW Removed
    All of Them
  • Slut? No. A slut would give it away for free. She's charging. She's a whore.

    And as far as shaming? Not doing that either. Just getting the fair market value for whatever she's doing to keep her job.

  • Reuters denies reporting that Israel will attack Lebanon
  • Reuters and AP News are really the only two sources I pretty much implicitly trust anymore. As far as I'm concerned, the person reporting false news and attributing it to Reuters should be hung by the neck until dead.

  • Oh boy sleep, that's where I'm a Tetsuo
  • Winds Over Neo Springfield

  • Eco-friendly beyond comprehension
  • Seconding. Also, the guy on the right has it correct. You have to lean on them like a Segway.

  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree currently has a 'Mixed' status on Steam, with many of the negative reviews complaining that the bosses are too hard [also game's PC performance]
  • I'm at the end of Journey 3 level 200 with a character that I am using for the DLC. The only thing left for me is Melania in the main game, but I'm not rushing it because she's the only boss that really whooped my ass in the main game the first 3 times I fought her. The DLC bosses are giving me that Melania rush, again. When I beat one, I feel like I fucking WON that fight. Hell, I think 80% of the fights I've had so far I haven't even been able to summon my spirit buddies, which has admittedly been a crutch in the main game. I love it. It's a fucking challenge.

  • My beautiful child...
  • I don't believe in a "greater good", I believe that we are all responsible for being the best person that we can be. I think religion is a waste of time, yes. I think the world would be better off without, yes. However, if your religion is harmless, then I don't care what you do. I only care when your religion is actively harming the world. You can't be part of a hate group but claim to be part of a love group.

  • My beautiful child...
  • I think the phrase goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." It doesn't matter what a person means. It is our actions that define us. You can be as positive as you want to be, but if you preach a message of hatred, all the lollipops in the doctors office can't make up for the pain you cause. Claiming God's Love is good when God's Love means hating doesn't make God's Love better. It makes you worse.

  • My beautiful child...
  • When you say that you love me, do you mean it in the God's Love kinda way? Or the human love kinda way?

    Cause God created hell and then told everyone to worship him, and if you don't, you go to there. He calls that love. I don't want that kind of love.

    To paraphrase Stephen Fry, God gives children bone cancer. I don't want that kind of love.

    God lets those that have unabashed hate for others live in his sanctuary and preach his message. I don't want that kind of love.

    God lets his priests sexually abuse others. I don't want that kind of love.

    God lets wars be carried out in his name. I don't want that kind of love.

    God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. I don't want that kind of love.

    You can talk about Jesus' teachings all you like, but actions speak louder than words. The Gospel of Christ is the love of an abusive partner. Say one thing, do another. God's love is a terrible thing, and I want nothing to do with it, and anyone who does is a coward. If, and it's a big if, if God is real, is he the kind of God you want to worship? Seems like a waste of effort at best, and a complete betrayal of others at worse. So, go ahead, spread his love around. Just remember what kind of love it is you are spreading.

  • My beautiful child...
  • Jesus isn't real, and the church hates you. Don't read poetry that glorifies them or gives them any credibility. They will turn their backs on you at the first opportunity, trample over you if it makes their life easier, and when they look back at the road they've trod, they'll sleep well, repeating the mantra, "Homosexuality is a sin."

  • i shall simply remain illiterate
  • I read and write, so I imagine I look like the tip picture, but really I look like the bottom.

  • "Getting paid more money is for fools"
  • Just in case anyone is curious about how it works...

    Your entire income isn't taxed at the same rate. Each chunk of your income is taxed differently. The first 11k is taxed at 10%, the next 35k is taxed at 12%, the next 50k is taxed at 22%, and it continues on at different intervals after that. This person believed that going from 44k to 45k would then change their tax bracket and their gross income would be taxed at 22%, thus reducing their net income. This is false. Only the amount over the threshold gets taxed at the higher rate. Always take a raise if it benefits you.

  • Appreciate your closest Gary while you still can.
  • At the end, the woman and her child are on a boat waiting for the Gary Foundation to come and take them to Garyland. She looks down into the twinkling eyes of her newborn and says, "nah, you look like a Tommy." Roll credits.

  • "Valve is being sued in the UK for $843 million for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers and abusing its dominant position' with Steam"
  • Microsoft and Epic asked for it. That's why it's here. Some lawyer is getting rich off of this, and I bet they are in bed with either of those two.

  • Captain Kirk's final words were, "Oh, my," and I love that.

    Think about all of the things he has seen, all of the worlds he has explored, all of the green women he has slept with, and when he is faced with death, it shocks even him, to the extent that all he can say is, "Oh, my." I'm not sure how popular this scene is among the Star Trek Zeitgeist, but I imagine it's probably hated. I, however, love it. Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong in the comments.

    Question about Steam Deck vs Gaming PC

    I have a Steam Deck, and I love it. It can handle 90% of my library, and it's always improving.

    I decided to try out a linux distro for my OS, because the biggest drawback has always been the hoops that I had to jump through to get games up and running. I went for Pop OS, since that seemed to be natively friendly with NVidia, and the lowest barrier for entry. However, in Steam, I see that there is a much more limited selection of games compatible with my system. Is there a way around that, to get the same selection as my Steam Deck? Or is it this way because the Steam Deck is a singular platform that is developed for based on specific architecture?

    chemical_cutthroat chemical_cutthroat

    When I drop the mic, it leaves a crater.

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