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Docker email server to host mail archive
  • I use dovecot for this. And thunderbird to actually move/archive the emails. I use caddy for many of my services, so I have pointed dovecot to caddys certificates (for "my.domain"), since it manages certificates through let's encrypt. I had a plan to install postfix for sending internal emails from my self-hosted services, but it seemed like a bit of configuration and I got busy with other stuff

    I made an excerpt from my docker-compose.yml, but you probably have to figure out some things on your own

    version: '3.4'
        image: dovecot/dovecot:2.3.20
        restart: unless-stopped
          - ./dovecot/:/etc/dovecot
          - /mnt/storage/dovecot/mail:/srv/mail
          - ./caddy/data/caddy/certificates/
          - ./caddy/data/caddy/certificates/
          - 993:993

    contents of ./dovecot folder:


    contents of dovecot.conf (I think I searched online to find a good example, I don't remember where from..)

    ## manage this file
    protocols = imap pop3 submission sieve lmtp
    first_valid_uid = 1000
    last_valid_uid = 1000
    passdb {
      driver = passwd-file
      args = scheme=argon2i /etc/dovecot/passwords
    namespace {
      inbox = yes
      separator = /
      mailbox Drafts {
        auto = subscribe
        special_use = \Drafts
      mailbox Sent {
        auto = subscribe
        special_use = \Sent
      mailbox Spam {
        auto = subscribe
        special_use = \Junk
      mailbox Trash {
        auto = subscribe
        special_use = \Trash
      mailbox Archive {
        auto = subscribe
        special_use = \Archive
    service lmtp {
      inet_listener {
        port = 24
    listen = *
  • Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs?
  • The first generation Hyundai Ioniq 5 had solar roof (at least some models).

    The first gen ioniq 5 also had a very low payload capacity, with stories of families who couldn't legally be in the car at the same time without being over the capacity.

    The reason, I'm told, is that supporting the solar roof reduced the payload capacity a lot.

    Also, solar cells on a car doesn't make much sense like others have already said.

  • Is there a launcher for me?
  • I use Kvaesitso and have been using it for a long time now.

    I wanted a search-based launcher with support for widgets. I was missing some features in the beginning, but I must admit I have forgotten what they were - so I guess that is a good sign 👌

    Likes: Good search, OK widget, main screen can be as clean or dirty has you want

  • Is RAID1 over USB Reliable?
  • I am using a terramaster d6-320 connected with usb-c.

    It has been running zfs disks for proxmox via a geekom a5 mini pc since February. It has lost contact with the drives twice so far, more than a month between each time so I don't know the cause. I am mostly happy with the setup, but of course it is annoying when it fails

  • What Calendar and To Do solution do you recommend?
  • My email calendars I leave alone, but I use caldav for personal calendar and tasks.

    I use radicale as caldav server, and on android and thunderbird on computer. works very well

    I also use silverbullet ( for more complex todo lists

  • Which RSS aggregator do you use? I cannot seem to find one that works for me.
  • I use miniflux, and flux news app on android. It looks nice and works well (i posted about it some time ago )

    I am not missing any features, but I am not doing anything fancy. I have grouped the rss feeds, if that counts as filtering

    I have used it for a long time now, and I don't have an urge to try and find something better, like I do for some other self hosted stuff.

  • In search of software for managing my life (like a helpdesk but in a lite format)
  • I might miss your target, but have you considered android app + caldav?

    I have been using silverbullet the last few months, but I struggle keeping up with its updates (too bleeding edge at the moment). I has a lot of nice features like all markdown, queries and templates.

    Now I am back to app + radicale self-hosted caldav server. For tasks it flows so well on android. for windows you need to use something that supports caldav, like thunderbird.

    When silverbullet matures and if it is still fast and offline, I might go back. It has a lot of nice stuff going on. I still use for stuff like recipes and travel lists

  • Migrate from nextcloud photo backups to immich?
  • I used it for a few years, but it broke a few times, and I had to search online and find an occ command to fix it. It also could break if you didn't upgrade regularly and skipped versions. Or you upgraded too quickly before a bug was hotfixed.

    Maybe it is better now, but I looked into alternatives and found syncthing to be awesome (after I switched from iphone to android). I use samba share for cold storage. Syncthing can take a lot of space since it syncs all the files to all units

  • My take on selfhosted photo management
  • I ended up with syncthing + the default gallery app on my samsung galaxy phone. It works well for me.

    But I don't have a crazy amount of images, the phone storage needs to be large enough.

  • SilverBullet: a self-hosted personal knowledge management system for people with a hacker mindset
  • Yes, I have used it for many months. It has been the best solution for my use case for a while. Which is tasks, shopping, planning (trips, ..), recipes, and a simple knowledgebase. It was the offline support that set it apart from some other solutions

    I have the files in a syncthing folder, so I can access the files without running silverbullet

    My biggest problem is keeping up with all the changes. Zef made some youtube videos that are helpful

  • Fighting with immich
  • I also have internal only traffic, but I still use let's encrypt. I self signed for a couple of years, but switching to proper certificates made things much simpler and better. Especially on mobile.

    I use a combination of my own domain and caddy. and duckdns, since my domain registrar does not have an api caddy can use, but I can point my domain to my duckdns domain and it works 👍

  • Transparent Aluminium
  • My thoughts too, what makes this alloy so amazing? It seems to me that sapphire is harder, and otherwise similar use cases

    No mention/comparison to Sapphire in the article that I could see, disappointing.

    Maybe it is the sintering process that makes it interesting, could be easier to shape maybe 🤔

  • Miniflux + News App

    I started using miniflux a while back, and enjoy it. Recently I also gave News app on F-droid a try, and the combination of the two is one of the best news reading experiences I've had.


    News app:

    Just wanted to share!

    EDIT: Based on comment from , I am now mostly using Flux News . But I could go either way

    Data storage for containers in LCX / VM

    I run my containers in an LCX on Proxmox (yes I heard I should use a VM, but it works..)

    For data storage (syncthing, jellyfin ..) I make volumes in the LXC. But I was wondering if this is the best way?

    I started thinking about restoring backups. The docker backups can get quite large with all the user data. I was wondering if a separate "NAS" VM and NFS shares makes more sense. Then restoring/cloning docker lxc would be faster, for troubleshooting. And the user data I could restore separately.

    What do you guys do?

    link in html header always present

    In the <head> of all web pages I've checked so far there is always a line <link href="data:text/css,%5Bid*%3D'google_ads_iframe'%5D%2C%5Bid*%3D'taboola-'%5D%2C.taboolaHeight%2C.taboola-placeholder%2C%23credential_picker_container%2C%23credentials-picker-container%2C%23credential_picker_iframe%2C%5Bid*%3D'google-one-tap-iframe'!important%3Bmin-height%3A0!important%3Bheight%3A0!important%3B%7D" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

    Does anyone know what it means? I tried to open a page in edge, and I do not see it there.

    I am running mozilla-flatpak, version 115 on Fedora

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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