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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • Tony was way more fucked up than just the anxiety issue which was eventually solved. His narcissism prevented himself from recognizing that he created many of the problems in his life. He never acknowledged his faults. Panic attacks were the only thing he couldn’t ignore, so he sought treatment as a means to an end. The attacks made him look weak in the eyes of his fellow mafiosi.

  • I'd argue that's not why Tony went. Tony went because he was having panic attacks and it was harming his public image and perceived power. He did not think he was fucked up, and frequently stated how therapy was a waste of time and he didn't need it.

  • I think probably because there’s no sensory input and I’m just there floating in the darkness with only my breathing and heartbeat. It’s not like the whole time I’m in the tank I’m tripping, but I have had some psychedelic adjacent experiences. Not so much the visual and auditory hallucinations, but rather the psychedelic thoughts. Pondering the nature of my existence, fleeting moments of feeling cosmic and eternal, that sorta thing.

    I wouldn’t recommend psychedelics to everyone but I’m glad I’ve dabbled. Those in a stable mental state would probably have a worthwhile experience eating some shrooms and sitting down in the woods.

  • Yeah, I was swimming as a child and eventually took lessons later on. It’s like second nature now, not knowing how to swim seems like not knowing how to walk to me. I can’t imagine what it’s like. I never swam competitively or for exercise, just for recreation.

  • Someone once said to me that from a Buddhist perspective they’re not helpful because they provide a one time view rather than a continual shift in mindset.

    That’s true, but you can take that experience and apply it to sober life. You don’t need to take acid all the time to appreciate psychedelia, but a few trips help broaden the horizon so to speak. My memories of psychedelic experiences sometimes return to me quite vividly when floating in a float tank.

  • Encryption is illegal over Ham Radio in many jurisdictions.

    To be clear, encryption is not illegal per se. Obscuring the meaning of a message is what’s illegal. You can encrypt radio traffic if you have the keys posted somewhere so that anybody could decrypt the transmission. If you obscure the meaning of a message in plain English by using code words, that’s illegal.