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forget struggle sessions, tell me about your favorite snuggle sessions
  • I know! It's always great to see comrades helping others out.

  • Is this stuff parody? I legitimately cannot tell anymore.
  • They've also dissolved peace talk committees, to my knowledge, and are severing diplomatic ties. This to me seems more like hunkering down, you'd figure they would keep talks open during wartime as the goal would be to have favorable surrender conditions for the ROK to the DPRK. Just my uninformed guess, that's why I am asking if anyone knows more.

  • Is this stuff parody? I legitimately cannot tell anymore.
  • Liberal fanfiction, this is idealism in action.

    Side note, for any DPRK-heads, is there actual risk of war with ROK? Seems to me DPRK is hunkering down after giving up on reconcilliation, not that they are escalating, it's my understanding that neither side wants war.

  • horror game protagonists
  • Oh for sure, it's more set dressing, just wish they didn't tie it to the GDR. Guess the LGBTQ themes are fairly on-brand for the GDR's historical progressivism compared to Western Germany on that front though.

    Again, I love the game, I just wish it didn't have that anticommunist slant in the background.

  • horror game protagonists
  • Loved it despite the anticommunism, the ending made me cry

  • horror game protagonists
  • Me and my fiancé frfr kitty-cri-texas

    'Cept she's not vulnerable, that's more me

  • forget struggle sessions, tell me about your favorite snuggle sessions
  • Oh shit, really? Thank you! I'm flattered.

    I will say, the amount of people that legit understand theory here towers over the users in the lefty reddit spaces.

    Certainly helped push me to actually dig into theory more!

  • forget struggle sessions, tell me about your favorite snuggle sessions
  • Seeing [Funded] in Mutual Aid posts is always wonderful to see.

  • What Youtube news channels do you approve of?
  • Ah fair, haven't kept up with it

  • What Youtube news channels do you approve of?
  • Isn't that the point of First Thought?

  • Hmm,
    What is our view on sex work?
  • No worries! I was entirely unaware of there being a conflict over it and the evangelical ties of the author, I had seen it recommended a bunch and didn't fully investigate it. I should have waited for other comrades to speak up first, and will do so next time.

  • How do you make your coffee at home?

    I personally use a lever espresso machine and a hand grinder, but I also love a V60 pour over or an aeropress on occasion. I like lighter roasts and pulling 3 to 1 water to bean shots, personally!

    What do y'all like? !maduro-coffee

    Fallout: México - Official Reveal Trailer

    Looks cool! Been following this for a while, excited to see it get a full trailer! New Vegas Engine too, so much better roleplaying framework and mods.

    What are the best orgs to join in the US?

    I've been reading theory, grinding my ML points, !lenin-shining and now I want to Get Organized and Serve the People. !landlord-sus

    I know this is largely a regional choice, but among the major Marxist-Leninist orgs, which are doing the best work, in your opinion? Not asking anyone to dox what org they are in!

    I've seen FRSO and !PSL , but wanted to know people's general opinions on them, or other orgs I should check out. I have a firm belief that proper theory and practice leads to better results, so it's important that theory and practice are both good. Additionally, the international struggle must be paramount, since this is !amerikkka

    Thanks! !dubois-finger-guns

    Witness Cowbee's attempt at building Communism in 2024! !dubois-dance

    Mothership RPG in 1 Rule

    Cool vid on a cool TTRPG

    What are your favorite TTRPGs and Wargames in 2024?

    Peaking my head into the space, Mothership and Shadowdark look awesome. Bonus points for sci-fi, being solo or 2 person compatible, or having elements be more open-source.

    Additionally: what's the best post-apocalyptic TTRPG these days?

    What Games squeeze the most out of the least?

    Alternative title: what are you playing on your standardized linux-based laptop designed for efficiency and battery life over raw graphical power in an age of IP abolishment?

    I've been thinking about what gaming would look like in a near-fully Socialized economy, and what modern games would fit the idea best. The biggest kicker here is that I don't believe endless graphical improvements to push and sell more powerful hardware would still be driven as much. Efficiency over raw power. Essentially, the tagline from the perspective of a future Socialist being called a Revisionist online is infecting my thinking.

    That brings me to some ideas: Minecraft, Celeste, Stardew Valley, Hollow Knight, Crosscode, Caves of Qud, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Dwarf Fortress, either open-ended or extremely tight and replayable games tend to fit my idea of what gaming would look like. Fallout: New Vegas, Disco Elysium, and other great games would be big too, as well as emulators. In an era with IP abolishment, gaming would look very different IMO. New Vegas, Minecraft, and other highly moddable games would likely thrive.

    What are your thoughts? I'm imaging playing these on a standardized Linux-based PC designed to be repairable with commonly produced parts, haha.

    Side note: board games count, too! TTRPGs and whatnot that don't require excess waste and are based around standardized systems like dice and playing cards would be cool to hear about as well.

    Kind of a ramble, needed to please the brain worms piloting my rotting corpse

    Do any mobile apps work with Hexbear Emotes?

    My body wants to upgrade my shitposting ability, but technology holds me back 🫠

    Using Jerboa, which is great, but emotes are my white whale

    What are your favorite Board Games?

    Like the title! For someone getting into board games, what would you recommend? Bonus points if it is or can be played cooperatively, with 2 players, and double bonus points if it has a sci-fi theme (like, grand sci-fi), though the previous points are more important.

    What do you like to play? Arcs and Earthborne Rangers both look cool to me, but wanted to ask here too! Anyone have experience with those two?

    Fallout: London Official Launch Trailer

    Looks better than expected, if heavily lib-coded and taking place on TERF-Island. Will enjoy bashing fash and gentry alike.

    Mod-pilled fan-game enjoyers have something to chew on again!

    Edit: Played about an hour, last night. Initial impressions from me are generally positive! There are SPECIAL checks so far, like a 7 strength check to open a jammed door. Melee seems to be favored heavily in the intro as well. There are other checks, like an Int 7 check and a Cha 4 check so far.

    For anyone wanting to try Survival, you may want to hold off. Beds are infrequent in the beginning (didn't find a single bed in my playtime), but the devs said they are going to add more based on player feedback.

    Visuals are a bit all over the place, textures seem to be varied in quality. A good texture pack mod and lighting mod would go a long way, the actual environmental design is pretty good so far, especially for a mod project.

    All in all, solid experience, and I am very excited! Definitely more fallout-y than The Frontier so far, but I do think some people are going to dog on it for not being AAA quality polish, which isn't fair at all to the devs.

    Edit 2: Large oof, there's an extremely early quest involving striking workers, but the entire schtick is that both the strike leader and capitalist are scumbags. Seems like you can just kill the Capitalist, but it implies the strike leader is just an opportunist who intentionally lies about what he will pay you. All non-violent solutions lead to a preservation of the status quo, and no added rights for the workers. It's the epitome of moralism and "both-sides-ism," it's the type of quest design that doesn't realize that even if the scumbag strike boss takes power, the conditions for striking remain! There's no agency from the workers.

    Edit 3: Been continuing through, Survival is brutal and the game is pretty buggy, but I absolutely love a lot of the environments, they have a ton of attention to detail, moreso than Vanilla Fallout 4 so far. The character writing has ups and downs, but having skill checks and other RP related choices makes it a ton of fun so far, hard to put down (unless I just lost 20 minutes of progress on survival, oof).

    Total Conversion Mod "Fallout: London" to release tomorrow, 7/25/2024

    Like the title! There's a countdown on the Fallout: London discord server, and this morning the linked video was posted in the annoucnements tab. Looks interesting! As always with mod projects, I go in with negative expectations, and am almost always pleasantly surprised. Hell, I even squeezed fun out of The Frontier back when that came out, some of the side content was interesting.

    At minimum, I think it will be fun to explore, and for the low price of free, it's hard to argue against that. Low hopes for a decent story, but the setting itself is novel enough for the Fallout setting to drive the exploration and questing for me. A good story would be a huge bonus, though.

    What are your thoughts? Have you been following the development? I myself have a huge obsession with Fallout mods, especially quest and expansion mods, so I've been following this one for years.

    Finished Shadow of the Erdtree just in time, on Monday 😎

    What are your favorite Expansions for any game, of all time?

    Like the title! I normally am very critical of Expansions, but sometimes they build upon the base game in very unique ways. I love Dead Money for Fallout: New Vegas, it has the sharpest character writing and turns the game into a Survival Horror experience while remaining authentically "Fallout."

    What are y'all's thoughts?

    Are there any good PeerTube instances?

    Thought I'd check out PeerTube and see how it's going over there. Thoughts?

    What are the best games to mod?

    Like the title. What games are made better with mods, and foster a great modding scene that retains momentum and delivers excellent content?

    My personal favorite is Fallout: New Vegas, but games like DOOM, Half-Life 2 (really all source engine games), and Minecraft have extremely unique mod scenes. Of course, Skyrim remains a modding titan. STALKER: Anomaly is already an amazing mod project and has mod lists for it like GAMMA.

    What are your favorites?

    What Linux Distro would you recommend for general users?

    Ideally one that is forward-thinking, gaming-friendly, and efficient.

    Just saw one of my comments as a tagline

    "Could be the ratchet effect. Lemmygrad and Hexbear are both explicitly Marxist-Leninist, but .ml is explicitly FOSS and Privacy based, just with Marxist-Leninist admins."

    This was back when I tried to get PugJesus to try to understand how deeply unserious they were, and generally tried to appear less threatening to liberals to hopefully lead some to question liberalism or even read theory

    (Spoiler: it didn't work)

    Specifically, it was in reference to becoming more and more right-wing as the target boogeyman shifts from more overt to less overt leftism, especially since ml removed leftist from its description.

    Kinda funny seeing it up there now that I've made a Hexbear account

    Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?

    Looks like Pizza Tower is on a discount, definitely scooping that up.

    How are Lunacid and Dread Delusion? The vibes look amazing but I haven't seen much buzz.

    Made a Hexbear account, howdy everyone!

    Been posting here and there from my .ml account, and figured that the communities I tended to enjoy interacting with the most were Hexbear communities, so now I'm here too, for when I just want to chill and don't want to smash my head into a wall talking to libs.


    Cowbee Cowbee [he/him, they/them]

    Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

    Marxist-Leninist ☭

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    Comments 1.1K