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I Just wanted to close the valve...
  • Pliers it is then... sigh

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • If the Russians thought NK ammo were duds, just wait til they see NK forces running the opposite direction and surrendering.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • Failed. IRQ currently in use.

  • This is nothing short of a miracle.
  • They put up fences several years ago so you could no longer see it from Meteor Crater Road. It's not a bad tour honestly and it's just off interstate 40 near Winslow, AZ. I'd recommend it, ONCE lol.

  • This is nothing short of a miracle.
  • Fun fact: The Park operators get so few visitors who actually pay to see it that they genuinely get excited when someone does pay for the tour. The park is in the middle of a barren desert.

  • Judge in Trump classified docs case questions government about funding for special counsel - ABC News
  • Defense can't argue the facts of the case, but they're sure trying hard to invalidate the case on the grounds that the Special Counsel was "unlawfully appointed" and being paid using an "unknown budget".

    Well, the whole case is unprecedented you nitwit, thus the need for a Special Counsel and using general funds of the DoJ.

  • A U.S. Army veteran, deported almost 20 years ago, finds home
  • NEW YORK — Jose Marquez served three years in the U.S. Army and five years in the reserves, but because of convictions for drug crimes, federal judges ordered him deported to the Dominican Republic, the country he left as a child.

    Basically, a new Biden policy allows several to return home.

  • Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments
  • Why of course, it's his favorite to-do list. The best ever to-do list!

  • Journalist shot by Minneapolis police during 2020 protests dying from injuries
  • TBI's can resonate as issues later on in life for anyone.

    American Football players and even Rugby players have been known to get them or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as the result of repeated mild TBIs occurring over months or years playing.

    As another example, I was in a near fatal rollover accident as a child and developed partially complex seizures in the left temporal 22 years later as an adult from that incident.

  • Who Could Have Predicted This? Over 170,000 People Traveled Out-of-State for Abortion in 2023
  • Well, we already had "medical vacations" and "dental vacations" mostly to save money in another state or country. This shouldn't be surprising.

  • ‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day
  • Cracks me up how these zealots continue to cherry pick their own Bible for the sake of fascist control.

    Hey guys, lets ignore the following and never mention it again in prayer...

    Matthew 7:1: "Judge not, that you be not judged".

    "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy" and "But you -- who are you to judge your neighbor?

  • Just sprinkle it on
  • "God works in mysterious ways my child..."


  • Trump ally Bannon ordered to report to prison for defying Jan. 6 probe
  • Imagine being the one having to check his prison wallet for deposits... ug.

  • sphincter? i never even met her
  • Or just, you, sit down to pee where it will all come out anyways.

  • US dog breeder fined $35m after 4,000 beagles rescued
  • I trained my beagle to do neither bark nor howl, but she whined incessantly lol. Point is, any dog can be trained at any age not to, so it's the owners fault (most times as there are exceptions), not the dog's.

  • Butts, breasts, and genitals now explicitly allowed on Elon Musk’s X
  • So TwitterX is the new 4Chan... oh how the mighty have fallen.

  • Trump's own biographer spills inside information about ex-president's jail worries
  • "You have to search me WHERE?!?! That's preposterous!"

  • comador comador

    IT Nerd of 30yrs and avid hobbiest of genealogy, geology and science in general.

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