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‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • I'm glad to see that incessant and pervasive whataboutism is welcome in the Fediverse. I was afraid for a few weeks that I had left it behind with Reddit but clearly that's not the case.

  • What is your opinion on wasps ?
  • Rather rude to group them all together like that. If we're talking mud daubers or paper wasps, we're totally chill.

    Ground-nesting yellowjackets get the boiling water and dish soap treatment in the dead of the night if they're in the yard. I've had too many cases of cleaning up yard debris and suddenly getting attacked by the little bastards to attempt peaceful coexistence.

  • Prepare your Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release
  • Yep, after I found this out I ditched Chrome immediately once they started rolling out Google Search ads that couldn't be blocked via DNS. Firefox mobile feels a little less smooth than Chrome admittedly, but the ability to add extensions like ublock/darkreader/consent-o-matic make is a no contest in terms of overall user experience.

    The one knock is that they took bypass paywalls out of their extension store and the workaround to install it is somewhat cumbersome, so now I'm annoyingly using Kiwi browser for paywalled content and Firefox for everything else. Hopefully this update will make it so I only need one browser again.

  • Multnomah County DA dinged for gender discrimination Multnomah County DA dinged for gender discrimination

    The finding from BOLI follows the March release of a report paid for by the DA's office that cleared the DA of discrimination.

    Multnomah County DA dinged for gender discrimination

    I've traditionally been very wary about much of the criticism around DA Mike Schmidt, with the whole Schmidt show nonsense and heaping all the woes of the world at his feet. However, this seems very much a failure of leadership in an area in which it cannot be denied that he has complete control.

    This section from Amber Kinney's letter of resignation I found particularly damning:

    >The attorney management in our office is comprised of only one female (17% of total management), despite the current ratio for lawyers at about 50/50 men and women. Of the lawyers in leadership positions (management + Level 4 Supervisors), 80% are men and 20% are women (only 4 women). The very next level down, non-supervisors (Level 3 lawyers) are nearly 70% women. > >The newly created designation of “Lead Level 3s” – the elite squad of major felony trial attorneys, recognized for our longevity in the office, complex caseload, and homicide call-out duty, but who are not supervisors – are almost all women (89% are women and 11% are men). This is a glass ceiling. > >Under your leadership, seven consecutive men were promoted or hired into leadership positions. Under your leadership (or in anticipation of your leadership) eight high-level career lawyers have left our office, seven of the eight are women.

    Reddit claiming they weren’t recovering deleted posts
  • The founder of Tildes, Deimos, is a former Reddit backend engineer who believes this is a technical issue rather than a case of Reddit purposefully subverting user intentions:

    Yes, this is almost certainly a technical issue. The way reddit caches things probably isn't the standard way you're thinking of, like a short-term cache that expires and refreshes itself. There are multiple layers of "cached" listings and items for almost everything, and a lot of these caches are actually data that's stored permanently and kept up to date individually.

    There are also multiple other places and ways that comments are cached—comment trees are cached (order and nesting of comments on a comments page, for all the different sorting methods), rendered HTML versions of comments are cached, API data is probably cached, and so on.

    All of these issues are probably just some combination of all of your posts being difficult to find and access due to the listing limits or certain cached representations of posts not being cleared or updated properly.

  • Any recommended Pedalpalooza rides?

    I've done a few Pedalpalooza rides in past years and they've generally been great. I think it's amazing that they've expanded it into a 3-month thing which is essentially "hey here's a resource for the best summer bike rides", but it's a piiiiiiinch overwhelming to open the calendar and see like a thousand different rides all stacked up on one another to the point where the page times out in Chrome.

    So...are there any that the community here would particularly recommend?

    Does anyone actually enjoy working out?
  • Sometimes, but not always. Whether it's cardio or weights, I'd guess maybe 20% of sessions are amazing, 20% are garbage and I can't wait to finish, and 60% are fine. I generally prefer weights, but there's actually something really fun when you're having an s-tier cardio session.

  • Why are there still no extensions for Chromium on mobile?
  • I'd strongly prefer FF, but since they yoinked the Bypass Paywalls extension, I've been taking a look at Kiwi. Eventually once Manifest V3 goes though I'll want to move to FF regardless, so I'm hesitant to consider Kiwi as a permanent solution though.

  • Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • Partially yes, partially no. It depends on the use case.

    If I'm looking to idly scroll random content, sure, it's great!

    For online community, definitely. Given the open disregard that Reddit Inc leadership has shown towards the community, developers, and volunteers who keep the show running, I don't feel comfortable contributing there anymore.

    If i'm looking for specialized information on a specific topic, definitely not. Google Search + still reigns here.

  • has now blocked / Meta
  • Yes and suggesting that average users can simply set up a server and then navigate either Docker or Ansible just to maintain consistent content preferences isn't perhaps realistic. Even for tech-literate folks it's kind of a big lift, and I have to suspect it's one of the issues that could keep the Fediverse from enjoying wider adoption.

  • More anti-Lemmy brigading with massive upvotes on Reddit as the 3rd party app apocalypse looms
  • I suspect they do, in fact, understand the difference. And are intentionally conflating lemmy the platform with the instance in order to dissuade people from using the platform, since they know that most people new to the platform wouldn't understand the distinction.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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    Comments 13