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Three-year cruise canceled weeks before shoving off, after one woman sold her apartment to join unique voyage
  • I was surprised to learn that many cruise ships burn diesel rather than bunker oil.

  • Three-year cruise canceled weeks before shoving off, after one woman sold her apartment to join unique voyage
  • Refund paid in monthly installments seems like a huge red flag too…yikes. Hopefully these passengers can come out of this mostly okay at least.

  • What is a word you realized you were pronouncing wrong until you heard someone else say it?
  • Dachshund and indicted:

    Dash-Hound In-Dicked-ed

    Even though I heard people pronounce dachshund I didn't connect it to the written word until I was in my 30's probably. I knew that a weiner dog was a "doc-sun" but didn't know how it was spelled

  • Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again at a Kentucky event
  • Please let him die in the Cincinnati metro area

  • Biden administration moves to loosen weed restrictions
  • Biden is going to handle this like the Covid checks. Make a big promise hinging on the election and then under deliver. Then waste a couple years and make some executive memo bullshit that gets tied up in the courts. If he lives that long.

    I want legal weed and more. Just saying Biden isn’t the guy to deliver.

  • Voters in Ohio reject GOP-backed proposal that would have made it tougher to protect abortion rights Voters in Ohio reject GOP-backed proposal that would have made it tougher to protect abortion rights

    While abortion was not directly on the special election ballot, the result marks the latest setback for Republicans in a conservative-leaning state who favor imposing tough restrictions on the procedure.

    Wooo!! Suck it GOP

    Runtipi: Homeserver management made easy
  • I've been running Tipi for a couple months on a home machine. I don't have any significant experience with Docker and Tipi was simple enough I could get it running pretty easily.

    I use tailscale to access it away from home. I'm running FreshRSS, Invidious, LibReddit, Joplin and Vikunja. Pretty slick!

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lets see the Dems actually accomplish something substantive. Don't get me wrong... I hope they do. I just doubt they will.

  • Are you a hi hi, ha ha or he he person? Do you know any ho ho person besides Santa?
  • “Hi hi” is the standard in Morse code. But I am more of a ha ha person

  • Beautiful weekend in Ohio

    Beautiful weather in Northeast Ohio Saturday. Took my hiking buddy out for a 6 mile adventure.

    What's the Best Fast Food Chain Based in the Midwest?
  • All these posts about Kwik Trip was making me question what I'm missing by not eating gas station food.

    But to be fair, I do love a Casey's pizza. Best gas station pizza I've had.