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Is my GPU setup idea stupid? (Laptop)
  • I run my 4800hs / 1650 laptop in hybrid mode, it's 'OK' on battery but I bought it used and it's seen some usage (70% health) in its past life. I've been using hyprland for maybe 6 months now and support has only improved with time.

    You will run into issues with specific multiplayer titles in a VM, depending on what you plan on playing having a 2nd partition might be the way to go. Some titles won't care being in a VM, some will flat-out refuse to work or kick you after some time, many are compatible out of the box under Linux / Proton.

    Supergfxctl is a handy tool for toggling your dedicated card, my laptop is ASUS so I can't be certain on the level of compatibility you may see with said tool.

  • NUC, Proxmox and HA (a noob seeking for help) Update (4/8/24)
  • Yeah there is a workaround for using bind-mounts in Proxmox VMs:

    If you wanted, and your drives are mounted to the Proxmox host (and not to a VM), try an LXC for the services you are running, if you require a VM then the above workaround would be recommended after backing up your data.

    I've got my drives mounted in a container as shown here:

    Basicboi config, but it's quick and gets the job done.

    I'd originally gone down the same route as you had with VMs and shares, but it's was all too much after a while.

    I'm almost rid of all my VMs, home assistant is currently the last package I've yet to migrate. Migrated my frigate to a docker container under nixos, tailscale exit node under nixos too while the vast majority of other packages are already in LXC.

  • NUC, Proxmox and HA (a noob seeking for help) Update (4/8/24)
  • Ahh the shouting from the rooftops wasn't aimed at you, but the general group of people in similar threads. Lots of people shill tailscale as it's a great service for nothing but there needs to be a level of caution with it too.

    I'm quite new to the self hosting game myself, but services like tailscale which have so much insight / reach into our networks are something that in the end, should be self hosted.

    If your using SMB locally between VMs maybe try proxmox, https// is something I'm looking into to replace Proxmox down the line. I share bind-mounts currently between multiple LXC from the host Proxmox OS, configuration is pretty easy, and there are lots of tutorials online for getting started.

  • NUC, Proxmox and HA (a noob seeking for help) Update (4/8/24)
  • I still use it, the service is very handy (and passes the wife test for ease of use)

    Probably some tinfoil hat level of paranoia, but it's one of those situations where you aren't in control of a major component of your network.

  • NUC, Proxmox and HA (a noob seeking for help) Update (4/8/24)
  • Tailscale is great, but it's not something that should be shouted from the rooftops.

    I use tailscale with nginx / pihole for my home services BUT there will be a point where the "free" tier of their service will be gutted / monetized and your once so free, private service won't be so free.

    Tailscale are SAAS (software as a service), once their venture capital funds look like their running dry, the funds will be coming from your data, limiting the service with a push to subscription models or a combination.

    Nebula is one such alternative, headscale is another. Wire guard (which tailscale is based on) again is another.

  • People who use distros without systemd, why do you do this?
  • The comment change?

    If so that was fun, I updated my hyprland / hy3 flakes and I was bombarded by flashing red notifications indicating I'd caused Satan to return. Trawling through all my hyprland Configs I eventually put an end to the chaos.

    If not, I guess I'll find out next time I update my flakes lol.

  • The installation process of different Linux distributions
  • Ahh man gotta love NVIDIA. Most of my machines have an NVIDIA GPU, but I've had only a few minor issues along the way. Mostly from me not reading things correctly.

    Saw issues with flickering electron applications, sleep somehow running the GPU until my battery was drained, hyprland just saying not today and random crashes here and there.

    Systems are pretty stable now, laptop runs fine in hybrid mode (AMD / NVIDIA) and I removed almost all electron applications.

    I've found if I can't figure something out I'll start a new module for another package. But I guess if it's something "mission critical" in your case a GPU then it's pretty hard to do much else.

  • Majority of Americans now use ad blockers
  • Had my boss trying to grab a pdf (crosswords, colouring pages, printed for kids in a pub) while using Chrome without any adblock extensions.

    The volume of ads, trick links, and shite on that one website in particular was outstanding. She asked me if a link was OK to click. Promptly pointed out she should use Firefox (which has unlock and other extensions added) instead of chrome as the link she had clicked was for some sketchy software and not a crossword.

    I can't imagine the internet without ad blockers. Ublock is a great addition, removing elements from pages is a huge advantage. So many sites sling rubbish wherever they can.

  • Why a small China-made EV has global auto execs and politicians on edge
  • Chinese companies see lots of funding from their government in specific fields.

    Same from any nation really, but don't think the ticket price isn't reduced from those subsidies / donations / how ever you want to paint it.

    I believe the EU are planning to tax Chinese made vehicles based on how much support they are receiving from their government.

  • Google is removing third-party apps and clock faces from all Fitbit watches in the EU
  • Love my old Garmin vivoactive 2? Screen looks like shit but it's readable in any setting. It's pretty basic, use it for cycling as it talks to my chest-strap heart rate monitor.

    I've got a pixel watch too, it's a typical 1st gen product. Half baked but gets the job done, battery is an all-day for me (no Sim model). It's got some scratches and blemishes all over the face, see how long it kicks around for.

  • Why do people hate TV shows like The Biggest Loser and My 600-lb Life?
  • Shedding weight fast is a great method for excess skin that requires cosmetic surgery to remove. Slowly losing weight can reduce but not eliminate the requirements for surgery.

    Good friend of mine lost almost half his body weight in around 4 years, his arms, legs are all OK but his stomach area needs some work. I can't imagine the hardship people "competing" on the biggest loser need to go through once the season is over.

  • Friends don't let friends buy HiDPI displays
  • Discord, Spotify and other electron applications will work fine in a browser. Rather than installing packages that are causing you issues just run them in Firefox.

    It's not a hardware issue but a combination of software issues.

  • Discord began blocking servers with information prohibited in the Russian Federation
  • Discord is trash, had issues with a KBDFans product, something as simple as a search of a forum would have given me the solution. I had to talk to a human to get the required information. They sent me a link to a firmware to download and all was good.

    If I was able to search a forum it would have been a 2 minute job, but I wasted someone else's time, on the other side of the globe.

  • Appreciation / shock at workplace IT systems
  • Gallagher were great at that, rubbish solution for "teaching" staff about phishing which would infuriate all staff caught in the net. Would come from internal email addresses too which, if one person's email / credentials are compromised they've got bigger fish to fry.

  • Appreciation / shock at workplace IT systems
  • I mean it's not the worst. Is it still https? Or are they serving plain ol http? My internal services (at home) are mostly https, but the certs are self signed so browsers will flag them as "insecure".

  • [hyprland] My NixOS Configuration

    Plenty of nix'd config, nix-colors theming for most applications. I've only been using linux for around 6 months, NixOS has really clicked with me.

    My config might be sub-optimal in areas, but its gone through some heavy changes since its inception.

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