No one's said anything about hating it. For me, it's primarily a co-op game, and if they're not going to switch to it, it's better for me to save the cash, and put it towards something else
Unless my friends, who have put a lot of hours into both Civ 5 and 6, unanimously recommend 7 to me, I have no intention of getting it.
I'm both satisfied enough with what I already own, and not sold on the new one yet. Not to mention that it'll inevitably be a vehicle for more dlc and expansion pack sales
I find this headline incredibly misleading. Proper non-trivial Rust drivers already exist in the kernel. The entire Apple graphical stack for the ARM M-series SoCs is written in Rust, and it’s beyond excellent
This kind of announcement is just a bandaid for a self-inflicted wound. They worded it as if it's a "hehe here's a free little bonus", after locking half the planet out of playing games, that don't even have any online capability outside of the mandatory authentication. Disgraceful
I'm not shocked, in the slightest, to be completely honest.
All the companies that tried to push this kind of technology, as an Ironman JARVIS alternative, likely knew they don't have the research to make it anything, other than an extremely barebones speech recognition system, with an alarm/weather app attached to it, but still pushed it to the market, because that's what makes the money.
Beyond that, once the dust settled, there was no incentive to innovate on it. The competitors have either given up, or put their product in maintenance mode, where it continues to rot, and lose features over time.
The only reason why it seems like there's innovation again now, is because they took that voice recognition tech, and slapped AI slop, fed by your own data, on top of it
There are plenty of uses for machine learning, that are genuinely helpful and useful, but the way people shove generative AI, and surveillance down everyone’s throat needs to stop