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Check out our new "KDE for Gamers" guide.
  • @tomey @hj @kde @kde what are you talking about, there were a literal trillions of these games in the great 00 shareware era and they're still being made

  • Check out our new "KDE for Gamers" guide.
  • @tomey @hj @kde @kde now do this with mahjong (solitaire. Taipei?)

  • Check out our new "KDE for Gamers" guide.
  • @kde @kde nothing says gamer like Solitaire

  • coolboymew cool_boy_mew

    Video games and anime obsessed Mostly post memes and about anime. Sometimes about video games Go check SPC's @noyoushutthefuckupdad and I's anime podcast Head of Meltic StAr Subs (French to English subs translation for when there's just no other choices) English/French I post NSFW stuff here and there, minor dni, you WILL be blocked

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