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Govt to convert 35 state schools to charter schools
  • Variety in the modes of education is a good thing: not every pupil is effectively educated in a public school.

    But, I can't help but think this is merely stealth privatisation of education: a profit making exercise. That it might actually have positive outcomes for pupils is a happy accident.

  • Woolworths tells 79,000 they won a prize, then rescinds it
  • Stingy bastards.

    They'd likely get more than 79000 × $30 of marketing 'captial' for just saying "oops, our mistake, but your benefit" and honouring it.

    And chalk it up to not training your marketing team on how to use excel.

  • Charts and Graphs of NZ Electricity
  • so what's the commercial barrier to releasing that info? Transpower have nothing to gain.

    The barrier is that someone will be willing to pay for real-time data, which, when an MBA gets involved becomes a revenue opportunity and giving it away for free becomes theft of potential revenue.

  • Building wall not enough to stop sea level rising, research says Building wall not enough to stop sea level rising, research says

    New research suggests even building a giant wall in the sea would not be enough to stop sea level rise stemming from two crucial Antarctic glaciers.

    Building wall not enough to stop sea level rising, research says

    This is exactly why I made sure when buying my house/section that it was more than 5m higher than sea level and inland from the coast. Not that that will mitigate the societal collapse following the glaciers'.

    The world might be able to geoengineer saving one maybe two glaciers. But not all of them, not Greenland's icesheet and not the entire Antarctic icesheet.

    Families ‘hung out to dry’ by new restrictions on disability support

    So, our government's "crack down on beneficiaries" also includes disabled children.

    Apparently disabled people are, what? Leaches sucking the life out of the economy or something?

    How long until disabled people have to "work" for their support? Or perhaps we should just put them on a train and take them to a "work camp"?

    TVNZ announces half-year loss as media companies struggle TVNZ announces half-year loss as media companies struggle

    The announcement comes just two days after Newshub’s owners said its news operations on TV3 will end in June.

    TVNZ announces half-year loss as media companies struggle

    A quarter of a century ago TVNZ knew that "digital", or rather the Internet, was the way of the future. I know, I was there.

    It created for those that remember it.

    A decade ago, it was still a "broadcaster" with an adjunct "digital" presence with TVNZ Ondemand.

    Only on the last few years has it started to truly operate "digital" (internet) first, I'm afraid that it might be too late and we see another newshub-scale catastrophe in the next few years.

    National to spend at least $30m to reverse speed limit changes if elected National to spend at least $30m to reverse speed limit changes if elected

    Simeon Brown says "economic impacts" need to "count" alongside safety.

    National to spend at least $30m to reverse speed limit changes if elected

    Alternative headline: National to spend $30m to sacrifice some of your lives so our trip is slightly faster.

    > The changes have been endorsed by transport researchers and street safety advocates as effective measures to help reduce the number of Kiwis killed and injured on the roads.

    That's all there is to it.

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