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Satisfactory's developers had no idea how popular its 1.0 launch was going to be: 'We try not to focus too much on that stuff and just make it as big as we possibly can'
  • I am sort of in the same boat, because the game gradually unlocks improved recipes, I end up rebuilding and rebuilding the factory over and over.

    Going vertically doesn't really help, you have to re-plan and rebuild the layout every time some new technology unlocks. And (re)building in first person perspective, is rather fiddly. I doesn't help when better tools are only available in later tiers, when I get fed up rebuilding the factory over and over before I even reach it.

    I am fine with iterating over designs, but I get fed up when I cannot create a modular design, change it once and update all instances of that design in on go. Instead I have to manually rebuild everything.

    ShapeZ 2 also has a similar problem, but they at least offer copy&paste early in game.

    For Satisfactory I am waiting for mods to hopefully make factory building less cumbersome.

    I would prefer if Satisfactory would focus more on designing new factory modules and optimizing, scaling up existing ones. So a first milestone would be, create 30 iron plates per minute, next 30 iron plates/min and 30 iron rods/minute, then both of those and copper wires 30/minute. The maybe 120 plates, 30 rods and 30 wires, and so on and so forth. That way the player doesn't remove their factories, just and new ones or optimize/scale up existing ones. Together with a way to create, modify and instantiate blueprints, organized in a library, the boring and fiddly/gridy stuff of (re)building the factory is lessened. Also avoiding copy and pasting factories, by creating sub-designs and instantiating them would be great.

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • BTW, thank you for this discussion!

    The crux of the matter for me is the question wherever "the selection process" alone is enough to create art or not, and depending on my mood I fall to one side or another on that question. Not specifically if it is under copyright or not, because that sort of follows from that.

    Artists often use randomness in various parts of their creation process, what is really required is the human element. Is a picture of a cloud, that speaks to the photographer in some way art or just a picture of a random cloud?

    I guess this has to be decided on a case by case basis, therefore I cannot completely exclude it.

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • Yes, and you have copyright on the photo - not the layout of the plants and trees in it, nor even the angle of the subject. Someone else can go with a camera and take their own photo without touching your copyright.

    A work is original if it is independently created and is sufficiently creative. Creativity in photography can be found in a variety of ways and reflect the photographer’s artistic choices like the angle and position of subject(s) in the photograph, lighting, and timing. As a copyright owner, you have the right to make, sell or otherwise distribute copies, adapt the work, and publicly display your work.

    So if someone intentionally reproduces a picture, they violate copyright, IIUC.

    In the case of minecraft, I think a case can be made, where the "picture" is the minecraft world, and the creativity is the selection process by the artist. The artist chooses their angle, position, lighting, etc, in this case they choose properties of the world, maybe by visiting thousands of them, using seed search machines, or other reverse engineering tools etc.

    I all depends on if the artist can raise their work above just the random noise they get as an input in a creative way. I am not saying that all minecraft worlds (or save games for that matter) are subject to copyright, but since we are dealing with blurry lines of copyright, it is possible.

    IANAL, but I think if I would look into case law, I would find examples for both options, in some cases the "selection process" was enough to demonstrate creativity, and in other cases it wasn't.

    You are correct it isn't about the numbers, it is about the artistic and creative product that is copyrightable, which, in case of digital art, is represented as numbers, and distribution of those might be punished by law.

    I am just saying that digital art can be more that just still or moving pictures and sound. It can be a world space the artist prepared for you where you can move around.

    About the section on the law, I would read it just as stating what is covered under copyright, and not what isn't. I also just mentioned what original work is, not describing derived work.

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • Nature is often random and unpredictable, but the process of selecting a interesting POV and taking a picture of it is still copyrightable.

    I wouldn't be so sure that if you discover a seed, that can be transformed using minecraft into a world with very interesting and specific properties, could not be under copyright protection.

    In fact movies, pictures and books are specific numbers on a digital storage medium as well, that are transformed using a codec. That isn't something that can be easily replicated without that codec.

    I am not a copyright lawyer, but I think there are precedences where just the selection process from a stream of (semi-) random number, pictures, sound or events alone can produce copyrightable products.

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • I meant minecraft world file which stores the chunks the player explored and potentially modified. And I said "could" not "must", it depends on if hits a certain creative threshold.

    If the player decides to teleport around while creating a dickbud or whatever by just the explored chunks, that could meet it.

    If someone selectivly openes quests to use the open quest markers on a map in an RPG to create a dickbud, that cloud meet it as well.

    The save game could tell your individual story through the game, that cloud meet the threshold as well.

    Also, because the unmodified minecraft world is randomly generated, it would not be under anyones copyright.

    With AI, there could also be made an argument that the selection process might make it copyrightable. Like if you take a picture of a interesting looking cloud. The clouds might be semi-random, but you selecting a specific one reaches the threshold.

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • Well, I think both are human creation, you are using the machine and the game to create something new. In that sense, a save game file could also be under the players copyright. Lets say a Minecraft world for instance.

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • When the current copyright comes from books, wouldn't plugins or transient changes/cheats be like taking side notes with a pencil on their individual copy?

    Are side notes and annotations copyright infringements?

    I would love to see them argue that taking snarky side notes, which change the tone of their words, is copyright infringement.

  • Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code
  • Who was that developer? Where are those numbers from? Any sources?

    I remember ~9 years ago the Blizzard CEO said this: "[...] I would assume most of those people also have access to a Windows or Mac device capable of playing Blizzard games."

    Which is pretty disrespectful, but just one part of these arguments.

  • Why is UI design backsliding?
  • Yes they are, UX designers are not asked to make more efficient or usable designs, they are asked to make designs that "look good" in marketing, support ad integration, hook people into others services provided by that same company, make it more difficult to incorporate with workflows that include third-party applications, etc.

    This is deliberate UX design, which is part of the enshittification process.

  • Why is UI design backsliding?
  • People spend lots of money to buy big screens, only for apps/websites to use a fraction of it.

    I cannot control how every application or website I have to use looks, but where I can, I try to find solutions.

    When I am occasionally on reddit, I use old.reddit. I use addons for youtube, to remove unecessary stuff, or open videos directly in mpv.

    I use reader mode to make many sites easier to navigate.

    Mastodon and Lemmy have a much better design than Twitter or new Reddit.

    On the one windows machine I still have, I use the classic shell, to replace the start menu with something more usable.

    I use Libreoffice, and many other Software with sane functional UI.

    I don't want to use old software, because the older software gets, the more hostile the environment becomes for it.

    A lot of UI decisions on the Internet seem driven by the need to create empty spaces to put advertising into, and with adblocker it looks just bad.

  • Baldur's Gate 3 modders are already using its jailbroken level editor to make the game's first custom maps, including a proof-of-concept level in Hell
  • I am not sure how much credit I want to give Larian here yet, because the editor for DOS2, under their IP, also had a somewhat locked down editor.

    I really hope that it wasn't just an accident on their side, but malicious compliance on how they 'locked down' their editor, and they will offer similar open mod tool in their future games.

    We might see if they continue to release patches for the mod tools, while not patching that 'mod'.

  • Baldur's Gate 3 modders are already using its jailbroken level editor to make the game's first custom maps, including a proof-of-concept level in Hell
  • "Jailbroken" is a bit of an exaggeration. It is just a mod for the editor.

    They didn't put any technical hurdles in place to break out of in order to remove the restrictions. They used .NET which is easy to decompile and patch, as seen with all the unity mods out there. They could have used obfuscation, which would hinder the effort a bit, but didn't.

    "Jailbroken" is also the wrong word, their is no jail, when we already have full permissions to change whatever file we want.

  • Japan to criminalise cannabis use
  • There are two kinds of freedom, negative and positive liberty. US has a lot of negative liberties, they dictate little in what you can or cannot do, but is lacking in positive liberty, they don't support you very well to do what you want to do.

    While Europe might have less negative liberty, their generally better social welfare system grants people more positive freedom.

  • I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • Nix on non-NixOS distributions would be great, if it would support installing apps into the users home directory instead of a global directory (without recompiling everything).

    (When I looked into it, it wasn't possible, but if you made it work, please share.)

  • I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • I used to use Ubuntu in the past, and it wasn't Unity, Upstart, Bazaar, Mir, Launchpad, Snap, Amazon ads integration etc. that convinced me to look elsewhere, it was that I found out how other, not commercial distributions, integrated and instrumented its user base into their development.

    Instead of having to sign a CLAs when contributing and signing your right away to some corporation, you become part of the community. (Update: It seems they have switched from their Copyright assignment, so something not as invasive in 2011, which is good. But they still require you to sign a CLA.)

    So always look who is developing the distribution first, are they individuals or is it one company. And don't let yourself be bated into the dependency of one company, because then you will be the victim of enshittyfication eventually.

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