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Does it make sense to get an ADHD diagnosis if I already have an ASD diagnosis?
  • I mean, they’re two different things, so I would think a separate diagnosis wouldn’t hurt.

    On a side note, my therapist told me that she has never met or worked with a single ASD patient who wasn’t also ADHD, so take from that what you will.

  • Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs?
  • Some do, but to do this, the point of entry to the grid needs to be set up in such a way as to support this, with an automatic transfer switch for when the grid disconnects, and a meter that reads energy use as both incoming and outgoing, rather than the default of all incoming.

    Source: am electrician who has installed batteries on peoples houses

  • Bussy?
  • I fail to see how someone else’s private relationship defines yours in any way. This sounds less like you have a problem with other people, and more like you have trust issues, whether towards yourself or towards your own partner. Either way, your relationship has nothing to do with anyone else’s, just like theirs has nothing to do with yours. If you don’t want to cheat on your partner, then don’t cheat on your partner.

  • ADHD Women Community Check-In Apr 28-May 4: How Are You Doing?
  • Uh, I dunno. I need to get my car fixed, but I keep forgetting to call them - doesn’t help that I emailed them already and never heard back, but whatever. I think my taxes are done, but I dunno, I’m not a tax lawyer. And we’re not gonna talk about the current state of my house, lol

  • Just paid my ADHD tax
  • You probably already know this, but if you’re watching ticket prices, try to check from a different phone or laptop each time. As in, check with your phone one day, your computer the next week, and while you’re at work the week after. Something about ISP tracking or something means that prices can go up if the site knows you’re watching, but if you’re looking from a different location each time, to the website you look like a different person, so the price won’t inflate as quickly.

  • Found a friend on a mountain hike

    Snek was found in BC, Canada. Said hello to new frend and then said goodbye.

    Snek was maybe 14” long? My friend says it was probably a garter snake.

    Edited to mention that there doesn’t seem to be a way to post videos in this instance, so I took a screenshot of a frame instead

    Still pretty smol, and learning to cat

    Obligatory not-my-cat. This is Holly, the new smol. She’s eating the stick end of a feather toy. I’m told it’s the tastiest part.

    voidcats clockwork_octopus
    Lemmy, meet Jezebel

    Obligatory not-my-cat. This is my friends lovely void, Jezebel.

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