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Harris pleads with GOP to join her: โ€˜There is a place for you in this campaignโ€™
  • All she needs to do is court the left, who evidently don't have a place in her campaign.

  • USA has sent 26.7 billion dollars to Israel to carry out genocide
  • Classes aren't income divisions, but social relations to production. The US, since WWII, has always been thoroughly dominated by the Imperialist Bourgeoisie.

  • Does anybody here still wish the Fediverse just had more people?
  • Doubtful. Individual instances, yes, but lemmy overall? No.

  • What brought you into philosophy?
  • Harry Dubois frfr

  • Harris pleads with GOP to join her: โ€˜There is a place for you in this campaignโ€™
  • 100%, the DNC has always been friendlier to the right than the left.

  • The USA interferes on every single election in the world. It is the destroyer of democracies, the creator of dictators
  • Reality has its own Materialist bias, Marx was just the first to put that all together into an accurate analytical tool.

  • USA has sent 26.7 billion dollars to Israel to carry out genocide
  • PSL is a Marxist Party. They believe revolution is necessary, and despise the Democrats and Republicans alike. They want their voters to vote in swing states to advertise their party platform and delegitimize the failure of the electoral system in general. They aren't pulling punches because, like all Marxists, they believe the Democrats are unacceptable as well as the Republicans.

  • What's your prediction for the 2024 US election?
  • 2016 2: electric boogaloo. Harris loses PA and MI due to campaigning on continued genocide, leaving her with a popular vote victory but electoral college loss.

    That's what I'd bet on if I were a betting man.

  • What's your prediction for the 2024 US election?
  • The material conditions aren't ripe for a civil war just yet, nor for a revolution. Things have not gotten dire for the US Empire abroad just yet.

  • Gen Z advocacy group launches TikTok campaign against Jill Stein
  • How does "signaling" translate to policy? The majority of Americans want abortion codified, legal weed, single payer healthcare, increased gun protection, and more. Why do you think these haven't passed?

  • โ€˜They will vote against Harrisโ€™: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • Why aren't White Christians abandoning Harrid, but Arab-Americans are? Your answer thus far had been that Arab-Americans are stupid.

  • โ€˜They will vote against Harrisโ€™: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • I've seen your article, I doubt it will happen. The ACA was passed in the most incomplete and gutted form possible that dramatically benefitted the pharmaceutical industry.

    And no, I'm a Marxist, not a Utopian. I understand that building takes time, I just understand that we have little control of what gets passed without outside pressure.

  • What brought you into philosophy?
  • Haven't read Hegel proper, if your goal is to understand Marxism then Elementary Principles of Philosophy is my recommendation. It goes over Idealism, Dialectics, Materialism, and then how they came to form Dialectical and Historical Materialism.

  • โ€˜They will vote against Harrisโ€™: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • They are voting third party, usually for Stein, or Crรบz.

  • Vote!

  • โ€˜They will vote against Harrisโ€™: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • I'm not arguing against RCV, I'm arguing against the idea that

    1: it will ever pass, and

    2: the idea that if it passed, it would change anything.

    Revolution is necessary, something you'd think was obvious given your username.

  • โ€˜They will vote against Harrisโ€™: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • It doesn't, really. You'll see when it fizzles out.

    Additonally, we can see even in other countries with RCV that it doesn't majorly improve things, RCV isn't a panacea, the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie still dominates the electoral system.

  • What brought you into philosophy?
  • Marxism, reading theory brought me to Historical and Dialectical Materialism, which also brought me to researching the foundations that led up to Marxism that Marx built off of.

  • โ€˜They will vote against Harrisโ€™: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza
  • Sigh. if you're going to be so insistent. first lets start with tossing out GDP as a metric its useless. it measures production not happiness/societal fullfillment. those two things are very different. If you want to use china as a pillar of socialist utopia... well, sorry thats not going to fly.

    GDP is only one measure, you can also point to 90%+ government approval rates in the PRC. It isn't a "utopia," but it's making very positive moves.

    secondly: at least use comparable countries. comparing the USSR to the UK and on top of it using percentages. my god. did anyone teach you anything about maths?

    Explain what's wrong here, the USSR had dramatic improvements in rate of growth over time.

    (the problem is in what 0% represents as a baseline the higher the baseline is the less room it has to grow, and the USSR and the UK didn't start out at the same baseline)

    Sure, but the system worked and dramatically improved conditions, reflected by productive growth.

    third: cite your sources if you want to play the numbers game.

    Fair enough.

    fourth: you and I clearly have different definitions of central planning, you have a particular definition and mine is a general 'small number of people making the calls' both late stage capitalism and what you're article you linked to are the same thing in all but how those individuals are selected. to me there is no difference there. they're both equally bad ideas.

    Central Planning isn't "people making decisions." When people advocate for Central Planning, they are advocating for government planning of production in the public sector, which is entirely different from Capitalism, and producing for the profit motive. Saying you don't see any difference in private Capitalists operating within the anarchy of markets for the purpose of profit and government planning from the top down for the purpose of fulfilling needs outside of markets is to say you have no clue what you're talking about. Additionally, saying they are "equally bad" only compounds the baseless absurdity of your claim.

    You're foolish because you think marx had the answers to the problem of the class war. he didn't.. You're never going to convenience people to risk dramatic upheaval. Most people are not wired that way. hence marxist ideas and in particular the revolutionary followers such as yourself dont understand human nature. The US is not at that point yet, it has to get significantly worse for such triggers to be effective.

    There have been many successful Marxist revolutions, read a history book please.

    re central planning: late stage capitalism and you're marxist idea of public property are the same levels of centralized planning. the fact you don't realize that is.... sad. again you also don't need such a system. it limits diversity in ideas and development. even if you take over the means of production in a capitalist economy, who says you're going to do any better than the current crop of oligarchs? fundamentally I don't believe you will.

    How is it the same? How does central planning "limit diversity in ideas and development?" As for how we know public planning is better, you are divorced from market forces and produce based on needs, not for profits, and have far larger access to information, we know this because we observe great success in AES countries.

    also the very same weakness of capitalism you hope to exploit are the same weakness your society will have because its just as centralized. I really hope you realize this.

    Socialism is more centralized than Capitalism. Capitalism isn't flawed because it is "centralized," Capitalism is flawed because it defeats itself through the anarchy of markets and the Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall. It's unsustainable.

    As for the PRC.... its not even 100 years old yet; and has a fair amount of problems; primarily the fact its run by a dictator. the USSR didn't last a 100 years. so lets just say if those are your examples for thriving socialist countries I'll pass on your vision.

    The PRC is not run by a dictator, the PRC practices whole-process people's democracy and again, has 90%+ approval rates. You can't just handwave their success away because it's inconvenient to your narrative.

    Essentially my fundamental point is you need to figure out how to build the system without centralized planning and organization and a robust immune system to bad actors; and marxist from everything i've seen/been shown isnt that.

    You have not explained how or why central planning is bad. Additionally, trying to invent a system and force it into reality is Utopian, Marxists reject Utopianism. Read Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.

    how to clarify the two adjectives I used for marxism and yourself mmmm... I'll try but these are things I usually spend months on deprogramming people like yourself.

    I wonder why. Surely it can't be because you have yet to make a single point backed by any coherent logic or data, right?

    idealistic: thinking you can just wrest away control from capitalists without broad support, which you certainly don't have, and the naive assumption your central planners will be better than the current catch we already have. No thanks winni I'll pass

    No one said we can wrest control without broad support. Secondly, Capitalism is not centrally planned, it is internally planned at a business level within the anarchy of markets, we know central planning works because of the success of AES countries, as I have established. Nice racist jab there too, you're really showing off your skills here.

    inflexible: soon as your centralize anything in a system you make it harder to experiment or course correct. why? because everything that depends on that centralize system needs to be changed in order to support the changes. lets take something as simple as deciding to build a park. if public spaces are centrally planned then who decides what kind of park it is? me? my neighbor? my town? my state? what about what gets researched? who gets the supplies to do their research? what if the individual doing the resource allocation is corrupt or doesn't understand the new ideas? what if they find a particular approach like fetal stem cells objectionable?

    You need to dig into how AES countries actually function. The previously linked article on whole process people's democracy is a good starting point. The answer is that the park is planned by the government, decided by the local government most likely. Research is decided by the government, and funded by the government. Corruption is punished and purged.

    and the personal attack is because you're as inflexible as marx was in his thinking you think he had the answers and you rely on him as an authority and puritan authority. sorry but appeals to authority don't matter to me. You shouldn't need to appeal to marxism to demonstrate the validity of your ideas. tell me what particular bits you plan on changing and how. the good thing about living in a democracy is you can effect these things at a local level. the PSL is doomed from the start because it doesn't understand the problems or the people its trying to convince and as a result it doesn't understand how to manipulate systems and there isn't wide spread repression (yet) to get people angry enough to be supportive.

    Listen, attacking me personally because you don't even understand your own ideas, let alone Marxism at an absolutely basic level, is uncalled for. I suggest going back to the basics.

    Now I've spent enough time corresponding with you and I'm going back to fiddling with my mushrooms they're far more interesting than talking to a soldier tripping over their own firearm in their enthusiasm. but I suggest you research into using random processes and their effects on creating robust systems, there are examples in compute science, biology, law, governance, maybe it'll enlighten you the the power of distributed systems over centralized. ๐Ÿ‘‹

    I've done my research already, and Marxism-Leninism is the answer โ™ฅ๏ธ

  • Michael Parenti Lecture (1986)

    Also known affectionately as "Yellow Parenti."

    Pseudoregalia is dope.

    Eerie yet nostalgic PSX/N64 graphics, costs as much as a starb*cks drink, with a great soundtrack and killer movement mechanics. It's just so fun to schmoooove around.

    If you like Indie games, Metroidvanias, and/or 3D platformers, give it a look!

    Plus, it runs perfectly on Steam Deck.

    What are your favorite Indie Games from the last 5 or so years?

    These days, Indies are really popping off IMO. Gems like Animal Well are coming out all the time. What are your favorites?

    What games have the best Leftist or Leftist adjacent narratives and writing?

    Outside of Disco Elysium, of course. Looking for games with great narratives and some level of Class Consciousness.

    Bonus points if it plays well on Steam Deck!

    Which Character Build Suits Each Game Best?

    Ranking by themes, enjoyment, and how well these builds are actualized, what general build is most fun in each game? An ideal case, "fun maximized" run. What are your thoughts?

    What are your favorite albums from the 2020s?

    I've always held the belief that music wasn't better in the past, people just have survivorship bias. What are your genuine favorite albums of the last few years?

    Personally, I'm loving The Rime of Memory by Panopticon, Ants from Up There by Black Country, New Road, and Hellfire by Black Midi.

    Fallout London - Official Release Announcement

    A huge new mod looks like it's actually coming out! I know many are wary after The Frontier, but what are y'alls thoughts? Looks fun at the very least! I like the new Vault Boy stand-in, and love the river/boat setting.

    Cowbee Cowbee [he/him]

    Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

    He/him or they/them, doesn't matter too much

    Marxist-Leninist โ˜ญ

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