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CachyOS June 2024 release brings T2 Macbook support ,555 driver and much more
  • Blazingly fast? Is it made in Rust or what?

  • Is it Worth It To Buy A Modern Horizons 3 Commander Deck?
  • Stores have been price gauging for a while now. They go full scalper mode sometimes.

  • How does one create an app?
  • IntelliJ has source available here under Apache-2 license. AFAIK only Pro edition is proprietary.

    Android Studio has no source but there is one for Android IntelliJ plugin here.

    Maybe I'm missing something but to me these cases are pretty different.

  • The Thing: Remastered Is the Next Revival From Nightdive Studios
  • I liked the original. It's been a while since I've had a single thought about the game so I'll check it out. It starts as a horror but turns into a classic shooter later on. I remember it being good anyway.

  • How does one create an app?
  • You can use IntelliJ Community to develop Android apps with an Android plugin.

  • It's time to stop thinking plastic phones can't be premium
  • It's time to stop thinking a phone should be premium

  • Is it Worth It To Buy A Modern Horizons 3 Commander Deck?
  • The land one at MSRP, I'd say yes. Rest of them? I would say no

  • Microsoft Releases Azure Linux 3.0 Preview
  • MS has been using Linux on their servers for years

  • Path to Exile by Rebecca Guay
  • Absolute classic

  • State of S3 - Your Laptop is no Laptop anymore
  • Where can I find beforehand which laptop supports S3? Are there any know brands that do?

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • But that's the whole point, I don't know beforehand what any result would mean. Yeah, generally by habit you think higher roll is good and low is bad but you can't apply it to every scenario. Let me visualize how it works for me

    "What's in the sewers? I don't know, let me see. I rolled 14. Maybe it's something good? Maybe someone friendly? No, it doens't make sense in this context. It should probably be a hideout of crocodile people gang."

    Did I know 14 would mean that? Should it? Is it good? Bad? I could also not roll. I could use a coffee stain to decide. I could toss a paper clip.

    Personally I don't consider it as fudging rolls just because dice is involved. There are no procedures. I use it to guide my imagination because I have it right here before me. Tarot deck? Usually not, but it's also a fantastic tool to do so and you may interpret it however you want. But I agree with you that drawing death 3 times is rather self explanatory and it's an obvious disaster (also what a fun one!). But a die result is just a number without meaning, it only gives me a starting point for my thoughts. It's a habit; a tick; a real object that binds me with the virtual world. Not a roll to hit or a skills check.

    If that's fudging rolls for you then I guess I need to stir up some dice to get my flow going.

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • Because the result has no meaning, it's not a roll in a gaming sense. It being 20 or 1 makes no difference, it's just to spark something in the imagination.

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • I was worried someone might take it this way. Fudging rolls means stating the result of a secret roll was different than it was in reality. What I'm talking about is using a die to inspire you what should happen in a situation where rolling is not applicable. Players decide to go to the sewers for some reason. What's in there? I don't know. Yet. There are no rules on what to roll when they go to the sewers now. I may ask them what they expect to find. I may draw a card. I may roll a die. I may consult the random encounters table. It's not a "roll" in the gaming sense, it's a way to get some inspiration on my next description. But it's like with a coin toss, sometimes you know what should happen when you make the roll and before you even see the result.

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • I'm all for rolls that make sense. If it's an encounter, of course you should always roll. I roll in the open and players know what hit them and whatnot. The consequence is damage and/or death. But if you're a thief and want to open a simple lock and nobody's is trying to defenestrate you at the moment? No need to roll, failure is meaningless. You just killed a dragon? No need to persuade the king to help you. That's a reward for doing something beforehand. But oh my if an orc swings at you with his axe I'm gonna roll the dice right in front of you so you know that critical was not fudged.

    I skip rolls if players are either super prepared or their failure will not mean anything. But as I said earlier, it needs trust between players and the GM - I don't make their lives harder as a punishment, I do that for the storytelling. And they don't try to work around me because we skipped a roll for athletics when they had a full day to climb a tree.

    Oh but that reminds me. I was metagamed recently. When the team tried to decide what to do with a defeated enemy one of them said "let him live, he will come back as a sidequest. When we kill him then that plotline is dead as well".

    Well he was not wrong but that needn't to be said.

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • if the dice are the be-all-end-all, why have a GM at the table?

    Well... If the story is so important why have players at all?

    Where 2 RPG players meet there are 3 opinions

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • If it's a 1st level character is there any harm in simply letting them be killed by a goblin? Depends on what you're looking for in a game but an early death can lead to some nice storytelling

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • You can roll some dice but it doesn't need to be a skill check (or whatever the naming is in your system of choice). When I don't know what should happen, I may roll a die. If it's high then it should be something good and if low, maybe it will give me inspiration to think about some new lurking danger. But I may discard the result and go with the gut feeling. Whatever, it was an "oracle roll" as I like to call it. Not tied to anyone's statistics.

    I like to use a deck of cards as well. In Savage Worlds, it is used to determine a random encounter. Clubs indicate an enemy, hearts a friebd, diamonds some good omen and spades obstacles. I like to draw a card so it inspires me on what should happen next (of course as long as it makes sense with the world)

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • RPGs depend on mutual respect. If you think your players will metagame you and you need to punish them then it stops being a collaborative roleplaying game.

  • ThinkPad ThyTTY
    Do I need an OLED 3k screen?

    Sorry for a dumb title. I'm considering two versions of Thinkpad Z13 - one with 3k OLED and another with FHD IPS panel. The first one has obviously a better display quality and gamut range but version with IPS will provide more battery life.

    What do you think about panels like that on a 13" laptop? Are they noticeably more pleasant to interact with?

    I like to have good battery life but if OLED is to blow me away maybe I should pick one.

    I will be using Linux btw.

    Edit: I know the only one to answer this question is me but I would like to hear your input and maybe learn about things to consider.

    dabu ThyTTY
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