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President and foreign minister of Iran confirmed dead after helicopter crash
  • It's mind boggling to me that lemmygrad is the only place I've yet seen anyone show some sort of respect for a world leader dying in a violent accident. Everywhere in the media and online all I'm seeing is people glad he's dead. As if he's ever done anything to any of us to deserve that.

  • Featured
    President and foreign minister of Iran confirmed dead after helicopter crash
  • Must have been a Terrible way to go. Rest in peace.

  • What to do if your trade union leadership is reactionary?
  • Federation of Dutch Trade Unions

    I'm pretty sure it's the biggest trade union in the country unfortunately. This is a common thing in Europe for most of the biggest unions to be reactionary in some way.

  • libs and elections gaslighting
  • Care to elaborate on that last part?

  • How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • I agree, I don't mean to imply that it is impossible to study the human experience, far from it, you can (and should) always take one at their word when it comes to how they self report. I simply meant to say theres a significant difference between that sort of study and what we can concretely observe and experiment on in other material sciences.

  • Thoughts on Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Scientology?
  • Closest I could maybe come up with was some of the more hippie oriented ones back in the day that the CIA ended up infiltrating and flushing out. Not explicitly communist but anti-war anti-imperialist pothead leftism at best.

  • How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • I suppose the issue might be that anyone can claim they feel anything and all we can do is take them at their word. It's easily falsifiable and therefore much harder to definitely call it an observable material concept.

  • What commodities have been ruined by of worsened overtime by capitalism.
  • Although in any sane system these things would be seen as universal rights, under capitalism it's easily healthcare and housing that have been ruined through commodification. I can't think of anything that's crippled the most vulnerable people in capitalist society than the denial of these things as a human right.

  • What commodities have been ruined by of worsened overtime by capitalism.
  • Hard disagree. Its not great but its nowhere near the "absolute worst". Plenty of things out there that are more important than videogames.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 20
  • Its definitely more noticeable in the US. In my country there isn't a single one yet afaik.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 19
  • As yet more evidence that the football fans are losing it completely

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 19
  • I wonder if football culture in the US is any better, as from what I know, football (soccer) is considered more often to be a sport for women, particularly young girls. Is football culture there less right wing and toxic?

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 19
  • What is wrong with football fans? It seems that lately the vast majority tend to be immensely reactionary and racist. Isn't this supposed to be the peoples sport?

  • "The DPRK truly is the modern day Holy Roman Empire" - Something I actually heard from a liberal acquaintance

    During an unrelated discussion about something or the other (sports or something), I brought up a list of Asian countries, and instinctively accidentally said "DPRK" instead of "North Korea" during an actual conversation irl with a liberal that I often talk to. And after a little bit he produced the quote in the title. Referencing Voltaire's "Not Roman, not holy nor an empire" quip.

    In this context our liberal here was clearly taking a jab at the DPRK and how it supposedly doesn't live up to it's name.

    At the time it annoyed me but I said nothing of it and laughed it off and got back on topic.

    But thinking back I'm wondering if it could have been an opportunity to perhaps break some of the conditioning and maybe have him reflect on his preconceived notions. What would have been the best way to actually explain how the name is actually rather fitting, without risking triggering a liberal brain malfunction that defaults to spouting propaganda?

    Happy Labour Day, comrades!
  • Happy labor day comrades. Apart from Holland (cringe) where else in the world is it NOT considered a day off?

  • What is a "tankie"? Wrong answers only
  • Same premise as a furry, except for armored vehicles.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 14
  • Been there, hope you can stick through it and make it out on top

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 13
  • So so. Life is more stable but it seems to have come at the cost of a less active social life. Back when I was in turmoil I somehow was seeing people more often and out and about more. Now I'm busier and have a stable home I find that's beginning to dwindle. Can't have it all it seems.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • It shows up as DZ on some browsers, why is DZ the shorthand for Algeria?

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • Khrushchev and Chernenko too. And depending on how you see it, Trotsky too.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • Sorry to hear it comrade, hope it gets better.

  • Favorite Quotes by Socialist Figures?

    Was curious if there were any quotes that we'd like to share.

    It's pretty hard to find anything from Stalin for example that isn't blatantly made up to demonize him.
