You like to make assumptions about others. Good luck with that.
You don't have to act like a hateful asshole. You choose to.
No mumbling? No Vocoder? WHAT? For real, though - thanks for posting!
Leider war ich zu klein für Sport, und meine Familie war zu arm, um in diesen Kreisen jemals Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. Aber ich war ein toller Prügelknabe für die harten Jungs in der Umkleidekabine.
Die Jungs, die in den Klassen der Trainer in der ersten Reihe saßen. Die Jungs, deren Väter die erfolgreichen örtlichen Unternehmen leiteten und die besten Immobilien auf der 'rechten' Seite der Gleise besaßen.
Im Laufe der Jahre habe ich von ihren Fortschritten gehört. Von Selbstmorden, Mordversuchen, Drogenabhängigkeit und Konkursen. Einige echte Gewinner.
Fach Politische Bildung
Es tut mir leid, aber es gab sowas an meiner Schule gar nicht.
Der Basketballtrainer unterrichtet Staatsbürgerkunde und der Fußballtrainer Geschichte. Ich habe in beiden Fächern gut aufgepasst und gelernt, wie Vetternwirtschaft und Nepotismus entstehen und sich entwickeln.
Anyone know how this performs compared to jshelter?
Good Luck and thanks for all the work!!
Bitwig has a native Linux app, and is made by ex-Ableton developers.
Yea, but recent events have shown that intelligence is no match for stupidity! I'm stickin' with the Subgenius! Plus, the triple your money-back guarantee is a no-brainer. 🤣
Thank you for your service, partner!
This movie is pretty well made:
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties
A documentary about the world of screens we are immersed in. How did we get here? Who benefits? What are the cumulative impacts on people, society and the environment? What may come next and is it what we want?
No disk space available, corrupt startup scripts, borked update, etc...
It did not work for me, and someone had already archived it, so I shared that link for others with the same problem. I am not in the USA, nor in an English speaking country. I also do not like giving the NYT any traffic.
His televised narcissistic collapse (now in it's 13th year) has emboldened every Archie Bunker wannabe, vacuous contrarian, all the racist chucklefucks, and miscellaneous shitstains the country has to offer. The rest of the people are sick and tired of having their empathy and compassion mocked and derided, their hopes and dreams dashed, and their future turned into nightmare fuel.
Yes, he was always a privileged asshole devoid of human compassion or understanding, but this is the moment at the WHCD on 4/30/2011 where he broke beyond repair:
I agree. It has a very US centric Overton window which skews right IMO.
This user is just link farming to the same domain in every post. I have seen other user accounts doing the same thing recently and the article quality is simply poor. SPAM
OP is a link farmer. Look at their posting history, 100% 1 single domain posted.