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Recommendations for G43x MOS Lights?

I know the conventional wisdom is that a TLR-6 or TLR-7 Sub are the go-to options for G43x MOS lights, but curious if anyone else has other suggestions worth looking into.

Me now that the new lemmy clients can replace my reddit addiction
  • Are you using it as an installed PWA? I’m not having any issues with animations or scrolling. I have run into a few weird UI bugs with slide up menus within communities, but that’s about it.

  • Me now that the new lemmy clients can replace my reddit addiction
  • Highly recommend checking out wefwef - closest option to an Apollo clone as I've seen so far in terms of UI and functionality, and doesn't even need to be installed. Memmy is a very good second place option, but I've been using wefwef since I heard about it yesterday and ZI think it's better.

  • Lemmy Support cowleggies
    Only seeing posts from subscribed communities under “All”

    Hey everyone, I set up a new instance yesterday and everything seems to be working except for known issues with v18.0 (postfix/email not working, image upload issues over 1mb).

    However the one issue I cannot diagnose is why I can only see posts from subscribed communities when browsing “all”. Federation seems to be working fine otherwise, I’m just not seeing any content unless I am explicitly subscribed to a given community.

    Is this just a federation delay for a new instance getting caught up, or is it possible I’m missing a setting somewhere? Or maybe just an issue with v18.0?


    Why was lemmygrad blocked?
  • You’re way too aggressive about this. You can join any other instance and access the same content, or start your own. Nobody is “silencing” you.

  • Why was lemmygrad blocked?
  • If you want absolute control over what instances you’re federated with, start your own instance. Otherwise, find one that’s more closely aligned to your views.

    As others have said, this is one of the main points of federated networks, if you don’t like how an instance is run, you can take your ball and go play somewhere else.

  • Rip Apollo
  • I really really hate to see Apollo go, but at the same time, I hope other Reddit app devs follow suit. Absolute trash way that Reddit is treating not only their devs, but users too.

  • I like this significantly better than Mastodon
  • Another Reddit refugee here: lemmy makes much more sense to my brain than mastodon ever did. So far, this has huge promise.

  • cowleggies cowleggies
    Posts 8
    Comments 7