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Some questions about yt-dlp
    1. There is the --download-sections option. Looking at it, you might want to use --download-sections "*0:00-1:00".
    2. I briefly checked with --list-thumbnails and it doesn't look like YouTube offers any square ones, so I would look into using ImageMagick to edit the image with a command. I doubt yt-dlp allows you to do any sort of image manipulation out of the box.
  • Introverts are hanging out 🐿️ 🦊
  • For the unfamiliar (like me), Xenia is chilling with Kiki the Cyber Squirel, the mascot of the FOSS painting program Krita.

  • NASA Says It Accidentally Broadcast an ISS Distress Message
  • Not to be pedantic but I think the headline is fine.

    If you simulated a fire in a building for training purposes and upon activating the fire alarm, it got broadcast to emergency services when it shouldn't, you did accidentally broadcast the fire alarm, simulated or not.

    The "accidentally" already implies it was done in error, suggesting it was not an emergency. On the other hand, if it was a real emergency, and just wasn't meant to be publicly broadcasted, I feel like the headline would've looked different.

  • On Elon's whim, X now treats 'cisgender' as a slur
  • I have a feeling that the people that think "cis" is a slur just don't understand what it means, or are outright transphobic.

    I recently had a guy admit he might be transphobic because he "prefers actual women", and later uttered the sentence "maybe women don't like to be called 'cis women'?" and like, dude, it's just an adjective that means the opposite of trans. But how dare we imply that trans women are women?!

    In the end, treating cis / cisgender as a slur is yet another way to attack trans people.

  • Microsoft is not buying Valve and Counter-Strike for £12 billion
  • Elon was able to buy Twitter because it's public, and it wasn't making money.

    Valve is a privately owned company, and I have a feeling they care a little about what they're doing.

  • Blocking individual users on Alexandrite frontend
  • So that's where it was hiding, not on the user page itself. Thanks!

  • Blocking individual users on Alexandrite frontend

    I don't see a way to block individual users' posts from showing up in my feeds. There is no "Block" button on any user's page like there is for communities. For some reason I thought there was a way to do this before, but maybe I was just using another frontend? I see some users are blocked when checking my settings. I made sure to disable uBlock Origin to check if it could be an element hiding rule.

    For the record these aren't rule breaking users or anything, but instead bots that automatically post things, some of them pulling links straight from reddit. I prefer my Lemmy being populated by humans.

    Thank you!

    Account linking between steam and PlayStation is now mandatory
  • If you make a PSN account you have to agree to their ToS, which probably lets them do more than a EULA does.

    It also boosts user numbers, which looks good on paper.

  • Any Ways to Block Twitch Ads?
  • I use uBlock Origin + vaft from TwitchAdSolutions, which is currently working pretty well for me. I've had some issues before, and every now and then the stream can freeze up when an ad is played. But it's so much better than having to endure even a second of those mind-rotting ads.

  • Human Xenia RiniDisc (

    Attached: 1 image As per a request, human Xenia~ #art #furryart #linux

    RiniDisc (
    Hetzner acts transphobic, threatens trans server shutdown.
  • When a hosting provider intends to shut down a space for trans people by labeling it "inherently adult content", can't we agree that it's a little transphobic?

  • Fastest Way to Get the First N Characters of a String in C# - Code Maze
  • This is potentially dangerous, as it encourages dealing with text as an array of chars. But graphemes in Unicode, which represent a single symbol in a writing system (such as "H", "心", or "💚"), can take up multiple chars in a string. The linked approaches only work if you can guarantee that your string only contains ASCII. See also: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!)

  • Fellow C and Rust programmers, how do you live without classes?
  • I think at that point you could just look into Entity Component System design. I'm particularly fond of Flecs. Here, entities are empty objects to which you can add any number of components. Typically components are void of logic. Instead you write systems that match entities that have the components they need, and then just operate on that data.

  • What did you do to mess with Vectorized Xenia? vectorassembly :pansexual:​ (

    Attached: 2 images Finished drawing Xenia, I adore her :neofox_aww:​ took me around 3 hours. (and yes, I reused the old room because i'm lazy) #vectorart #art #furry #xenia

    vectorassembly :pansexual:​ (
    Xenia Reference Sheet (as imagined by RiniDisc) RiniDisc (

    Attached: 1 image Got around to making an actual reference sheet for our favorite linux fox (at least, for how I draw her~) #xenia #art #furry #furryart

    RiniDisc (
    There’s a fast new code editor in town - Zed
  • I might be too old-school for this but this video felt like it focused on AI assisted programming and I really don't give a damn.

  • Could we use this sorting algorithm on Lemmy?
  • At the moment, upvotes and downvotes, while not used that way by many people, is more about what others will see, rather than what content you like. It's more like a community moderating and rating effort. Upvotes make posts more visible, by pushing them further up in what's currently popular. Downvotes do the opposite, and in my personal opinion, should be reserved for posts that don't fit the community they were posted in, spam, or things that break rules – typically the same reason why you would (and should) report a post. They are not "agree" and "disagree" buttons. Topics you disagree with can still spark interesting conversations.

    Using the same mechanic, voting, to tell an algorithm whether similar posts should have higher visibility on your own feed, would be incompatible with this existing system. Posts that get a quick reaction or emotion out of you are even further encouraged, while things you simply don't want to see (but aren't necessarily "bad") get punished heavily.

    This system works through subscribing to communities you are interested in and actively participating in improving the health of those communities, rather than passively consuming content. That takes some effort, yes.

    All in all I think this proposed system is not compatible with Lemmy, and maybe not even a good idea.

  • Xenia's Opinions ko 🦊🌸 (

    Attached: 1 image Xenia's Opinions - lined/shaded in Krita on Debian sid! [get this one as a sticker]( ([textless version available, too!](

    ko 🦊🌸 (
    Will Blahaj Lemmy be blocking the Threads instance once it starts federating?
  • Looks like they'll be harvesting your data if you follow anyone from Threads, maybe even injecting ads. Unsure what happens to the data of people that get followed by a Threads user. A large part of the fediverse is here precisely because they want to escape corporate meddling, data-hoarding, advertising and other anti-user malpractices. There's a number of people talking about this, here's a recent post that highlights some of the things from their TOS.

  • SteamDeck OLED Ads in the Store
  • I don't have the time to watch it all, but I remember that the Steamworks Development channel on YouTube had recently-ish released this video about how games get surfaced to players and it also talks about what parts of the store are personalized and which aren't.

    In the video I can only see the small ad on the left side about the Steam Deck. You're talking about the big banner ad that appears somewhere inbetween the sections? I can only guess they put it there for everyone, or maybe just every region that can purchase a Deck, for simplicity.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • A personal instance generally doesn't have a big reach, unless people actively follow the person who's posting the doxxing information.* The fediverse may not be a good way to spread personal information of others, throwing up an instance like that is not much different than throwing up a website or forum.

    There's two things I can think of you can do: Contact the company that hosts the website to take it down – I'm unsure about how you go about this, but I'm sure you can find out more about that. And to report the instance to other instance admins to get it blacklisted, perhaps get it on a block list, limiting its reach and thus effectiveness. Get in contact with big instance admins, they likely have chatrooms you could join, and they might be able to help with the other step as well.

    *edit: In the case of Lemmy, I suppose it would be people following a community, rather than a user directly. If moderators or admins act on the posted informated and delete it, the deletion will federate as well and any legitimate instance will automatically delete the content on their servers as well. This would also be true for Mastodon and such. If not, the above applies.

  • Facepalm
  • It could just have something to do with the fact that many people think ads are not only annoying but also highly manipulative, creating artificial needs in people, a tool to make already successful and rich companies even richer, ... and the surrounding technology to power them is unethical, hoarding tons of information, building profiles of people, tracking which websites they visit, what search terms they use, ...

    When people talk about blocking ads, being frustrated about them showing up, it's just kind of disrespectful to be like "well you could just pay for the service, you know?". Besides, who knows how much actually ends up in the creators' pockets.

  • Typing is not a programming bottleneck
  • And you can use the with expression to create clones of the object with some properties modified.

  • Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption?
  • Zig hasn't been mentioned yet, so I'm just going to drop that here.

    I personally have enjoyed the meta-programming, the ease of integrating with C libraries, and like that it's pretty straight-forward to compile.

  • My Steam Deck finally arrived
  • You're right, I misremembered! I tried US-International, and because of that exact issue you mentioned switched to EurKEY. In my case it wasn't part of the layout selection, so I had to change it in a config file.

  • Xenia da Linux fox, what could she be buying? creature_sp (

    Attached: 1 image Xenia da Linux fox, what could she be buying? #furryart #mastoart #Xenia #blahaj

    creature_sp (
    Xenia, cultivating inner peace in /dev/null Tsunderdog (

    Attached: 1 image xenia the linux fox, seen here cultivating inner peace in /dev/null :xenialinux: ✨💻✨ #xenia #TsunderdogART

    Tsunderdog (
    Assembly Summer 2023 Freestyle graphics entry 🦊 Neotheta (

    Attached: 1 image Assembly Summer 2023 Freestyle graphics entry 🦊 Placed 9th (second last).

    Xenia, original furry mascot for Linux, and trans Icon VirtualRook (

    Attached: 1 image Had to paint a Picture of #Xenia The original #furry mascot for #Linux , and #trans Icon <3 #furryart #furryartist

    VirtualRook (
    Barbie meme with Tux and Xenia Kiri //nullptr::live (

    Attached: 1 image I finally got around to doing art for the Barbie meme thing! Done with #Krita, on a #Linux machine, of course. 👍 #Art #MastoArt #Tux #Xenia #Meme #Foxgirl

    Kiri //nullptr::live (
    Nice Gender (by RiniDisc)

    Source: (Not sure why this post didn't want to get embedded.)

    Flustered Xenia Rose :veripawed4: (

    Attached: 1 image Poor Xenia, seems she's found something rather flustering whilst using her computer Who know's what it could be~ #furry #furryart #xenia #linux #foss

    Rose :veripawed4: (
    The coolest Linux fox (by RiniDisc)


    > Oh look #digimon is trending, have a gatomon

    > And so is #furries, so have the coolest Linux fox too~

    This was from before RiniDisc joined Mastodon.

    copygirl copygirl

    Just a dorky trans woman on the internet.

    My other presences on the fediverse: •

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    Comments 59