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  • It's just the firmware, my work-necessary programs, and steam.

    I love arch, but i'm planning on moving to atomic fedora eventually, but I use a bunch of niche things because i'm an early adopter

    i'll switch to fedora atomic when pwvucontrol, tofi, hyprland, hyprland-autoname-workspaces, citrix workspace (work necessary), notiflut-land, bato, wljoywake, wayland-pipewire-idle-inhibit, ananicy-cpp, easyeffects, wl-mirror, gtk3-classic, keyd, iwgtk, qtalarm, kvantum and subliminal are all available, haven't checked which are yet

    couple of those (pwvucontrol and notiflut-land) aren't even in the AUR yet so it'll be a while.

  • 'We're close to the end': Biden world braces for the possibility that the president steps aside
  • Trump is not a good candidate, everyone the dems run is just horrible

  • The only way we lose is if we stand divided.
  • What about a cactus WITHOUT sunglasses?

  • wlroots 0.18 Brings New Wayland Protocols & Support For GPU Reset Recovery
  • They really just need to get single-window capture and the global shortcut portal figured out

  • OpenAI reportedly nears breakthrough with “reasoning” AI, reveals progress framework
  • they're not even close to out of input data, you forget youtube exists.

  • Rwanda: President Kagame reelected with 99% — early results
  • Putin once got 140% so no he does

  • [News] Most ChatGPT users think AI models have 'conscious experiences'
  • I don't think they do, but how would we know if they did?

  • Do you think there are any beliefs which makes a person believing them a horrible person, or is it *always* 'hate the belief, not the person'?
  • I don't agree that belief is always a choice, in many cases people simply cannot conceive of an alternate position being the case, in my case I have no choice but to be an atheist because I can't believe in a god, I find it far too silly a notion.

    bigoted beliefs are of course bad, but I don't think people choose them necessarily

  • communist Communist

    I'm an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.

    Your local herpetology guy.

    Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!

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