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creator [she/her]
creator [she/her] @ creator
4 yr. ago
  • Im having trouble finding this. Is this real?

  • Mistborn is pretty great though. I really like how ::: spoiler spoiler Elend's liberal democracy falls apart because he divides the voting block by Nobles | Rich Skaa | Skaa and then :surprised-pika: the rich skaa all side with the Nobles and fuck him over so they can go back to exploiting the Skaa (who put him in power)

    Dude spent his whole life reading nothing but theory written by other Nobles and his best guess fell apart almost instantly because he didn't understand that the Skaa struggle was a class struggle as much as it was a race one. Then in Era 2, they all fetishize his Great Man status and implement the flawed system and re-create all the issues he had, :::