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Why don’t a lot of people use generics?
  • Same here (in terms of general approach, though I can't buy generic cereal anymore, need that gluten free logo).

    There was a vast difference for me in generics of omeprazole, and the first few generics of dexlansoprazole. Not as critical as an epi-pen obviously, but the delivery mechanism for pills can be so different it absolutely makes a difference.

  • The most important role
  • He's even said as much:

    I throw the spaghetti against the wall, see if it sticks, see if it's al dente. I know the material, and then, of course I want to try it a bunch of different ways. Give the director so much to work with, so many levels of emotion, so many levels of cartoon. I'll do them all night if they let me.

    To me that is him finding it so fun he just wants to try each part every which way he can and find what works, because he's truly enjoying trying it out because he wants to try it a bunch of different ways, not because he's being told to.

    Not "I have a specific thought about how this works", or even "I know what the director needs from me", but "This is so fun I want to be wild with it and see what I can do!". Which to me is what makes Carrey awesome as Robotnik.

  • Removed
    Have never even bothered with 4K. 1080p at 60 FPS is glorious!
  • Personally I'd go with 34", but I'm an ultrawide kind of person.

    I'm even considering the ridiculously wide 49" lenovo, at 5120x1440 it certainly beats the 2560x1440 and companion 1080p display I use today.

  • Michigan man charged with assaulting postal carrier over Kamala Harris flyer
  • Prosecutors can amend charges, they are probably still collecting evidence to determine if they can prosecute a higher charge, which is when they'd bring in something like attempted murder.

    I'm sure there is some legally restricting element like "a clear intent to kill" which would have to be demonstrated in court to have that charge stick.

  • Rental System?
  • There is nothing native (though a few options have been played with, AFAIK never completed because...), but there are a ton of integrations. You can use webhooks to teams, there are python wrappers for the API, even a google docs integration.

    Probably the lowest code option would be to find someone else's tool for snipe-it (sorry I've never looked), or do something like snipe it to google sheets to be imported as a CSV or something.

    Or take a peek at some others in the same territory, or maybe ticketing systems with simple asset management.

    But i think something like snipe-it, if not exactly, is going to be the right territory of what you're looking for

  • Critical Unauthenticated RCE Flaws in CUPS Printing Systems
  • Compared to the original claim that it was kernel level and spread across literally everything?

    No, no its not as bad as it was originally claimed.

    Is it bad? Yes. Is it kernel level bad? No. It can easily be mitigated before a fix is out by blocking 631 and dns-sd traffic. It is not as bad as it was claimed to be.

  • White ass
  • Whoopi gave her full fake fainting when Dyson made the comments. It was on the View (which she is a host of).

    It was an "Oh he said it!" fake faint, not a "you shouldn't say that sort of thing" faint.

    Edit: sorry the eating ass part, that was how Harris trounced Trump in the debate.

  • Sike!
  • This is why next to my couches are multi-port chargers.

    The ones I'm using currently have 8 ports; 2 at 65W, 3 at 30W, and 3 at 20W. The 30 & 60 are USB-C, 20W is USB A. The 65W is plenty for laptops, tablets, and phones. 30W for tablets and phones if the 65W is in use or headphones, eBook reader, etc. 20W for all that miscellaneous simple device charging, anything micro USB, etc.

    Way better strategy than built in IMO. Easy to replace, old one goes somewhere else (or given to family members), etc.

  • White ass
  • The way this was put together confused the crap out of me so I looked it up (not your fault OP!)

    Dyson commented on Robinson being white supremecay ventriloquism, a black mouth moving and white supremacist rhetoric coming out. He also said:

    Bro, Robinson, you ain't no Martin Luther King, Jr. If Dr. King had a dream, you are a nightmare

    Dyson also commented on wanting Trump to have another debate with Harris, and there's the black woman eating white ass comment.

  • Removed
    Twitter banned me after publishing the JD Vance Dossier - Ken Klippenstein
  • That's not really what's in there.

    Its a collection of easily verifiable public statements, twitter posts, interviews, etc, of which some go against the GOP or the Trump approved messaging.

    There is nothing salacious, no pictures of his good times with couches, or claims about his infatuation with drag.

    Just regular background check stuff.

  • Keyboard / Mouse Sharing with Arch / Wayland, MacOS, Windows 11 Laptop
  • Definitely clunky on lan-mouse.

    I'll give input-leap a check with my gh account logged in, see how it goes - I'm curious if I'll have the same fun with latency. Since its mostly for meeting stuff, a bit of lag is ok, but if its choppy or otherwise severe that could be an issue, definitely....

  • Keyboard / Mouse Sharing with Arch / Wayland, MacOS, Windows 11 Laptop

    TL;DR: Want to use my desktop keyboard/mouse with my Laptop. What software are you using/enjoying? Arch+KDE w/ Wayland will be the main host, main client is Windows 11. Secondary hosts may be Debian and MacOS, same client, but low priority on the Mac.

    Hey folks, I'm rearranging some things a bit at home, would love to get some current thoughts on keyboard/mouse sharing over IP (no video).

    I have to put up with some tools that don't play nicely with wine/proton, and so my work laptop is a windows device. I'll be controlling that device primary from Arch and Debian, though MacOS is a possibility. I'd like to keep the laptop closed and not add another mouse/keyboard into the mix, so Keyb/Mouse over IP it is.

    Here's what I'm looking at, haven't tried them all yet, but looking for opinions:

    • Barrier - Dead fork. Hasn't been updated in some time, being superseded by input-leap. Most portions of the project managed by someone who had not been active for a couple years before the Input Leap fork.
    • Input Leap - Forked from Barrier at the end of 2021, and nearly 3 years later, no stable binary releases yet. Development seems fairly active, but no binary releases yet doesn't provide a massive amount of confidence that it will be stable. Doesn't mean I won't build and test though.
    • Lan Mouse - Seems pretty neat, the lack of input capture on MacOS could create an issue for me in certain situations, but I can work around that if I need to for the rare times I'd need it. Traffic is unencrypted/plaintext. Its entirely local, and I've got more security than most users (and some companies), but still. Probably leading the pack right now.
    • Deskflow - Upstream project for Synergy, a rename to differentiate the user project from Synergy. TONS of recent activity, but the switch is very recent. I don't know if there are any binaries built, but its a longstanding project (and like many, many others, I used Synergy before it went commercial, it was nice).

    Any other options out there? Good/bad experiences with any of these?

    3-7yr Kids Book Recommendations?

    TL;DR: Got any of them "banned" book recommendations for kids? We have a 2 1/2yr old and a 6 yr old who love book time


    So a recent popular post in politics was about a book that stirred up controversy - My Shadow is Purple, which is the second book in a series (Here's the first).

    Local library doesn't have them unfortunately, so I'll be putting in a request (then checking out a local store).

    It made me wonder about some other great books out there that more conservative areas might not have. My township is pretty progressive (, but not large, so the school library is only OK. The county library is literally a few blocks away, so no town library. And while amazing as a library, the in-county magas have made the library slow down on some kinds of books. Its ridiculous, but one problem at a time.

    So I'm hoping to get some kids books they might not otherwise see, like the My Shadow is Pink/Purple books mentioned, but I don't know what's out there.

    Anyone have some favorites to share for the young kids? Looking forward to any ideas!

    Touchscreens, Debian, and Having Fun - Ideas?

    I got my hands on a Lenovo ThinkSmart Hub 500 - you may have seen these in conference rooms, its a small Teams Room or Zoom Room device, based off their Tiny lineup, with a built-in touch display thats about 11" in diagonal.

    I left the 128gb nvme in there for now, and threw Debian 12 on it. Touch worked throughout the installation process, all I did was attach a keyboard, power, and network (along with the thumb drive with netinstall), now installed with KDE.

    Considering the specs, the only part I'm surprised works well is the touchscreen, its otherwise just a generic lenovo tiny (which I have several of already, 6th-9th gen, as part of my tiny/mini/micro server stack). I could have chosen a different flavor, but I'm a long, long, loooonngggg time Debain user so its my go-to.

    In terms of touch, tap, drag, and long press are all working. Video looks good with the UI set at 125% scaling, and to be candid its rather snappy and responsive.

    I did this 100% for my own personal entertainment, so now for some thoughts for the community - what would be fun to use it for? A few of my thoughts....

    • I could use it as a HomeAssistant kiosk. Neat, but.... overkill compared to the tablets doing the same job.
    • Make it an emulation station, attach my steam controller and maybe my usb adapters for N64/GC/Sega/PS/etc.
    • Use it to test a series of distributions to see how well they handle touch drivers for this silly thing (EndeavorOS is probably going to happen, I may be a long time Debian guy but I should spend more regular time in other things, and not just my arch VMs).
    • I don't know, gcompris for my kids? They already have it though on an android tablet and an old mac mini (like, 2011ish) hooked up to the TV in the living room.
    • Make it another proxmox endpoint for the cluster, install a DE anyway, and then let it be an always-visible display for grafana?
    • Install OBS, let the hdmi capture have some purpose?

    What about you folks, what would you find fun to do with this box?

    eBook Library Structure

    TL;DR: How do you sort your books for your book server?


    I'm thinking of reworking my eBook/comic/etc library, and I'm curious how other people structure things.

    I don't want to separate fiction out by genre or anything since some can fit multiple genres, so I'm leaning towards Dewey decimal system categories personally.

    I'm also planning a bit ahead since my daughter is now starting to read more than sight words books, so I'm thinking of separating kids fiction and adult fiction.

    I also currently have a section for comics, manga, and LNs. Those are separated mostly for who goes to what, and what they do/don't want to read. So my library right now (plus the kids section) will look like:

    • Kids Fiction
    • Adult Fiction
    • Comics
    • Manga
    • Light/Web Novels
    • Non-Fiction

    Simple for navigation, and searchable, but maybe not the best for browsing. So I was thinking maybe the Dewey categories:

    • Computer Science, Knowledge, and Systems
    • Philosophy & Psychology
    • Social Sciences
    • Language
    • Science
    • Technology
    • Arts
    • Adult Fiction
    • Kids Fiction
    • History/Geography

    Nicely browsable, but some of those sections will be really light on books.

    What method of sorting do you use? Any librarians out there with thoughts on better approaches than the Dewey decimal system?

    EDIT: I really like what mentioned, which I've currently adapted to:

    • Instructional (How-to, manuals, gardening, etc)
    • Tech (Electronics reference materials, programming reference books, etc).
    • Equine (all my wife's horse stuff)
    • Kids Fiction
    • Kids Non-Fiction (I've got some geography books and such my daughter likes, I'm sure it will expand over time)
    • Adult Fiction
    • Adult Non-Fiction
    • Comics
    • Manga
    • LN/WN

    I can easily allow the kids accounts to have access to the Kids section, not include the comics/manga/tech my wife has no interest in, etc.

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