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poverty tips
  • Work as a dishwasher for a restaurant. I have this ability already especially when all the cooks give me their food that they mainly mess up or I request.

  • Somehow snapchat for web doesn't support firefox 🤦
  • It actually works just fine if you change your user agent. BTW Snapchat likes to break support for Firefox or re-enable support all the time. Don't know what their issue is but whatever.

  • LineageOS 21 now officially supports the Nintendo Switch
  • It makes a really really good android tablet in my experience and breaks in half every other android tablet I have used as of recently and I can't get rid of it.

    Like sure battery life isn't the best. But the amount of things that you can do with a generic android device is astounding and is well worth the investment and it has more ram than any other tablet in its price category when bought used on eBay. Such that it actually functions really well compared to the shittastic tablets you'd be buying for its price point.

    That and you can just run Linux on the Nintendo Switch anyway and have a fully functional computer that mogs any single board computer out there including the raspberry pi. Like having better hardware decoding and actual vulkan and opengl support that isn't gimped due to laziness surrounding drivers that surrounds these computers.

  • SpongeRule
  • Yeah I already smoke weed and it makes me feel "normal" per say. But I only smoke it at work and I don't really smoke outside of work in general because I either forget or just don't want to. Honestly I think I should force myself to smoke more but for some reason I never do. As with the creative outlet... Uh yeah I need one badly. It's a shame. That i'm literally bad at doing any creative work or having the will power to fully realize the worlds I create inside my head from time to time. I'm really really lazy. Granted I guess most of the things I would create would be extremely experimental at best or bad to play at large. In terms of games I would like to make.

  • SpongeRule
  • My life would be a-lot better if I could get addicted to drugs. Sadly my brain puts a hard stop to that and I just stop doing them mainly due to severe depression. I even used to smoke for like a month of nicotine vapes only to just quit outright.

    Oh yeah due to lack of chemicals in my brain that lets me get addicted to things alongside having broken dopamine pathways. I can't remember jack shit and the only thing I do remember are the things that my autism hyper focuses on or certain types of delusions or fantasies I have going on in my head including dreams. Sadly I also broke the more creative side of my brain after tripping too hard and now not even LSD can make me hallucinate as I can choose not to. It's probably for the best that I'm grounded so far into reality that my delusions and fantasies are just intrusive thoughts now more than anything else.

  • Depending on how you count
  • I've actually been in the pyramid itself. It's actually quite small inside compared to what you'd expect and is literally just a bass pro shop with a fish tank and a bar area with a bunch of tvs and nothing else. They do have comfortable seating though!

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18 | The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices
  • Yeah same here! But I think google is trying to monopolize RCS at the moment and there are really no good alternatives especially here in the United States that people are willing to use because its just attached to a phone number and you don't have to think about it.

  • T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next
  • That would be a nightmare scenario where T-Mobile would start to squeeze MVNO's for around the same price of someone paying for t-mobile after buying them. Honestly I don't know if I would even have a mobile connection at that point anymore as I am quite poor! There are really no good alternatives out there for cheap service especially for my area and my terrible terrible smartphones that aren't supported on any other networks. Especially! After AT&T decided to force manufacturers to pay for "HD Voice" which was just rebranded volte using the same bands that they had before most of them deciding not to for the cheaper brands of android smartphones out there.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • Oh I just won't in the future. Like I already ripped discord out of my life alongside most social media. Meaning I'm capable of doing it with YouTube as well especially as I was terminally online on discord. Plus I have literally infinite media to consume anyway via piracy and games on steam to get to alongside the odd source port or two.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • Guess I'll just be blocking on my DNS server and all subsequent Google URLs. I am fed up with their nonsense anyway.

  • LineageOS 21 now officially supports Chromecast with Google TV (4K)
  • Oh finally I can pull it out of my closet and actually use it again! Oh wait... It requires you have not updated the device.

    I guess I'll just hit it with a sledgehammer then and continue to use my computer that doesn't force ads on me by default because I run Linux and also use my Windows 11 computer with updates disabled on it that will probably be switched over to Linux when 24H2 comes out or when 23H2 no longer receives security updates.

    P.S. You can't change the default launcher anymore and scoped filesystems basically broke all functionality on the thing that I was using it for. I also don't know the domains for Google's ads that they show on the device and I don't care anymore.

  • I summon shid in your pant
  • I know for a fact that I will probably get my ass handed to me by the US Government for what I may do with magic powers in real life.

    Luckily I don't live in fantasy land in my head I live in reality. Despite being a digimon.

  • T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next
  • Been rocking Tello for 25 dollars a month for 35 gigabytes of data.

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18 | The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices
  • Man it's a shame that Google RCS doesn't run on android phones by default if you have a custom rom or rooted your device or have an unlocked bootloader. Guess this won't really affect me then and it doesn't really matter.

  • HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware
  • My motherboard legit does this. Though it's probably more so it's an industrial one with like 8 SATA ports than anything else.

  • Fix your ear(ule)!
  • I think cats like the sensual feeling of just having their ears be like that. I know it's weird but they just like it and that's why they tend to do things like that.

  • (Opinion piece) Hello, PC gaming here: Are the consoles OK? With sales dropping and confidence declining, how close are we to the end of consoles as we know them?
  • I'm over here questioning my sanity paying 20 dollars for a Half Life 2 mod that was made in the span of 10 years by some South Korean women.

    Only to have to open up gcfscape and extract the audio such that the game doesn't crash and also emulate a graphics card.

    Good game btw! It's a shame that modern graphics cards are losing support for directx9.

    But like I get your point first hand. There are so many games on steam that just don't work anymore or in G-String's case. Don't work because the creator runs ancient windows 10 she refuses to update and has an older graphics card such that if it works on her machine it must work on your computer as well.

    Edit: Also no the game is not sexual at all and the name G-String refers to a gene your character has that gives her psychic powers. It's also more like longer Half Life 2 if it had like 14-20 hours of content depending on how good or bad you are at the game.

    Edit edit: Also a better example would be Max Payne 1 which requires you install a community made mod pack to play today and still buy.

  • British commandos train to make crossings under (simulated) artillery fire, Scotland, WW2, 1943
  • I hate bridges like that so much from being forced to cross them in real life. I can't imagine how terrifying it must've been especially if you fell into the water and got accidentally exploded.

  • 1 dead, 24 shot in overnight mass shooting in Akron, Ohio
  • Oh hey it's where I live!

  • I am 1pm friend
  • That reminds me of my dad which is why I avoided waking him up as a child.

  • Flatpak integration is still not great

    Its even worse when you force Firefox to use wayland its icon doesn't even show.

    Edit: Oh since everyone now is confused; I only have the flatpak version of Firefox installed yet it doesn't use the pinned icon and doesn't even use the firefox icon under wayland at all.

    dorumon dorumon
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