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Hegel's influence on Marx and Engels
  • Because Marx evolved into a platypus. Deeply unserious question.

  • Turns out that the anti-China lobby is full of sex pests
  • FTFY: The Human Rights World Liberal International Order Has a Sexual Harassment Problem

  • Russian support could give China's army "a decisive advantage in a potential conflict with the United States."
  • FT answered my question:

    They have also switched from using Russian as the language of co-ordination to real-time communication through interpreters on ships on both sides.

    It’ll be interesting to see how this evolves if/when a new military bloc develops/expands.

  • Is this the new American dream?
  • Now they have the free time and capital to focus on their jump to conclusions mat.

    Just remember, if you hang in there long enough, good things can happen in this world. I mean, look at me.

  • NATO critical Slovakian PM in critical condition after assassination attempt
  • The incoherent liberal construction of “populism” really grinds my gears. It just means “stuff the Trilateral Commission doesn’t like.”

  • Joker was coward
  • Uh… I guess this a different Gomer Pyle from the one I know?

    ETA: Also a different Joker; I see.

  • Major USA political affiliations explained
  • I usually wrap those in italics as forewarning, but happybadger is rawdogging it.

  • Why Are Argentina's Highest-Denomination Currency Bills Being Printed By a State-Owned Company in China? | naked capitalism
  • For a fascist state with a currency pegged to the USD, they’re putting an awful lot of trust in socialism 😂

  • Watches
  • I don't always wear watches, but when I do, I prefer the Casio F-91W

  • Special Investigation - Ukraine les masques de la revolution A french documentary about the far right roots of the Maidan coup and the neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
  • I found a copy with English subtitles, but I don’t know the provenance of the translation:

    Edit to add:

    "Ukraine The Masks of the Revolution", a documentary about role of extreme right-wing paramilitary groups in Ukraine during and after the overthrow of the Yanukovych government, and especially in the violence in Odesa in May 2014. FIPA (Festival International des Programmes Audiovisuels) included this documentary among its 2016 selections. The Ukrainian Embassy in France asked Canal+ to stop the screening of the film. The channel went ahead with the screening. Due to popular demand, the film was shown several more times on Canal+. The film was also translated into several languages, and shown in other countries, such as Italy and Poland.

    So perhaps this is a closed caption burn-in of the canonical translation.

  • Special Investigation - Ukraine les masques de la revolution A french documentary about the far right roots of the Maidan coup and the neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
  • Jan. 2016: Ukraine asks French Canal+ not to broadcast anti-Ukrainian propaganda

    "We were disappointed after having learnt that Canal+ will on February 1 broadcast a documentary titled "Ukraine: The Masks of the Revolution" as part of a special investigation, which imposes false views on the audience about the situation in Ukraine," the Embassy wrote on Facebook on Friday, January 29.

  • Tiktok hits a new low
  • Not only are there lost luggage haul videos, but also:

    • Reaction videos to lost luggage haul videos
    • Link aggregator posts of reaction videos of lost luggage haul videos
    • Comments on link aggregator posts of reaction videos of lost luggage haul videos <--- YOU ARE HERE
  • Nice way to get muscular
  • cop Some thoughts are more freer than others.

  • US police resort to tear gas, rubber bullets as anti-Israel protests rock university campuses
  • Muh MBFC!

    Hamilton 68 is gone, but Hamilton 2.0 is still up, though they don’t track Xitter anymore because Enron took the API down.

    RAND corporation provides disinformation tools, including Hamilton 2.0. Fighting Disinformation Online A Database of Web Tools

  • US police resort to tear gas, rubber bullets as anti-Israel protests rock university campuses
  • This person and their alts have been banned from and some other instances, in at least one case their originating instance. The modlogs 💀

    • (dead instance?)

    Relatedly, someone has a “DownpunxxIsAFascist” account 😂

  • Is it better if the U.S. is divided or united?
  • Copypasting myself:

    I don’t know how to get there from here, and my opinion hardly matters, but I have no objections to balkanizing [the US] into as many pieces as needed until exceptionalism gets beaten out of it. I don’t know what would work short of a post-war reconstruction under the victors’ receivership.

  • Corporate Philanthropy of Robber Barons
  • Maybe someone somewhere has made a comprehensive list of reasons porkies do philanthropy. The word philanthropy largely implies that we talking about porky’s ill-gotten gains and not our wages. AFAIK the major reasons are PR; tax advantages; backdoor investment; ego fulfillment; and power, both in terms of wielding it and in accumulating more of it.

    As usual, Second Thought’s video provides links for deeper dives: Why Billionaire Philanthropy Won't Solve Anything

    Edit to add: Oh, this was a link to an answer. I thought you were asking a question 😄

  • Corporate Philanthropy of Robber Barons
  • I’m going to bed so I don’t have time to answer. But to answer this question is to explain what philanthropy really is, instead of what it pretends to be.

  • Amerikkkan Congress threatens ICC with retaliation over arrest warrants for Israhelli officials
  • fucking liberals The Crisis of Democracy

    Al Smith once remarked that “the only cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy.” Our analysis suggests that applying that cure at the present time could well be adding fuel to the flames. Instead, some of the problems of the governance in the United States today stem from an excess of democracy -- an ”excess of democracy” in much the same sense in which David Donald used the term to refer to the consequences of the Jacksonian revolution which helped to precipitate the Civil War. Needed instead is a greater degree of moderation in democracy.

  • Matt Taibbi & Walter Kirn on Katherine Maher and expanded FISA surveillance powers America This Week, April 19, 2024: "To Build a Surveillance State."

    Watch now | What does the "Right to Knowledge" mean, and why is it so dangerous? Walter and Matt ponder the less funny side of the Katherine Maher story. Plus, "To Build a Fire," by Jack London

    America This Week, April 19, 2024: "To Build a Surveillance State."

    The civil liberties stans try to make sense of Katherine Maher, the new president of NPR, ex-CEO of Wikimedia, ex-Atlantic Council, ex-State Department, and current member of the Council of Foreign Relations. But as usual their liberal ideology doesn’t quite get them there. They see that Maher has a relationship with the ruling class, the state, and imperialism, and they see her coöptation of class & race consciousness while being a beneficiary of her own whiteness and class position, but they’re unable to see the relationships between the capitalist class, the state, whiteness, and imperialism. How they fail to note that NPR is state-affiliated media is beyond me.

    They talk about the new FISA expansion bill (which was signed into law today) as well, which to their credit they see as related.

    America This Week, April 19, 2024: "To Build a Surveillance State" (transcript). A paid subscription is ostensibly required, so:

    The Grayzone on Maher previously:

    0 ⇒

    plaintext $ curl -sI | grep '^location:' location: $

    Erin Kissane: Untangling Threads

    Found via Jamie Zawinski (“JWZ”): Thread federation >This is a great (long) look at the issues around federating between Mastodon and Threads from several angles, and manages to do so without letting the white-hot rage at Zuckerberg's fetid empire shine through and overpower the discussion of practical considerations.

    AI as Algorithmic Thatcherism

    >The real issue is not only that AI doesn't work as advertised, but the impact it will have before this becomes painfully obvious to everyone. AI is being used as form of 'shock doctrine', where the sense of urgency generated by an allegedly world-transforming technology is used as an opportunity to transform social systems without democratic debate.

    I accidentally invoked Hexbear’s pronoun insertion feature

    If your “bio” contains a table like so, your username, on Hexbear, will appear as USERNAME [XXX/YYY]

    ||| |---|---| | Pronouns | XXX/YYY |

    I haven’t looked at Hexbear’s source code, nor experimented further, so I don’t know what limitations there are, but I know you can add other rows to the table without breaking the feature.

    The media's Nord Stream lies just keep coming - Jonathan Cook The media's Nord Stream lies just keep coming

    Why do billionaires and governments scramble to control the media? Because the power over our minds is the greatest power there is

    The media's Nord Stream lies just keep coming
    U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

    Government documents pointing to the expansion of a classified U.S. base offer rare hints about a little noted U.S. military presence in Israel.

    U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

    >Two months before Hamas attacked Israel, the Pentagon awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to build U.S. troop facilities for a secret base it maintains deep within Israel’s Negev desert, just 20 miles from Gaza. Code-named “Site 512,” the longstanding U.S. base is a radar facility that monitors the skies for missile attacks on Israel. > >On October 7, however, when thousands of Hamas rockets were launched, Site 512 saw nothing — because it is focused on Iran, more than 700 miles away. > >The U.S. Army is quietly moving ahead with construction at Site 512, a classified base perched atop Mt. Har Qeren in the Negev, to include what government records describe as a “life support facility”: military speak for barracks-like structures for personnel. > >Though President Joe Biden and the White House insist that there are no plans to send U.S. troops to Israel amid its war on Hamas, a secret U.S. military presence in Israel already exists. And the government contracts and budget documents show it is evidently growing.

    Ex-NYT Middle East bureau chief Chris Hedges on the Hospital bombing: Israel’s Culture of Deceit Israel’s Culture of Deceit

    Israel, which always seeks to blame Palestinians for the atrocities it carries out, is the least trustworthy source about the bombing of the hospital in Gaza.

    Israel’s Culture of Deceit
    Seymour Hersh (hard paywall): The Plan to Wipe Out Hamas THE PLAN TO WIPE OUT HAMAS

    As refugees crowd the border with Egypt, Israel prepares to hit Gaza City with US-supplied bunker busters


    TL;DR: Flatten the buildings and then use upgraded American bunker buster bombs, which may or may not be able to penetrate deep enough. And then ultimately, “The Israeli hope is that Qatar and Egypt will take the refugee crisis off its hands.” [Edit: in other words, their final solution is ethnic cleansing].

    >The systematic destruction of the remaining buildings in Gaza City will start within days, the Israeli insider said. The bunker-buster JDAMs could come next. Then, in the planners’ scenario, I was told, the Israeli infantry will be assigned to mop-up operations: searching out and killing those Hamas fighters and workers who managed to survive the JDAM attacks.

    He seems to corroborate something I suspected: >The major issue for the Israeli war planners is a reluctance, despite the mobilization of more than 300,000 reservists, to engage in a door-to-door street battle with Hamas in Gaza City. One veteran of the IDF, who served in a high post, told me that half of the Israeli Army has been engaged for the past decade or more in the protection of the increasing number of small settlements scattered in the West Bank where they are bitterly resented by the Palestinian population. “The Israeli planners don’t trust their infantry,” the insider said, nor their willingness to go to war but what could be a disastrous lack of combat experience.

    I’d paste the article in full if I could without potentially exposing Lemmygrad to legal troubles 😬

    Europe davel [he/him]
    Guardian: MEPs likely to push back on plans to allow spying on journalists MEPs likely to push back on plans to allow spying on journalists

    Press freedom campaigners call for draft proposal to approve use of spyware on phones to be axed

    MEPs likely to push back on plans to allow spying on journalists

    >The European parliament is expected to fight off attempts by France and other EU member states to introduce controversial laws that would allow spyware to be inserted on journalists’ phones on the grounds of national security.

    "If communism isn't inherently authoritarian then why are all the existing communist countries so authoritarian?"

    Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism: >The pure (libertarian) socialists' ideological anticipations remain untainted by existing practice. They do not explain how the manifold functions of a revolutionary society would be organized, how external attack and internal sabotage would be thwarted, how bureaucracy would be avoided, scarce resources allocated, policy differences settled, priorities set, and production and distribution conducted. Instead, they offer vague statements about how the workers themselves will directly own and control the means of production and will arrive at their own solutions through creative struggle. No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except the ones that succeed.

    For the still meme confused: Survivorship bias

    (Stolen from

    United States | News & Politics davel [he/him]
    Premier episode of Workers Strike Back’s YouTube show “On Strike”

    cross-posted from:

    > Workers Strike Back was started by Socialist Alternative Seattle councilmember Kshama Sawant. > >On Strike is the video broadcast of Workers Strike Back, hosted by socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and Bia Lacombe. We’ve seen more protests and strikes than any time in a generation, but rarely do we hear about them from the perspective of working people and our movements. On Strike provides an independent socialist analysis and strategy to rebuild a fighting labor movement and campaign for a new mass party for workers and young people.

    Jonathan Cook: The West’s blueprint for goading China was laid out in Ukraine The West’s blueprint for goading China was laid out in Ukraine

    Europe fears losing access to Chinese markets, plunging it deeper into a cost-of-living crisis. But it fears Washington’s wrath more.

    The West’s blueprint for goading China was laid out in Ukraine

    >The West is writing a script about its relations with China as stuffed full of misdirection as an Agatha Christie novel. > >In recent months, US and European officials have scurried to Beijing for so-called talks, as if the year were 1972 and Richard Nixon were in the White House. > >But there will be no dramatic, era-defining US-China pact this time. If relations are to change, it will be decisively for the worse. > >The West’s two-faced policy towards China was starkly illustrated last week by the visit to Beijing of Britain’s foreign secretary, James Cleverly – the first by a senior UK official for five years. > >While Cleverly talked vaguely afterwards about the importance of not “disengaging” from China and avoiding “mistrust and errors”, the British parliament did its best to undermine his message. > >The foreign affairs committee issued a report on UK policy in the Indo-Pacific that provocatively described the Chinese leadership as “a threat to the UK and its interests”. > >In terminology that broke with past diplomacy, the committee referred to Taiwan – a breakaway island that Beijing insists must one day be “reunified” with China – as an “independent country”. Only 13 states recognise Taiwan’s independence. > >The committee urged the British government to pressure its Nato allies into imposing sanctions on China. > >[…]

    davel davel [he/him]

    ||| |---|---| | Pronouns | he/him | | Datetime Format | RFC 3339 | | Country | Union of Turtle Island Socialist Republics |

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