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Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar
  • Blogspam that links to a 'news' website that just regurgitates this reddit thread. Somebody explain to me why is this upvoted so heavily.

  • Current state of EU legislation on crop breeding (from @methylcytosine on X)
  • No, unfortunately it does. GMO crops could make this even worse because they may pass their genes to wild plants through gene flow. The 'owner' of that gene could then require a licensing deal for the use of these plants as well.

  • Current state of EU legislation on crop breeding (from @methylcytosine on X)
  • I admit, my arguments were cherry picked. I just wanted to provide a few counter examples to show that there are reasons for being skeptical of GMO crops. My biggest concern actually isn't food safety or environmental impacts but the previously mentioned intellectual property implications. I don't want Bayer to own certain genes making it illegal to plant seeds from apples I bought at the store.

  • Current state of EU legislation on crop breeding (from @methylcytosine on X)
  • I wonder if there are any good reasons for that. Let's ask the internet.

    Oh no.

    Well, surly this technology is used to improve the crops to be resistant to weed pressure and not just to sell more herbicides. Let's ask the internet.

    Oh no.

    Ok, but at least farmers can reuse the resistant crops and don't have to buy hybrid seeds every year because these new plants are genetically stable.

    Oh no.

  • Twelve years after the death of Steve Jobs, the cracks are starting to appear at Apple
  • Maybe Apple will have their Balmer moment but, as much as I would like to see that, I don't expect it any time soon.

  • Video Shows First Neuralink Patient Playing Mario Kart With His Mind
  • I agree, but years ago most of us would have said something similar when asked to carry around a device that will track your position everywhere you go. Now we all do that, because smartphones are just so convenient.

  • Boeing rule
  • We have purposely built it incorrectly, as a joke.

  • Making ice skates that are made of ice.
    Hee hee hee, you'll see!
  • It could also be the last words you scream seconds before you hit the rock.

  • Microsoft Rebranding CBL-Mariner Linux Distribution To "Azure Linux"
  • It's opensource, strongly typed, works very well on Linux, its neither Java nor JavaScript and there are lots of jobs available; so you wont hear me complaining.

  • refined taste
  • It is a good way to use cheaper tea like the tea bags that only contain tea dust. A cup from these will be rather bitter but it can taste nice once you add milk and/or sugar.

  • Microsoft Rebranding CBL-Mariner Linux Distribution To "Azure Linux"
  • If there is one thing Microsoft is struggling with it's naming things. I work mostly with .NET and the regular renaming of products is just something you have to put up with. 🤷

  • The Book You Need to Start With Linux Kernel Development
  • Don't bother it is published by Packt. None of the books published by them I have read were any good.

  • Tinder to ban web developers who use 'engineer' in their bio
  • Now this is the kind of 'news' I'd like to see posted on hackernews just to read their techbro shit takes.

  • Helldivers 2 has a Dungeons and Dragons-style GM behind the scenes
  • No this is a reasonable approach. Arrowhead are a a rather small company of around 100 people and automating things is easier said than done. They also never anticipated the game to be as successful as it is so at the time it probably wasn't high on the priority list. Now they pay Joel overtime (I hope) and can think about how to implement an automated script to adjust the game.

  • Austria — it’s time to join NATO
  • Unfortunately, I don't see any chance for that. The right wing nut job party is set to win the next elections and it is likely that the "moderate" party will form a coalition with them. Even suggesting to think about joining NATO at some point in the far future, would be political suicide.

  • Gemini: Who negatively impacted society more, Elon Musk or Hitler?
  • Why are you posting the hallucinations of an machine learning algorithm? Think for yourself for gods sake. I suggest you start your research here.

  • Here's what's new about the Fairphone 4 - Fairphone
  • I have a Fairphone 4 since release. There where some bugs for the first couple of months. Now everything works as it should and I have no complaints regarding day to day usage. I am not using my phone for much more than messaging, navigation and some light web browsing though, so my experience might not be representative.

  • Exposing the Color Blind Glasses Scam
    Jingle Jam 2023 - includes 70 games

    If you don't already know it, Jingle Jam is a two week long charity event by the Yogscast. You can donate to various charities and receive steam keys for 70 games.

    The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    DeArrow - A Browser Extension that removes clickbait titles and thumbnails DeArrow - A Browser Extension for Better Titles and Thumbnails

    DeArrow is a browser extension for replacing titles and thumbnails on YouTube with community created accurate versions. No more clickbait.

    DeArrow - A Browser Extension for Better Titles and Thumbnails

    The creators of SponsorBlock did it again, now we can crowdsource better titles and thumbnails as well. I just tried it with LinusTechTips who is a worst offender when it comes to clickbait and its really great.

    Compare without DeArrow ! and with the extension !

    Ukraine's Armed Forces advance another 1,400 metres on Bakhmut front Ukraine�s Armed Forces advance another 1,400 metres on Bakhmut front

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine were able to advance up to 1,400 metres on different parts of the Bakhmut front during the day, Serhii Cherevatyi, the spokesman for the eastern group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said.

    Ukraine�s Armed Forces advance another 1,400 metres on Bakhmut front
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