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The Fastest Growing Demographic In The Workforce? People Over Age 75
  • They always say it like its a cute fun thing and not a matter of life or death for certain demographics

  • Removed
    In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia
  • Regulatory capture of the arms industry sets the global agenda

  • Bernie Sanders calls on Congress to block funding to Israel
  • Meanwhile congress is slap fighting over who gets to kill the poor

  • I wanna be a Xitter Idiot
  • Those names don't look very American, or real

  • I wanna be a Xitter Idiot
  • Anyone who wants to censor culture is a fascist at their core. In a liberal democracy you can say anything but you're not immune from the consequences.

    That being said these users look fake AF and we should stop pretending Twitter/x/whatever is anything but a dead forum

  • More Than 6,700 Pounds of Ground Beef Recalled Over Possible E. Coli Contamination
  • A large enough amount of it will affect the taste of the meat, this is because you're eating the waste and corpses of bacterium.

  • More Than 6,700 Pounds of Ground Beef Recalled Over Possible E. Coli Contamination
  • Boxes of burgers so it means it was probably an issue on the assembly line. Always someone's first day nowadays

  • Locked
    Dave Chappelle fills Netflix special with jokes about trans and disabled people
  • The culture war must go on otherwise we might start blaming the right people for our problems

  • Locked
    Dave Chappelle fills Netflix special with jokes about trans and disabled people
  • Do you expect Netflix to have things to watch? That's your first mistake

  • Crunchy. Delectable.
  • Is this a subgenre of rock?