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Talking about your hobbies
  • So if I read it correctly, you feel like nothing you have tried had worked in terms of forming meaningful relationships. A lot of people are struggleing to form friendships nowdays. It is hard for me to make helpful suggestions about this, because I'm in a similar position, but I will try. I suggest searching and joining activities where you can meet people who have the same interests as you. I'm sure you will meet people who like you this way. If this is not feasible because of where you live, I suggest changing this. I think, relationships are a key to a happy life for most people. Last but not least I suggest talking about your hobbies for those who ask and never stop trying, Who knows where this will lead you.

    I wish ypu the best :).

  • Talking about your hobbies
  • That sound genuiently sad, but it shouldn't be. Your hobbies sound totally fine, so I guess something different bothers you..

    May I ask what?

    Sorry for the question, I feel like holding a conversation today.

  • Pulseaudio sink name for default
  • Were you thinking about something like this?

    **Tip:** The default source can be referred as `@DEFAULT_SOURCE@` in commands, for example: `$ pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle`

    Default sink:

  • Valve open sourced Steam Audio including the SDK and Plugins
  • Why is the spacial audio better here then in other applications? Are they using a different model or is the entire HRTF better? If they are using a different model, I don't think it is obijectively better.

  • [Solved] How to make Pulseaudio put microphone on zero always on Linux ?
  • I think this should work (I haven't tested it):

    make a new file called default (.) pa in the pulseaudio congfig folder (.config/pulse)

    this will mute source_name (replace source_name with your source name):

    #include this config file
    .include /etc/pulse/
    set-source-mute source_name true

    run this command to list source names:

    pactl list short sources

  • How marketing companies use "Active listening" voice data to target advertising to the EXACT people businesses are looking for
  • What if they don't have time? What if they don't want to read a 10 page EULA? It is their choice, but they most likely don't know what they are accepting. You know what this means therefore you have the power to do something against this (if it is reasonable).

  • Nem lehetne kikapcsolni a botot?

    Azt hittem lesz majd egy végső dötés valamikor, de nem úgy tűnik, hogy lett ennek valami végső konklúziója.

    Lemmynek nem redditből kéne állnia. Szerintem a bot csak mérgezi ezt a közösséget, aki redditet akarna nézni az redditet nézne, aki meg nem az nem akarna itt posztolni egy bottal töltött közösségbe. Sokkal jobb lenne egy természetesebb community-t kialakítani. Az szerintem nem számítana hogy itt nincs annyira sok fost, nem mennének el az emberek, mert vannak más közösségek amik viszont nagyon aktívak (ennek a közösségnek egy + dolgot kéne csak adnia a lemmyhez). Nem akartam feliratkozni ide mert a bot telespamol mindent.

    Írjátok meg a véleményeteket ha akarjátok, szerintem ne legyen bot.

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! drem
    I have keyboard issues

    I'm using linux mint, and it seems like the "Fn" key is always on. I can't use the function key's (F1, F2...) normal function. With my other keyboard, everything worked fine. Fn + num lock doesn't work.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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