Genau das Gegenteil wenn ich auf die ARD/ZDF Mediathek zugreifen will
I think it might be as well, that Lemmy doesn't have the ammount of content other sites have. So people like me discovering a new channel can actually scroll a lot further into the past without realizing that you've run into posts that are a year old.
Probably make the bright pixels dark and the dark pixels bright.
Das liegt vermutlich daran, dass es überall "Mexikaner" gibt und relativ wenige kolumbianische oder venezolanische Restaurants. Wenn ich irgendwo welche finden würde, würde ich mich allerdings nicht beschweren!
Arepas sind aber sehr viel dicker als Tortillas, und der Mexikaner wird nicht unbedingt wissen was damit anzufangen, weil die arepas ja aus Südamerika kommen.
Da gibt es zum Glück wenig Verwechslungsgefahr, die wird meistens "Tortilla española" (spanische tortillas) oder "tortillas de patatas" (Kartoffeltortilla) genannt.
Kleine Einführung in die mexikanische Küche:
Die Basis (analog zum Brot, isst man eigentlich nicht alleine):
- Tortilla: Maisfladen (dicke zwischen Crepe und Pfannekuchen). Traditionell direkt aus in Kalk gekochtem, gemahlenem Mais zubereitet auf einem aus Ton gemachtem "Herd" namens comal. Gibt es in unterschiedlichen Größen (klein meistens aus der Maschine und aus Mehl, Hand tortillas sind meistens größer)
- Tortilla de harina: Buchstäblich "Tortilla aus Weizen". Findet man meistens hier im Supermarkt.
Daraus wird dann Essen gemacht:
- Taco: Tortilla (meistens Mais) gerollt mit Füllung (analog zur Stulle). Bestimmte Füllungen haben extra Namen (al pastor, de tinga, etc)
- Burrito/Wrap: Weizenmehl. Burritos eher aus Nordmexiko und mit gemahlenen Bohnen. Wraps eher aus dem Ausland und ohne Bohnenmus.
Extra die ihr vielleicht schon mal gehört habt:
- Enchiladas: übersetzt " gechillit". Tacos, meistens gefüllt mit Hühnchen, in scharfer Soße. In Tomatensoße wären es "entomatadas". In grüner Soße und mit Käse " enchilladas suizas (Schweizer enchiladas)"
- Quesadillas: Mit geschmolzenem fadenziehendem Käse gefüllte Tortilla in die Hälfte gefalten.
Falls ihr googeln wollt gibt es noch Memelitas, Tlayudas, Flautas, Tetelas, sopes, tlacoyos, chilaquiles, tostadas, molotes...
Ignoring the article and focusing ob the picture: how can people leave so much trash behind? More so on a lawn.
Naja, man sollte ja erwähnen, dass die 100km einen 60m breiten Streifen durch den Jungel hacken und versucht haben das ohne Studien der Auswirkung auf die Flora und Fauna zu machen, und gegen den Willen der lokalen Bevölkerung... Da finde ich es schon ok ein bisschen mehr Bürokratie zu haben.
I know you wrote \s, but:
It is more probable that pedestrians jump into a store and buy something which is more tax income for the state.
People will walk more and there will be less particles in the air. Less sick days means less expenses for health insurers and more work hours for employers.
Property value will increase
Not ideal for middle and lower class... But most of the profits never are!
We'll it is brought up because it was an anti-Islam protest. Same as if this was an attack on anti-right protest, the question might be asked if this was a right wing attack.
Sadly some parties (like the CDU) have turned more and more towards the right AfD, so this might not be unintentional; with the FDP polling badly as ever and elections on Sunday.
Those are two different sentences. One is that attack makes him sad, the other one is that Germany needs to protect itself against terrorism. The idea that this implies this was a islamist attack is highly speculative.
The certainty of which is currently unsupported by the fact that the very next sentence in the article is
Nancy Faeser, the interior minister, on Friday called for a thorough investigation into the attack. “If the investigations reveal an Islamist motive, this would be a further confirmation of the great danger posed by Islamist acts of violence,” she said.
The german interior minister being a mixture of Homeland security and the DOJ. So shouldn't we rather take her comment at value than the two sentences from the finance minister?
Apparently there is 2 types of Windows licences. The ones that are bound to the hardware and ones that aren't. If you bought a PC with preinstalled Windows, it's probably the first and you wont get any new keys.
I have been running Linux for some time now, still had a Windows partition for gaming. Then I switched the motherboard and windows decided I no longer had a key for it... I stopped playing most of the windows exclusive games. Since last week I can't even boot anymore, something about missing drivers. Spent a day trying to fix it. Today I decided fuck it and I'm just leaving it behind! It makes no sense wasting so much energy on a vastly inferior OS that actively tries to fight me.
If you went like a group, didn't you just have 10 dates instead of 1?
Long distance cycling. Compared to the record of 1000+km (~600 miles) in 24 hours I suck, but considering 99 random people I think most won't go for more than 100 miles, so I'm good.
Or oldest stamp they own. Stamp collecting seems to be a pretty dead hobby.
They might be outdated in cities, but on the country side a lot of the streets still look this way. Probably even more at border crossings. The only bordercrossing I haven't see like this is the main road Kleve-Nijmegen.