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TETRA Vulnerability (TETRA:BURST) - Computerphile (18:43)

TETRA vendors caught breaking a basic rule: don't roll your own bespoke cryptographic primitives.

Should I switch to Wayland?
  • I use xmonad and won't switch until there's a viable alternative (probably never).

  • If you have the power will you ban high fructose corn syrup?
  • Remove the subsidies on agricultural products that get sprayed with glyphosate to increase yield. Corn, wheat, and potatoes in this country are poison because of the chemicals they spray them with....then they go and put that tainted product into sugars like HCFS.

  • How to Jungle on the S-760 with Octamed (9:07)

    > Making Jungle on the Roland S-760 using Octamed on the Amiga 1000. Bring a set of loose fitting clothes and make sure all your various certificates are in order. Shout out to Rohan for his excellent work repairing my dead PG-300! > > S-760 pros: > • Compact > • Cheap > • Multi mode filters are handy > • SCSI > • Lots of RAM > • Hi-Fi > • Does great things to an 808 kick. Euphonic bass response generally. > > S-760 cons: > • Sample hierarchy is unnecessarily complex > • The input clips easily and in a bad way - no tasty input saturation > • Not that interesting, character wise. > • Low sample rate modes don’t sound that great

    Djent: a community for the metal genre named, “djent”, pioneered by the band, Meshuggah.
  • cool. I probably wouldn't have started this community had I been able to find it in a search.

    Could you possibly link it? Even knowing it exists, I am STILL unable to find it in a search even when I search from my kbin account.

    KBin's cool and all (might even end up being better than lemmy in the long run) but it is in a WAY earlier stage of dev than Lemmy and it shows.

  • Ad firm plans to use people’s data in a maneuver to sink data privacy bill
  • Capitalism turns anyone into a fucking soulless ghoul.

  • On this day in 1959 Miles Davis released A Kind Of Blue. What is your favorite track from it?
  • Bar none:

    Blue in Green

    written by Mr. Bill Evans

    It is not only the absolute best track on Kind of Blue, it is also the most beautiful, cathartic song in all of jazz history, IMO.

    It's the 'Claire De Lune' of Jazz!

  • Whats a hobby/craft that you wouldn't expect that has an incredibly high ceiling either monetarily or in sheer skill?
  • Randonneuring

    long-distance unsupported endurance cycling. This style of riding is non-competitive in nature, and self-sufficiency is paramount. When riders participate in randonneuring events, they are part of a long tradition that goes back to the beginning of the sport of cycling in France and Italy.

  • Not everything should be connected to the Internet
  • shouldn’t be be required to use a cloud service in order to use a piece of hardware that you bought and paid for.

    of course. I didn't really insinuate that it should.

  • Not everything should be connected to the Internet
  • But surely, a 3D printer could/can. It's just that the software that runs on it shouldn't have shit security and there should be multiple safeguards and redundant fail-safe systems.

  • Djent: a community for the metal genre named, “djent”, pioneered by the band, Meshuggah.


    Djent is a subgenre of progressive metal characterized by its use of complex and heavily syncopated rhythm patterns, pioneered by the Swedish band, Meshuggah. Its distinctive sound is that of high-gain, distorted, palm-muted, down-tuned strings. The name "djent" is an onomatopoeia of this sound.

    DIY: How to djent.

    Video instruction: how to djent.

    > Come djent with me, let's djent, let's djent away > If you can use some exotic booze > There's a bar in far Bombay > Come on, djent with me, we'll float down in the blue > Djent with me, float down to Peru > In llama land there's a one man band > And he'll toot his flute for you > Djent with me, we'll take off in the blue > Once I get you up there > Where the air is rarefied > We'll just glide > Starry eyed > Once I get you up there > I'll be holding you so very near > You might even hear > A gang of angels cheer just because we're together > Weather wise, it's such a cool, cool day > Just say those words, we'll whip those birds > Down to Acapulco Bay > It is perfect (perfect) for a djenting honeymoon, they do say, hey > Come on, djent with me, let's djent, let's djent away > Do do do, do do, do do, do do, do do > Once I get you up there > Where the air is so rarefied > We're gonna glide > Absolutely starry-eyed > Once I get you up there > I'll be holding you so very near > You might even hear > A gang of angels cheer just because we're together > Weather-wise, it's such a groovy day > You just say those words, we'll whip those birds > Down to Acapulco Bay > It's perfect for a djenting honeymoon, they do say > Come on, djent with me, let's djent, let's djent > Pack up your bags and let's get out of here (come on let's djent away)

    Meshuggah: come djent with me!
  • 🤣

  • Meshuggah: come djent with me!


    Meshuggah: A community dedicated to the innovative Swedish extreme metal band, Meshuggah.

    > Come djent with me, let's djent, let's djent away > If you can use some exotic booze > There's a bar in far Bombay > Come on, djent with me, we'll float down in the blue > Djent with me, float down to Peru > In llama land there's a one man band > And he'll toot his flute for you > Djent with me, we'll take off in the blue > Once I get you up there > Where the air is rarefied > We'll just glide > Starry eyed > Once I get you up there > I'll be holding you so very near > You might even hear > A gang of angels cheer just because we're together > Weather wise, it's such a cool, cool day > Just say those words, we'll whip those birds > Down to Acapulco Bay > It is perfect (perfect) for a djenting honeymoon, they do say, hey > Come on, djent with me, let's djent, let's djent away > Do do do, do do, do do, do do, do do > Once I get you up there > Where the air is so rarefied > We're gonna glide > Absolutely starry-eyed > Once I get you up there > I'll be holding you so very near > You might even hear > A gang of angels cheer just because we're together > Weather-wise, it's such a groovy day > You just say those words, we'll whip those birds > Down to Acapulco Bay > It's perfect for a djenting honeymoon, they do say > Come on, djent with me, let's djent, let's djent > Pack up your bags and let's get out of here (come on let's djent away)

    Allan Holdsworth: celebrating the life, memory, and innovative spirit of the late, great "Gnarly Geezer".


    Allan Holdsworth: A community dedicated to celebrating the life, memory, and innovative spirit of the greatest guitar player of his time, Allan Holdsworth.

    MESHUGGAH – I Am That Thirst (Official Music Video)

    > MESHUGGAHs single “I Am That Thirst” > taken from the album “Immutable” (April 1, 2022) > Stream / get it here:


    > Sunday With Ola 149 ! Today we're talking about how Wacken and some festivals got cancelled because of rain, Scott Ian defends the use of backing tracks live, Corey Taylor says that artists are objects now. > > Also some extra footage from the guitar universe with John Petrucci. > > SWOLA149 Drums: > > > > 0:00 - Intro > 1:41 - Solar Guitars News > 3:46 - Tha News - Persistent Rain Impacts Metal Festivals > 6:52 - New TC Electronic Ampworx Pedals > 8:01 - Madball Bassist Leaves The Band > 9:23 - Corey Taylor's Latest Take On Artistry > 12:23 - Scott Ian On Backing Tracks > 14:23 - New Cannibal Corpse Single > 15:50 - John Petrucci Guitar Universe > 18:21 - Ola's Adventures > 26:03 - Outro

    What phone/OS are you using right now along with what OS you would like to try?
  • iPhone 14 Pro w/ iOS 17 developer beta.

    Honestly, if NixOS ever comes to a phone in any real way, I’ll probably eventually switch.

    iOS is solid as hell compared to Android, IMO and I have a love- hate relationship with swift; wish I could use Haskell for a native iPhone app.

  • What's your favorite Linux Desktop software?
  • I have MPV setup to play any YouTube link when I press ctrl cmd m with a YouTube video url in my clipboard.

  • It's time to take advantage of Reddit's decline
  • I did this with /r/Cardano mods back before Reddit was blocking all mention of the fediverse even in PM’s. I managed to get one of them to help mod my Cardano communities. I’d wager that it’s exceedingly hard to get in touch with mods over there now that Huffman is blocking fediverse recruitment.

  • Removed
    A good reminder that NFTs are shit
  • You know more about proof of stake than me? 🤣🤣🤣

    I’m a dApp developer who works on DApps that run on PoS chains and I’m also a stake pool operator. 🤣🤣🤣

    Did I ever assert that a decentralized solution was better for power consumption? Why would I say that? It’s not true. Decentralization adds overhead of course. I was asserting that Proof of Stake is VASTLY more energy efficient than Proof of Work.

    Your whole reply seems woefully uninformed about the mechanics (or even the existence) of digital identity and how even after a centralized entity exists doing on chain verifications, those verifications can live on as long as those wallets are functioning. It’s being talked about in regards to land deeds that can survive changes in power structures and authority. Identity and possession that can survive anything (as long as earth’s electronics aren’t wiped out by a EMP from the sun).

    I'm also very excited about the possibilities of homomorphic encryption when it comes to being able to operate on data that remains obfuscated. That has all kinds of applications for democracy but I digress. Subscribe to my community ( if you're interested too.

  • Removed
    A good reminder that NFTs are shit
  • 🙄

  • Removed
    A good reminder that NFTs are shit
  • Look into proof of stake. Also a centralized database has many applications just as a decentralized public ledger has many applications. I wouldn’t, for example, implement liquid democracy on a centralized chain because that would invite corruption from that central entity.

  • Removed
    A good reminder that NFTs are shit
  • I have many counterpoints but I’d offer just one: the energy inefficiency is a thing of the past with proof of stake.

  • Removed
    A good reminder that NFTs are shit
  • Agreed on all points. Thanks for speaking reasonably. I too think the technology is INCREDIBLY promising but also acknowledge that it is in its infancy....and will continue to be because of the hivemind.

    I think crypto technologies could work toward making a better democracy and other applications of a public ledger. I think it is currently the best solution to a decentralized, open source way to add incentive to the act of running public infrastucture. It's actually my hope that perhaps it can be used to incentivize the act of running a lemmy/kbin instance (for instance).

    I absolutely despise the moonboi bullshit and am honestly only in it for the technology and its relevance to the realization of a truly borderless, open source, anarcho-syndicalist, cypherpunk way of life. I want to own my property and I want to help use technology to make corruption impossible....and NFT's, as a technology, are currently a key part to one of the best solutions to many of these issues. They, like crypto, are misunderstood.

    To analogize my sentiment: it feels like the hivemind is espousing the benefits of for-profit healthcare that kills 70k people/year in the US while Single Payer stares them straight in the face around the world.

  • X-post: A good reminder that NFTs are shit

    Actually, this is a good reminder that the average person who hates NFT's is a complete hivemind idiot, equating all NFT's to moonboi scams when NFT's are simply UUID's for blockchain technologies.

    Fredrik Thordendal's Sol Niger Within [18:26]

    > A deformed, sonically smashed version of Fredrik Thordendal's Sol Niger Within medley, live from the Melloboat with Morgan Ågren and Gustaf Hielm.


    > Going after the James Hetfield Master of Puppets rhythm tone in this one. Hope you enjoy it.

    Ola Englund - The First of its Kind (NEW SINGLE 2023) [5:49]

    New single Available on Spotify and other digital platforms June 24 2023

    Music and guitars by Ola Englund Drums by Delta Empire Mix & Master by Jocke Skog Artwork Costin Chioreanu

    Guitar amp interference.... A Rant and a happy ending

    cross-posted from:

    > I have just spent almost 5 days trying to rid the interference noise (and at one point the radio) from my speakers that started when I setup my new Behringer audio interface. > > Signal chain: Peavey Classic 20 MH -> XLR -> Audio Interface -> NAD hifi amp -> speakers. > > I must have tried at least 20 different things, so many youtube videos, including complete rewire of pc cables, usb, power cables. Different power outlets, with and without the UPS, extension cables from different floors of the house, turning off the tumble dryer, removing smart plugs, different cables, different usb ports, turning everything but the amp and interface off. Bought a noise canceling usb (ifi Defender+)- made things maybe a bit better when unpowered, made things worse when powered. So much crawling around under my desk! > It was only an issue when the XLR was connected from my guitar amp, whether the amp was on or not - XLR unplugged PC audio was fine. Thought I'd try a different power cable to the amp - unplug the existing one and all hell break loose - SO MUCH NOISE AND INTERFERENCE!! Give up on the power cable idea. Then I unplugged the XLR and decided to try the headphone output of my guitar amp in to the interface. Whilst reaching around the back of the amp I see a small switch labelled "ground lift". Press it. Problem solved! Almost no noise. > If I had happened to have that pressed when I bought the amp over a year ago I'd have had no problems. FFS! > > And now the ifi Defender+ does work and has made everything perfectly quiet when nothings playing. No more annoying noises when I move the mouse with a fuzz pedal on. Really nice, so a pretty good result overall, but so much effort! > > So remember kids, if you have a noise issue, check if your equipment has a ground lift button. I didn't see a single YT video that mentioned ground lift and I didn't even know they existed or that my amp had the button even after I was sure it was a ground loop issue.

    Tame The Fender Hot Rod Deluxe! [Or Any Loud Clean Guitar Amp With An FX Loop]

    cross-posted from:

    > > Welcome to the show! Today’s video is about offering some solutions to a real-world issue faced by many people - taming volume in a loud clean amp, but retaining a little bit of feel and dynamics. We’re using the specific example of the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III - an extremely popular and great sounding amp… but a goodly number of people have struggled with the somewhat all-or-nothing volume control.

    Amp to pair with Orange Crush 35rt for Wet/Dry?

    cross-posted from:

    > I've only ever played through a single amp, but would like to try out a wet/dry rig. I currently play thru an Orange Crush 35rt with all my modulation/time in the effects loop. I was never dissatisfied with its clean tone, and even running the dirty channel I keep the gain low so I can clean it up with the guitar's volume. So I'd be open to having the Orange on either side, though my inclination would be to have it on the dry side.

    We Are Moving

    we are migrating to !

    I will keep this message and community up for a week to help people transition.

    We Are Moving

    we are migrating to !

    I will keep this message and community up for a week to help people transition.

    Ambitious Builds demesisx
    High precision air bearing CNC lathe and grinder

    Home built high precision air bearing CNC lathe and grinder having 1um (0.00004") accuracy.

    demesisx demesisx

    Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, "move fast and break things" approaches


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